View Full Version : Catwalks or jumping on this?? please help!

11-09-2005, 01:31 PM
can my 83 ytm200EK do jumps and catwalks SOrry to say but im new at this stuff

:TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :twisted: :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn

11-09-2005, 02:35 PM
Why don't you find out for yourself :naughty:

11-09-2005, 02:37 PM
because i dont want to go to the E.R. LOL

11-09-2005, 03:05 PM
they wheelie like nobodies business.
You can jump it if you want, but it hurts the back.

11-09-2005, 03:13 PM
Think about this. That YTM is a utility trike. It has a hard tail, its heavy and geared low. Why in the hell would you treat it like a sport trike? If that is what you want, sell the YTM and get a sport trike. All you will end up doing is hurting your self and more importantly, damaging the trike.

11-09-2005, 03:14 PM
sure, jumping them is fun (if you have a perfect spine and never take your feet off the pegs), repetative jumps, say anything more than 2 - 3 feet,(vertical) will fry the frame and axle in no time, make sure you have almost 0 air in the tires and land square on the arse end when you come down, Wheelies, (lifting the front end) hurts nothing unless you can do it for more than 10 minutes at a time, which may create a loss of oil in the top end, and its fun too! Its a mud / utility bike, go play in the mud.

11-09-2005, 08:37 PM
OK mudding sounds more fun!! there is a place we call the woods its a mud hole and cant wait till i get my carb needle so i can drive it in the rain and finally go muddin!

monster 84r
11-10-2005, 12:20 AM
mudding is a blast. i took my 250r out into our horse corrall when we had rain for 2 straight days. we had a good 5 inches of mud, i tore the place apart :twisted: i had a blast throwing mud in 2nd and 3rd, spinning my bald crappy cheng shin slicks.

11-10-2005, 11:23 AM
is mine a ek or e??? Its shaft driven and its a 83 so is it a ytm200EK or a
YTM200E??????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????

11-10-2005, 03:37 PM
because i dont want to go to the E.R. LOL

Das Rat man. dont do it. Get at least 6 months practice, maybe more, before trying that, and NOT on a hardtail. Without proper suspension, the tires take all the landing force and can throw you off in strange directions.

AFTER you get a machine thats got a good racing suspension, start with a "single," not a double. Make approaches and ride arounds and study it, gotta be able to see it in your head. Roll over it, a little faster each time until you get a little air, then practice landings. A double is nothing more than a single with more float time.

UNLESS you stick the front wheel(s) in the front of the double and guess what happens????:eek:

Also make dang sure both rear tires are same pressure.

Said by a former MX/hare scramble racer that very well remembers his first "air time."

"There's no time like air time, except hospital time."

Youll know it when youre ready.

Yep, you can go mudding with a vengence and practice "power slides" (my avitar picture is me in full lock slide on ice with studded tires) but DONT try the same things on dry ground!

11-10-2005, 04:48 PM
but DONT try the same things on dry ground!

Go on with ya, I do it all the time on the Tecate.

My 200EK was geared great for wheelies but sucked for jumps.

My Tecate is a world apart from the ol' 200 Yamaha we used for haulin logs. Get yourself a sport trike and you will feel the difference.


11-10-2005, 04:54 PM
. All you will end up doing is hurting your self and more importantly, damaging the trike.

Only on a trike forum.. :lol:

I love how the trike is more important than the rider !!!

11-10-2005, 07:59 PM
your trike is a 1983 YTM200E
the "K" stands for 1983, so you might see some places put YTM200EK, thats the same thing.
K - 83
L - 84
N - 85 and so on...

11-11-2005, 10:24 AM
"Go on with me" Naw, I dont think so, I have way too much experience, racing included, to "go on." An inexperienced rider will find is real easy to power slide in the mud because theres not much traction, but try that on hard pack and the wheels will dig in and high side. Doesnt matter whether you can do it or not, this thread isnt about you.

11-11-2005, 05:11 PM
lol good point geek thanks

02-23-2006, 10:55 AM
mudding is a blast. i took my 250r out into our horse corrall when we had rain for 2 straight days. we had a good 5 inches of mud, i tore the place apart :twisted: i had a blast throwing mud in 2nd and 3rd, spinning my bald crappy cheng shin slicks.

Dude... No offense, But I wonder how many inches of that was not mud. :lol:

eeeeewwwww!!! :rolleyes:

02-23-2006, 11:12 AM
My YTM is a blast to wheelie. it is almost unstoppable in mud. i took it through a creek one time. the water was almost past the seat and my feet were up on the bars. it kept on going. i wish i had a video camera but i forgot it. it was a blast. i went through the creek all day and never got stuck. of course, ill never do that again with it. i just restored it and i couldnt bear to get it muddy.

02-23-2006, 05:09 PM
POPPYCOCK!!!! Suspension is for sissies!

02-23-2006, 06:32 PM
the 350x will wheelie better than that yamahauler

Red Rider
02-23-2006, 06:34 PM
can my 83 ytm200EK do jumps and catwalks ...What I want to know is, when did they start calling wheelies catwalks? I hear my friends kids & neighbor's kids call them catwalks, but I'm sorry, that just sounds lame to me. I guess I'm getting old. Let me know when the term "stoppie" officially changes to "catstop" or "buckin' bronco."

02-25-2006, 11:24 PM
What I want to know is, when did they start calling wheelies catwalks? I hear my friends kids & neighbor's kids call them catwalks, but I'm sorry, that just sounds lame to me. I guess I'm getting old. Let me know when the term "stoppie" officially changes to "catstop" or "buckin' bronco."

haha I guess we called what we did on bicycles catwalks. going down the road on one tire at a high rate of speed.

but if it has a engine it's a wheelie!!!!


02-26-2006, 10:31 AM
go tim!! representing old school yo'! lol i jump my hardtail, as long as you know what your doing its fine.. but oo thta landing can be rough lol. but enjoy that mudd. because thats why god made 3 wheelers.


02-26-2006, 09:05 PM
[QUOTE=TeamGeek6]"Go on with me" Naw, I dont think so, I have way too much experience, racing included, to "go on." An inexperienced rider will find is real easy to power slide in the mud because theres not much traction,\

hmm,thats funny,your from ohio,and race all the time,or have all this expernice.:confused: ,i have never seen you at one of our outings.suit up bud,and come out and play:p ]