View Full Version : Big change in plans (read this)

11-09-2005, 08:14 PM
Well I have been buying 86 tecate parts for 2 weeks now, I was going to build one from scratch. So far I spent $315 dollars and got a complete engine, forks, tripples, frame, swingarm, axle, axle hub, wiring and footpegs. I thought this would be a cheap project since I am spending like $2500 or so to do the 250R. I made the mistake of telling my wife to take a look at ebay at the 86 tecate that was for sale. I'm sure you guys have seen it. Its the one in NY with the green and blue stripped seat and all the chrome on the engine. Real nice. It just ended. It was pick up only. Anyway, I told her that is the look I was going for. That was at 10:00pm IRAQ time. Well, I got back to my room and we got hit with motars. I had to gear up and sit in a bunker for a bit. I was thinking what a bad night, this sucks. So I couldn't go to sleep. After it was all clear I came back to the Operations center to go on my email for a bit. This was like 2:00am. 4 hours later. I see an email that says "suprise" I open it and its her saying that she bid on the tecate and won it for me. I almost fell out of my chair. I was actually mad for a second. She went up to $2360. Notice I was only mad for a second. I was shocked cause I spent so much money in the last 2 months its scary. I probally spent close to $1500 on plastic alone. I guess I am not going to complain though. Man, I guess if I get deployed every few years it won't be so bad. I got the wife buying me bikes. Go figure. So now I am stuck with all these other tecate parts that I have to sell and maybe get back some money. I guess it wasn't a bad night after all.


11-09-2005, 08:30 PM
WOW man! thats awesome!:w00t:

I would love to have a wife that would bid on tecates for me and spend that much. Thats sweet news, I would keep those extra parts just in case something happens, you can never have to many parts. Look at Howdy!:beer

Thats a cool story Denn.

11-09-2005, 08:48 PM
You are a true stud. Getting mortars thrown at you and you're sitting around daydreaming about trikes. :beer :TrikesOwn

11-09-2005, 08:49 PM
what branch are you, and whats your job

11-09-2005, 08:56 PM
I have to think about something to make the time go by. It might as well be trikes. The only problem I've found with it is themore I think about them the more I spend. I am starting to look at it as what the hell, I could get blown up tomorrow, I might as well be happy, right. I am a Staff Seargent in the National Guard, I am a 63b which is a Wheel Mechanic. I have been here for a year now and just extended for 6 more months. I need the money:-) I really can't wait to go home though. I am trying to get home for 2 weeks in dec. i am dying to see my stockpile of crap. I'll say this though, this board has helped me through some boring lonely nights. I am so grateful of this message board and all you guys on it. Keep posting.

Thanks Denn

11-09-2005, 09:02 PM
You are a true stud. Getting mortars thrown at you and you're sitting around daydreaming about trikes. :beer :TrikesOwn

Dammits right I concur

CONGRATS!!!!!. Be safe and get your but home soon to check out all you've acquired!!!

11-09-2005, 09:08 PM
Thats along time to be away. My brother in law served two 3 month tours. One in Iraq and one in kuwait. When he was in iraq he got mortared almost everyday. Thankfully its not as bad now.

11-09-2005, 09:11 PM
denn, Your over there fighting to keep our freedoms we have here. You have my respect! I only wished I could be there with you, but the military told me I couldn't ( medical ). If I or other here can help you let us know. In the mean time be safe! I look forward to meeting you when you get home. ;)

11-09-2005, 09:23 PM
thanks guys for the kind words. It is a long time to be gone, thats for sure. I have a son who is now 17 months old. I haven't seen him since he was 6 months old. That sucks. I got him a tri-zinger, this when when I get home I could teach him to ride. I hope I get home in Dec to pick it up for him. The national Guard does these 1 year deployments. Its rough. The extra 6 monts that I am staying is on me though. Its for a few reasons. As a national guard soldier you can only be deployed for a total of 2 years every five years. The extra 6 months will give me 19 months deployed time. So if they call us up again I won't be comming here. You have to train in the states for 2 months so that leaves 3 months left.. Even if they do send me here for those 3 months, I could do it with my eyes closed after this. This way I won't have to leave my son when he's 4. I figure I'm here already might as well get it over with. To howdy, I still have my 3 wheelerworld stickers you sent me in january. I stuck some on the tool box in my shop and on my humvee:-) I have to send you some pics. I will try tomorrow if I can. Take care guys.


11-09-2005, 10:42 PM
Congrats man. Its nice to have a woman like that.. Stay safe over there.

11-09-2005, 10:56 PM
Man this is the first time ive been to this part of the forum and you got me almost in tears keep it up man and be safe I know those people over there are ****** up get home ans stay home good luck man.

11-10-2005, 10:47 AM
That tecate is about a 20 min drive from me. I go to lowville every week to my moms house. That is a nice buy but you need to replace the rear fenders.

11-10-2005, 11:31 AM
God bless you Denn and may God keep you safe! Thanks for all you're doing over there! :beer

When you get back, go through your Tecate stock pile of parts and use all the best you have and sell the rest after that. You'll have one hell of a nice KXT. And keep the extra engine.

11-10-2005, 11:46 AM
That rules dude! Your wife rules.

Keep your head down and come home safe and THANK YOU for your service! :beer

11-11-2005, 10:27 AM
when you get home for good let me know,i wanna come over to ride and see this 250r you are building,be safe bro.

11-11-2005, 10:35 AM
I will definetly let you know when I get home for good. I am looking forward to going for a ride.

Thanks Denn

11-11-2005, 10:56 AM

Where are you from? If you need that Tecate picked up or stored; just let me know. It's the least I could do.... it'll be safe here on the farm for when you return. Keep up the fight over there.... take care and God bless!


11-11-2005, 11:41 AM
you must have one heck of a girl. im very jealous. she is awesome.

11-12-2005, 09:39 PM
Congrats man and THANKS for your service and stellar actions!!

BTW...I think your trike is my screen saver LOL....lucky dude!