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10-03-2005, 08:58 PM
I'm trying to get my rotor/flywheel off my 200m and don't have a puller any suggestions

10-03-2005, 09:00 PM
I just tapped around the flywheel with a hammer and then just pulled while someone hammered the shaft piece thingy.

Jim mac
10-03-2005, 09:28 PM
if the flywheel rotor like the flywheel on a 200S? I really don't recomment hitting anyshaft with a hammer, go to auto zone rent a harmonic balancer puller and the right size bolts, you'll thank yourself later, when you don't have a bent shaft Jim

10-03-2005, 09:38 PM
if the flywheel rotor like the flywheel on a 200S? I really don't recomment hitting anyshaft with a hammer, go to auto zone rent a harmonic balancer puller and the right size bolts, you'll thank yourself later, when you don't have a bent shaft Jim

It is actually more like a 200x. You just have to thread the puller / bolt into the center of the flywheel. Tighten the bolt up pretty tight and then lightly tap the the end of the bolt. Then tighten it more, and tap it again, repeat until it pops off. ;)

10-03-2005, 09:59 PM
Yup Howdy is right just go to a part store and get a large metric bolt to thread into the end of the flywheel shaft and tighten alittle and tap and repeat until it pops off. I can't remember what size it is so get a few metric bolts 14 15 16mm thread with the standard pitch. The 200s models requires the other puller which are usually very cheap at any atv shop. Hitting the crankshaft isn't the way to go and when you tap the bolt use a rubber mallet to prevent any damage. I'll take a pic of the bolt and the flywheel in a minute. Goodluck :TrikesOwn

10-03-2005, 10:07 PM
Here the pic of the bolt I use on my Big red when I rebuilt the motors. Very cheap and effective way to remove it without paying alot for the same basic tool.

10-04-2005, 12:19 AM
I got'er done :w00t: here is how it played out -- 1st I took the frontaxle bolt out and used it as puller bolt (thread was perfect) 2nd I threaded it into the hole, a problem arose when i couldn't get it tight enough. I ended up using vice grips on rotor ( I am using a different rotor anyways - I recomend using something between the jaws and rotor to prevent possible damage to rotor ) once I was able to get the bolt tighter I just tapped the end with hammer, tightened again and then tapped it did this about three times and it came right out tomorrow I will finnesh putting it back together and will let yall know how it turns out. Thanks to Everyone that helped :beer

10-04-2005, 01:14 AM
Sweet I never thought of the front axle. Make sure you have the woodruff key aligned with the keyway when installing and use a rubber mallet not a hard metal hammer. Goodluck to you.

10-04-2005, 08:12 AM
thanks brendan got it covered, oh and the front axle was Howdy's idea I'll post when I get it running