View Full Version : First Snow of the Year!!

10-05-2005, 08:06 PM
I woke up this morning to a lawn full of snow.
The power was off most of the day.
I'm getting ready to pull the sled out and put the trikes away (except the yamahauler)
I havent put the ski on the front of my bike yet, but It will help greatly with turning.
Those bearclaws get awesome traction in snow, almost too good, it's hard to get into a good donut.

Here a pic of a wheelie in my front yard just before heading to work.


Anyone else getting snow yet?

10-05-2005, 08:17 PM
:w00t: Yes! snows coming! no snow here yet but soon. ill have to put the jdx8d together! :beer

10-05-2005, 08:19 PM
its 93 degrees here in socal... not a chance lol im jealous

10-05-2005, 08:27 PM
wow now that is slushy snow. Need powder :w00t: We havent any snow here in PA yet but in another 2 months we may :lol:

10-05-2005, 08:35 PM
Ya, the snow kind of sucks right now. It's too warm right now, I think it was -3*C.
Still fun though!

10-05-2005, 08:45 PM
Holy smoley it's like 80 degrees here! Man you are lucky. :D

10-05-2005, 08:46 PM
0 is freezing right (water freezing point)?

10-05-2005, 08:46 PM
of coarse its great untill you have to shovel it all or snowblow it all. lol! and the freaze point is 32deg. fareinheight. 0deg. celcius i think.

10-05-2005, 08:48 PM
0 is freezing right (water freezing point)?
In C yes, F= 9/5 (C) + 32 ;)

10-05-2005, 09:56 PM
How can you tell that Yamahauler lives in Manitoba??? Haha all of my family is from Manitoba so we know what it is like there in winter!!! We haven't had any snow yet here, some serious frost this morning though, it was -5 when I left for school. Pretty much every plant out here is frozen except for the good old coniferous trees!

10-05-2005, 10:05 PM
Hey Pistonhead, where abouts in mb does you family live?

Its too windy right now to go out and rip around in the snow, it'll pierce through any jacket!

10-05-2005, 10:07 PM
Good thing you got that clutch fixed! I love winter riding, that is when I do most of my riding. Nothin' like sliding around in some fresh powder.

10-05-2005, 10:19 PM
god i cant wait til i can try my 350x in the snow

10-05-2005, 10:38 PM
Holy smoley it's like 80 degrees here! Man you are lucky. :D

WOW, it get's that warm up there? LOL It has been in teh low 90's here and if we get snow, this town will shut down until it melts which is usualy, one day lol

10-06-2005, 01:17 AM
No landing snow here yet, just the stuff that melts as soon as it lands. I dont like snow, snow means that the trails are for snow mobiles only, big fines for riding those nicely groomed trails around here, and good luck outrunning a the police Arctic Cat 1000 sleds on a trike. All you can do is keep moving until the Arctic Scrap eventually breaks down or runs out of gas.

3 weelin geezer
10-06-2005, 01:21 AM
None here in sunny San Diego. Its getting a little nippy at 5:00 in the morning though. I don't think it has snowed in Texas.

10-06-2005, 09:03 AM
I hope we get some snow this year. Last winter we got very little. I got the new to me 4X4 and the trike. I'm ready.

10-06-2005, 10:12 AM
Over here in saskatchewan (Marquis area) we were suppose to get snow flurries and stuff but we did get any but im stil waiting for it to fall,

straight pipe
10-06-2005, 01:23 PM
you're lucky you got to ride a bit i wanted to, but the shop is too busy right now. i can't wait for the rivers to freeze and i hope that happens before a major snow storm so we can ride on a smooth river with 2-3" of powder...MAAAAN that is fun, going in 3rd gear and cutting the steering and nailing the gas you can cut 3 donuts sliding before you slow down. wooo hooo!!!

10-06-2005, 01:26 PM
you're lucky you got to ride a bit i wanted to, but the shop is too busy right now. i can't wait for the rivers to freeze and i hope that happens before a major snow storm so we can ride on a smooth river with 2-3" of powder...MAAAAN that is fun, going in 3rd gear and cutting the steering and nailing the gas you can cut 3 donuts sliding before you slow down. wooo hooo!!!
Do they go on many winter atv rides on trackshare?
I think I'm going on the Kola derby, I dont care if it sucks, I just want to ride!

