View Full Version : The Taurus ATC

02-19-2003, 04:09 PM
Well awhile ago I learned that one of my buddies had owned one of these rare machines.I figuered id share a little info on how he came to have it and what he did with it. A- friend of mine Mike had one of these trikes givin to him!! , his friends dad gave it to him because he didnt want his son to ride it anymore because of a recent accident he had on it,Any way Mike greatfully exepted (not knowing it was a rare machine) He and his family went on a riding trip near the Grand Canyon in wich mike took his new found buddy out to ride for the weekend,while riding across what he discribed as brush he hit a rock goin somewhere between 30 to 40mph well i guess it was a pretty big rock becaues he went flying to hit the ground and breaking his arm in 7 places and hurtins his leg. As for the atv well, it left it at the bottom of the gorge it had fliped off as he didnt really care about it at the time of his arm being smashed. luckaly his dad and a few friends where trailing behind and loaded him into the truck and shiped him off to the closest hospital there (never been around there so i dont know where he flipped it off or anything like that otherwise I would have made a road trip ----- :-D All he could tell me was that it was a 650 machine and it had a key igition...i dont recall the shape it was it when he receved it but i will ask him for pictures if he has any.

mike from long island
02-19-2003, 05:51 PM
are you saying he left the machine behind!!!! my god thats crazy, but i guess when your hurt you dont give a crap!!!! hope he healed well. but hey what can ya say. i have heard of people leaving stuff or throwing it out for some crazy reason. you just need to be there when they do!!! lol hope you turn something up later :-D

02-20-2003, 03:47 PM
From what i have gathered...for being 650cc machines, Tauruses werent power houses at all (nor speed demons in any fashion), but id love to own one jsut to own it and have an automatic tranny.

A guy form another board, Levi, found one and took some pics of it. He is in canada and the machine was for sale real cheap (like $1800 if i recall correctly). He also tells me that parts are still available for em.


02-20-2003, 09:13 PM
Yea but the machines were quite bigger then a big red from what he told me after seeing my old 1983 200e

Ace Mon
02-24-2003, 12:20 PM
8 hp ????? What kind of carb did it have a cox ????

02-24-2003, 01:50 PM
$1800 isn't a good deal at all to me when you can buy an excelent 350x or 250r or any other trike for that. The reason I say this is because new that Taurus probably only cost $1200-1400 or so, and it is just like a 3 wheeled riding mower without the deck basically, it had a lawnmower motor in it,I doubt you could even get it into the woods around here where I live.

02-24-2003, 06:45 PM
I still wanna know where this one they abandoned is!

02-24-2003, 08:47 PM
Ill have to ask him about that carb ...i dotn think hell know b/c hes really not that machanical. and as for the site where they left it at lol i know its a few minutes away from the grand canyon and that it was a camp ground site