View Full Version : 86 250r mods...

02-18-2003, 05:05 PM
what are some typical things u can do to this bike to get a significant increase in horsepower/torque/speed

02-18-2003, 05:20 PM
Pipe (add an airfilter and rejet with that).

Gearing and tire sizes will greatly affect how your bike acts.


Larger Carb.

The best mod for any machine is a decal that says "N.O.S. Nitrous Oxide Systems". :D

02-18-2003, 05:54 PM
Cant say from experience but I heard the Air Styker carb is an impressive mod.

02-18-2003, 05:55 PM
atcryder beat me to it, drop that rear sprocket 2 or 3 teeth and it will fly without losing bottom end. other simple bolt-ons are, reeds, bigger carb or re jet, pipe k&n air filter. mix in some race fuel

02-18-2003, 07:27 PM
actualy there are a lot of mod's it depends on your budget and what type of performance your looking for. I don't suggest changing gearing unless your happy with how much power you have it won't add power just change your crusing speed's in each gear a little.
first on every list sould be a pipe. depending on your prefernces you have several choices. I found I like esr's atc 5(cost is 210 from esr) pipe's best and there are quite a few people here that like them as well.they are a very good all around pipe. with this mod I would also put on a k&n filter or a similiar filter.
next carb's are a good area to go. the carb make desn't matter so much it's just a choice of preferences. however the carb size does. a 36mm will add a bite on your top end with out killing your bottom end. however a 39 will add a good bite on your top end but the bottom end suffer's a little bite.(this is on a stock motor with few mods however your mod's can offset this.) I use both in differnt setup's and found addvatages and disadvantages to both. a new carb will run you about 200 buck's as well.
anoither good mod is are the reeds. delta force reed's are great for a higher rpm range. they hit hard and run. cr reed's are also a good altenavtive and a cheaper one at 45 buck's compared to delta force reed's at a 130. the cr reeds are more bottom end and won't give you a hard hit but a smother power band. I've used both of these as well and like them both in ther given set up.
other mod's you can do that can help hp is porting. having the head shaved or even runnig a cr250 hed gasket(boost compression aka a thinner gasket) the shaving and porting you'll want a good shop to preform for you but the head gasket is easly done by your self.

sorry for teh long book but I hope this give's you a idea a little bite of what you can do and how it will affect your performance.

02-18-2003, 09:27 PM
In regards to carburetor selection, I recommend both the Keihin 38mm Air Striker, and buying one from ESR. For $199 + shipping, it came pre-jetted and with a billet jet board containing 9 extra main jets. An excellent value in my opinion. I believe it's a little bit much for an otherwise stock motor, but it is a necessary piece of the beast I intend to build. I've also installed a Motion Pro twist throttle today, but that's more personal preference/comfort than a performance mod.

Future mods will include:
1.Exhaust(Paul Turner Hi-Rev/Fat Boy silencer)
2.Reeds(either Boyesen Pro Series or an aftermarket cage assembly)
3.Porting/head mods(Paul Turner mid range-top end)
4.Magura hydraulic clutch system(MAYBE!)

Maybe a big-bore kit one day...who knows. :-D

02-19-2003, 09:37 AM
i have a 86r

bored.80 over
fmf pipe/ silencer
14/36 sprocket ratio
intake with 6 reeds.
shaved head..

what else can i do to make this bike faster... i already raced a stock 2003 banshee..( i bust him wide open . he got pretty close in 1st through 4th but when i hit 5th and 6th... bye bye!!!)

but what other mods can i do... i want this bike to be scary fast...

02-19-2003, 10:40 AM
and/or a big-bore kit
remove weight from the machine
better ignition

02-19-2003, 07:54 PM
if you want scarey fast you'll be shelling out some money for some motor mod's. dave at mp racing is the god of a 250r motor. he can build about anything you dream up. I would get a carb install and then have him build you a motor. I would go big bore but it depends on what your looking to get performance wise. esr also sell's bigbore kit's too which arn't a bad bolt on but dave will custom machine your bottom end for ya and squeeze every last drop of power out of it.

02-20-2003, 10:15 PM
how much is the big bore kit for this bike...

02-20-2003, 10:44 PM
I am running an ESR 330cc Pro-X kit and I am very happy with the results. It smokes my friends' 250r's and one of them has the identical combo except he is running a FTZ ported 250cc machine and I really out accelerate him and then I just pull away on top. The two machines have the same carb, pipe, reed cage, gearing, tire size, silencers, I really mean they are identical exept for the cylinder. ESR's web site is www.ESR250.com. I hope I was allowed to post that, I see others posting links so I guess it is OK.


02-21-2003, 01:36 PM
Put a pilot cylinder on it :shock: that should give ya some extra ponies ;)

02-21-2003, 07:25 PM
Yeah but that requires case mods and a stroker crank. Not to mention a bunch of cash. The 330 kit bolted right on and came in right around $1000 for everything.