10-06-2005, 01:57 PM
For me it was way to soon to here that word because I :mad: hate snow. You have to put on layers of clothes, your vehical always is dirty and if you do clean it, it will surely snow again. Then the salt speeds up the rust process and your car depriciates in value, then you get a storm and lose electric for a day and freeze to death and since my garage is heated all the snow melts off, which is a good thing but since the floor slopes the wrong way it flows IN to my garage so I have to sqeegie it out. Snow is not welcome where I live at all. :banned:

I :mad: hate snow. I :mad: hate snow . I :mad: hate snow!

10-06-2005, 03:43 PM
For me it was way to soon to here that word because I :mad: hate snow. You have to put on layers of clothes, your vehical always is dirty and if you do clean it, it will surely snow again. Then the salt speeds up the rust process and your car depriciates in value, then you get a storm and lose electric for a day and freeze to death and since my garage is heated all the snow melts off, which is a good thing but since the floor slopes the wrong way it flows IN to my garage so I have to sqeegie it out. Snow is not welcome where I live at all. :banned:

I :mad: hate snow. I :mad: hate snow . I :mad: hate snow!

Lol :lol: where i live i get like 3 feet every night, and the power never works here from the weather! :rolleyes:

10-06-2005, 03:52 PM
. Snow is not welcome where I live at all. :banned:

I :mad: hate snow. I :mad: hate snow . I :mad: hate snow!

I'm withcha there buddy !... i hate the white stuff too !

It has it's moments.. like 2 % of the time that i actually don't mind it.. but the rest of the time... i could live without !

When all that crap starts to melt.. and it gets cold at night to give you a thick crust.. the SX is a blast to ride around all over the place.. thru the woods etc.... but that's it.

10-06-2005, 04:47 PM
im psyched for this winter...i get to take my storm 800 out!!!! its supposed to be awesome in tug hill this year(for the NY guys), because lake ontario is quite a few degrees above normal which translates into more evaporation and for a longer amount of time which=lots of snow.

10-06-2005, 04:48 PM
snows welcome here, ice fishing, sleds, skiing my favorite time of the year

10-06-2005, 04:48 PM
I'm withcha there buddy !... i hate the white stuff too !

It has it's moments.. like 2 % of the time that i actually don't mind it.. but the rest of the time... i could live without !

When all that crap starts to melt.. and it gets cold at night to give you a thick crust.. the SX is a blast to ride around all over the place.. thru the woods etc.... but that's it.

Yea, your right, it does have it's moments for sure! When it 1st snows and it is all white, that is very beautiful and fun to dick around with the wheelers in but the only problem there is if it does it while at work, all the roads are plowed and it's not nice to look at any more by the time I get home and I don't even get a chance to go road crusing on my trike.

We get a lousy 3" and everyone :eek: panicks :eek: around where I live and whines that the road isn't plowed yet and they can't get their milk, eggs and bread :lol: .

If it was an area where there was always snow on the ground and the roads actuallt stayed white for weeks I'd like the stuff even more but that's rare where I live that it happens but we did have one winter not too long ago where we had snow the whole season and that wasn't too bad.

I did family tubing (one of those moments you mentioned) in those huge ones that hold 6 people or so and to my amazment that was a blast and admit on the way there I had the additude "this is going to be stupid :rolleyes: " and I was wrong!

10-06-2005, 04:52 PM
snows welcome here, ice fishing, sleds, skiing my favorite time of the year

Ice fishing...........isn't that boring, sitting by a hole? :wondering

..........or do you sit by the hole with a brewski or two? :lol:

10-06-2005, 05:15 PM
I cant wait for snow! I got the Chrysler sno-runner to try out :twisted: and the SXs are itching to make some rooster tails, well I'M itching to make some rooster tails! :w00t:

10-06-2005, 05:17 PM
I love snow! Opens up the frozen lakes, more places to ride!

10-06-2005, 05:59 PM
Im from Texas, What the Hell is snow????

10-06-2005, 06:38 PM
haha ice fishing aint bad, i dont drink but i still find it fun. we get about 5 people out each fishing 5 traps in a nice 90 degree shack when its 10 below, and we eat like royalty its great.

10-06-2005, 06:45 PM
doesnt it melt the ice your setting on? I have always wondered that

10-06-2005, 06:47 PM
doesnt it melt the ice your setting on? I have always wondered that

Yeah, me too? :confused:

10-06-2005, 06:49 PM
The ice is a few feet thick, it would take a lon long time to melt right through.

10-06-2005, 07:17 PM
The ice is a few feet thick, it would take a lon long time to melt right through.

