View Full Version : Picking up my first trike tomorrow

11-15-2005, 09:15 PM
ive been a member of this forum for quite some time now, but tomorrow i finally got a line on a trike that im going to purchase, its a 1982 Honda 200E (Big Red).

The Story on from what ive herd of it is :
Its been sitting since the first of this summer out behind a friends house because he was driving it home one night and it just locked up and he showed me the marks a while back where the wheels locked up. Automatically I thought the piston seized so when i showed up today to look at it i checked the oil and it was at the bottom of the X's on the dipstick so im hopeing its just the top end that needs rebuilt and not the crank.

My Plans For It
If its just the top end that is seized then im going to rebuild it and either sell it or keep it for myself or if the crank is gone then I plan on parting it out.

Ill post some picture for you guys

11-15-2005, 09:51 PM
What modle/make do you reckon it is timex69 ?


11-15-2005, 10:01 PM
What modle/make do you reckon it is timex69 ?


its a 1982 Honda 200E (Big Red).

^^^^^^^^^^^^ He must of edited it or ya didnt see that part :cool:

11-15-2005, 10:04 PM
Sounds like you have a good trike on your hands there if you can get it running, happy triking!

11-16-2005, 07:32 AM
Does wiseco make piston and crank kits for the Honda 200E, i looked in their catalog and didnt see one unless their called something else in the books, pictures to come in a few hours.


11-16-2005, 09:26 AM
Don't rule out rear axle bearings... locked up braks ( shoes off the liners. wedged into the drum ) etc.....

Can you pull the rope.. or is the rope stuck and not budging ?

remove the spark plug.. pour in a bit of crank oil into the hole.. try to free it up.

11-16-2005, 10:37 AM
"Don't rule out rear axle bearings... locked up braks ( shoes off the liners. wedged into the drum ) etc.....

Can you pull the rope.. or is the rope stuck and not budging ?

remove the spark plug.. pour in a bit of crank oil into the hole.. try to free it up."

Bigredhead: I must have frogot to mention, when i looked at the 3 wheeler i tried to pull it over but the pull chord wouldnt budge. Thats where i got my assumption either the crank or the piston was seized.

11-16-2005, 12:02 PM
Could be the timing chain that jumped and the piston is trying to push an open valve..

remove the pull start assembly and try turning the crank in reverse to see if it will budge !

11-16-2005, 04:07 PM
Don't forget to make sure it is in neutral. If something locked up in the drivetrain and it is still in neutral, it won't turn over.

11-16-2005, 08:09 PM
i've spent the last 2 hours trying to track down a truck to go and pick up my new 3 wheeler so i can figure out whats going on. I did find out a little bit more about the 3 wheeler tho. The guy said that once it quit and locked up on him that he got it started 1nce after then it seized solid after that. But thats all i can tell yas

11-16-2005, 09:15 PM
You may be able to free the piston in the topend. First take the plug out and spray wd40 or some other penetrating oil into the cylinder((leave plug out)) Second, after letting sit a half hour or more((more is allways better)) to out and remove the recoil((4-5 10mm bolts)) And find a good sized screwdriver. Third place the screwdriver into the recoil catch basket and turn the flywheel with the screwdriver in the catch basket. If dont get free first try, let sit longer and try again! do this a few times and you should be able to free it...

Keep in mind that freeing the piston is a necissary evil when taking the topend appart......