View Full Version : Girlfriend's first ride

10-24-2005, 10:53 AM
Just wanted to make mention of how happy I was this weekend. Other than just riding loops around my house (very flat), this was my girlfriends first trail ride. She has little to NO atv'ing experience, and none on 3 wheels. She did awesome on her Auto-X. She was actually even getting some air on the auto-X at a little play place we stopped at. Probably about 15 feet long (and 1 foot off the ground) I wish I would have had a camera- but I didn't. I'll be sure to get some pics next time we ride. Just wanted to mention this. It's cool to have a girl to go riding with. This is another activity you can do with your significant other that you can brag to your buddies about :naughty: Just wanted to share this with you all.

10-24-2005, 01:22 PM
Your lucky to have a girl that likes riding. Nuf' said.

10-24-2005, 02:29 PM
Oh contrare... It is also a good way to get rid of your ole lady for a while too! :welcome: anyway that x is very slick. nice work.

10-24-2005, 02:52 PM
you both have your points, lol but its also a good way to get revenge, roost her! lol
my girl enjoys riding the 200x and my 450r, but she is scared $hitless fo my 2 strokes, and how many times i ahve to explain it why my lil 250 blows away the big 450 out in the trails lol but shes a good girl and treats me well so i am more than happy with her, and tim your girls ride looks awesome, and we will have to come on up and ride the dirtroads for a weekend or 2 in the spring.

10-24-2005, 04:08 PM
I wish I could get my wife interested. I would really like her go go riding wirh me. I'd have to get a four wheeler for her. But that would be okay. Since she had to quit working because of her diabetes its hard to get her out of the house. Maybe once we get the grown kids and grandkids back in their own places she will go camping and riding again.

10-24-2005, 06:17 PM
Lol....I got my girl to ride my R once. I puposely told her if I gets away from her to use the clutch and brake at same time....well she didnt and grabbed the clutch. Lets just say she hit the basketball hoop! MUHAHAHA lol...but shes ok and so is the trike, and yes, she still rides

BTW...That auto X is a really slick looking machine!!

10-25-2005, 10:14 AM
Thet auto x is preety wicked, where did * get that black plastic

10-25-2005, 10:19 AM
Thet auto x is preety wicked, where did * get that black plastic

Rears came from Maier-MFG. Front Fender, Tank Shrouds, and Headlight Bucket were painted with Krylon Fusion plastic paint.

10-25-2005, 11:42 AM
Great ride, I absolutly love riding with my girl, she loves riding my 200s, but is just waiting for me to finish the 250sx that I got that she laid claim on as soon as she saw it. The first time she rode, she got nervous and didnt turn and went right into a pine tree and a fence, but I helped her off and she got right back on and has be loving it ever since. She also found out that she has an extreme love for Mud, she hits it and just loves flinging it everywhere including on herself.

10-25-2005, 01:38 PM
Congrats man. If she's anything like us guys she will fall inlove and never beable to get off the trike. A activity like this is really good for a relationship. Something both of you love doing. I would love to have a girlfriend that wasn't afriad of doing something like this. But around here, good like finding that girl.

10-25-2005, 02:52 PM
we shoudl organis ea small group ride and have the girls ride with us lol

10-25-2005, 03:12 PM
we shoudl organis ea small group ride and have the girls ride with us lol

Not a bad idea....Anyone want to ride near central PA? Anyone have significant others that ride?

10-25-2005, 03:27 PM
hey does that paint on them fenders hold up good to scratches or does it peel off or anyhting like that, because after seeing that pic of urs i was thinking bout paitng mine up, it looks preety sweet

250r'en +TCB
10-25-2005, 03:33 PM
I take girls for rides on my R a lot. It's fun to share the expierence I guess, I know of coarse you should NEVER ride 2 people, but hey....
Anyway, you take it slow at first, first maybe second.....then you ask them to go a "little faster", if they say yes tell them to hold on, get to a clearing, slap it in forth and just grab a handful of throttle!!! Make sure to get a couple good breaths of air first though, because when they sqeeze you won't have the option to!!!
^^^ thats a reeeeeeeeeeeally good way to impress teenage girls!!!

10-25-2005, 04:24 PM
hey does that paint on them fenders hold up good to scratches or does it peel off or anyhting like that, because after seeing that pic of urs i was thinking bout paitng mine up, it looks preety sweet

So far so good. I have NEVER-EVER been a fan of painting fenders, and still am not - I think IMO it looks tacky. However for this project, being the rear fenders are the real deal black plastic, I guess it's better.

I'll be cleaning it up from the weekend "mud" ride this week and let you know how scratched it got. That Krylon Fusion paint actually "bonds" to plastic, so I am assuming it'll hold up pretty good. Purely speculation right now though.

11-01-2005, 03:05 AM
I cant get my girl to ride at all, she's looped the back yard a couple times, and never made it past the middle of second gear(she started in second). On the other hand, riding is about the only time i can get away so, 6 of one half dosen of the other I guess.

11-01-2005, 08:48 AM
We all know what riding and girls is going to lead to.lol

Ow ya almost forgot:beer :beer :beer :beer :w00t:

monster 84r
11-01-2005, 08:41 PM
^^^ thats a reeeeeeeeeeeally good way to impress teenage girls!!!

:beer :beer haha yeah, i had a girl from my high school go for a ride around the neighborhood with me on the 'r. i had her sit in front of me, and as soon as i hit our back street, i dumped the clutch and pulled the baddest 3rd gear wheelie. it wasnt too high, but it was up for a good 75ft. she was half horrified, half amazed. i putted around then got it up into 4th on a straightaway. haha she had a blast though.

she said afterwards 'i didnt think those things went that fast' :TrikesOwn

btw, we both wore helmets, and im a responsible driver before im a show-offy15 year old. hahaha.

wheelie king
11-01-2005, 09:01 PM
Always good for what I call the "CDI factor"

"CDI" = Chicks Dig It!!! :beer

11-01-2005, 10:32 PM
lol i had my streetbike and impressed alot of girls, a cbr1100 will do a 130+ mph wheelie lol and most of the girls left b/c they tought i was crazy:crazy:

11-04-2005, 06:36 PM
my g/f also loves to ride, but i live a good ways away from most on here, in NC she dosn't ride my 350X much at all, but she likes the blue 110 I got for her a while back, and the warrior
go to www.buscobeach.com and click on the pink writing at the bottom right to see her on her ride, the 110 isin't there b/c it was out of comission for a while until TODAY!! (had to cream the tank, it was screaming by it's self and found it was not a air leak, it was just shooting crap in the carb every time i pulled the rope) so its running fine now, just got off of it.

11-04-2005, 08:25 PM
My girl loves riding my trike and Other toy lol if you cath my drift