View Full Version : K&N VS Uni air filter

02-19-2003, 01:17 AM
Which is the best air filter?

02-19-2003, 02:42 AM
UNI makes foam filters which I think are better.

ATC crazy
02-19-2003, 12:33 PM
K&N are the best! They also have the outerwears so you dont have to clean it as often. They also flow more air.

02-19-2003, 12:36 PM
If I was to put a Uni filter on my trike, would it have more airflow? I don't have a K&N available for me. :x

02-19-2003, 12:44 PM
Don't get a K&N air filter. I work at an ATV shop and Mike, the owner told me what to tell people if they ask for a K&N. He said they do flow more air, but they also let fine particles of dust and sand in, even with an outerwear. He said he's torn a lot of engines down that were full of dirt or sand, and he'll go look in the airbox and it has a K&N on it. I actually had K&N's before because I thought they were really good, but now switching to UNI air filters. They don't flow quite as much air, but to trap more dirt and particles than the K&N does. I'm just going off of what he said. He's been a mechanic for aroun 15-20 years now, so I'm going to believe him... Hope this helps.


02-19-2003, 01:15 PM
Don't get a K&N air filter. I work at an ATV shop and Mike, the owner told me what to tell people if they ask for a K&N. He said they do flow more air, but they also let fine particles of dust and sand in, even with an outerwear. He said he's torn a lot of engines down that were full of dirt or sand, and he'll go look in the airbox and it has a K&N on it. I actually had K&N's before because I thought they were really good, but now switching to UNI air filters. They don't flow quite as much air, but to trap more dirt and particles than the K&N does. I'm just going off of what he said. He's been a mechanic for aroun 15-20 years now, so I'm going to believe him... Hope this helps.


I agree, increased air flow means bigger openings and more dirt...

02-19-2003, 01:33 PM
Plus uni's are mucho cheaper!!!

02-19-2003, 02:59 PM
I agree with that theeechozen1, there is a $20 difference between the uni and k&n for a tri z. I think i'll go with the uni! :-D

02-19-2003, 04:52 PM
K&n will flow much better then a uni filter. but like everyone is saying..they could let small particles of dirt in..and if your realy worried about dirt..hell go with a stock filter.. k&n sponcers me in racing so thats the only filter i run. its also one of the best. but i also have my engine rebuilt after 3 races...so i dont have to worry about the scrathes..but for trikes..i would say if your in dusty places go with the uni or a stock..but if you drag on the road or not much dirt..the k
&n would be a better choice for power