I should hope so! :lol:

10-06-2005, 07:20 PM
haha ice fishing aint bad, i dont drink but i still find it fun. we get about 5 people out each fishing 5 traps in a nice 90 degree shack when its 10 below, and we eat like royalty its great.

That sort of sounds cool! How do you get the "shack" out there, by a 3 wheeler?

Fishing "traps"..........what are they? I thought you just dropped a line down? :confused:

Have any interesting pictures ? What's tha largest fish (no lies now :lol: ) you caught and what kind?

10-06-2005, 07:27 PM
Sweet pic. I took a second and adjusted the levels for you. Donate it to Breastman for that calender he wants to do. You could be Miss January! :lol: :beer

10-06-2005, 07:38 PM
:w00t: I'm in Omaha Ne. and personally I don't kow what it is to have to much snow it's the only thing I look foward to here. Plus it is the first time I have a three wheeler (200m) so I hope it will be alot of fun :naughty: :w00t:

10-06-2005, 10:45 PM
Hey Pistonhead, where abouts in mb does you family live?

Its too windy right now to go out and rip around in the snow, it'll pierce through any jacket!

I got family in Winnipeg and out near Steinbach.

10-06-2005, 10:47 PM
Speaking of Steinbach, Yamahauler if your ever through there, Bill's honda in town there has some nice restored ATC's!

10-06-2005, 11:22 PM
Ya, I'll have to remember that.
I never go to Steinbach, but if Im ever there, I'll be sure to go.

10-07-2005, 11:12 AM
i dont have much luck fishing but ive caught a 23 inch pickerel, 21 inch lake trout, it wont melt the ice because the shack is up off the ice by 10 inches or so, drag out with snowmobile. and the ice gets about 3-3 1/2 feet thick out here and we have bonfires right on top of it. it only usually melts the ice down 3-4 inches. all the heat rises away from the ice and snow is an insulator so it has to get through the hard packed snow first. i dont have any pictures cause im too cheap to buy a camera but the traps are basically three sticks. 2 to lay across the hole to keep it from falling in and one that the reel and flag are attatched to. the reel is on the very bottom of the stick and you drop your line and hook with a live minnow on it to the desired depth and set the trigger assembly. as soon as the fish takes the line it trips the flag and you run as fast as you can (or ride) out to it and pull the fish up. each person is allowed 5 traps up here, 3 for some lakes. you drill the hole with a 10 inch ice auger powered by a 3 horsepower briggs and stratton.

10-07-2005, 11:19 AM
THATS AWSOME, i have Bear Claws TOO WOOOHOOO...no ski though :(

10-07-2005, 01:37 PM
Definately can't wait for winter, get the sleds back out and the studded tires for the r and do some trail riding and drag racing. Im itching to go seeing the snow pics.

10-07-2005, 01:59 PM
It must be nice to have good sleds. I just got my piece of crap.

I cant complain though, its a 1980 and its still on original pistons, the motors never been opened. She's got lots of miles on it too. Its a very reliable piece of crap.

Here my brother jumping it, makes for a rough landing without suspension.


10-07-2005, 02:17 PM
It don't matter old or new as long as your out having fun.

10-07-2005, 02:35 PM
We call those ball slappers. Because without the rear suspension its a rough ride. My pantera 440 1985 has no suspension. But it was still fast and fun. Up here in the northeast winter is terrible. Last year we got 4 noreasters. 3 dumping 2 1/2 feet plus each. You can't even snow mobile in that deep of snow. So i'm always stuck doing nothing all winter. But this year if theres any state of emergencies. I'm taking my future R out on some road trips :D

10-07-2005, 03:22 PM
I love snow! Opens up the frozen lakes, more places to ride!
YES! I love snow. Being in the "great white north" as some of you would call it. Fun to take the trikes out on ice(pond), find some traction on snow launch through all gears then find some ice and pitch her sideways and hope to god you dont find some snow to get traction or you will be, well you get the point. :lol:

I love snow! :p

10-08-2005, 12:31 AM
Snow wheelies before work. Dude, that is awesome! I am a bit of a cold weather wuss though, looks chilly! :beer

3 weelin geezer
10-09-2005, 11:16 AM
Ice fishing...........isn't that boring, sitting by a hole? :wondering

..........or do you sit by the hole with a brewski :beer or two? :lol:

You got it! Thats what makes it fun. But it helps to bring a buddy or two. Especially when its not your mother in law :banned: :w00t: :lol: . Now if you have a nice heated shack without some bum inside then you are all set. Leave the t.v. at home.