View Full Version : East coast trike show

09-27-2005, 09:07 AM
I thought that would be cool to have sometime, just like a car show.

A once a year thing where we can vote on the nicest trike, ratiest trike, most personalized trike, nicest trike hauler set up, nicest looking wife :naughty: , and so on.

I'd love to spend a day just walking around checking them all out instead of pictures all the time.

We could pick a centralized east coast state to have it at. A bit like trike fest I guess but they would be clean the whole day for once. Maybe have a show day and ride day?

Maybe my idea is too close to the trike fest thing but thought I'd give it a mention.

09-27-2005, 09:18 AM
Ya'we should have it here in West Ossipee N.H.

09-27-2005, 09:27 AM
Ya'we should have it here in West Ossipee N.H.

I wouldn't call that centralized, don't be creedy edog :lol:

Have it in PA, where I live.

09-27-2005, 09:35 AM
Yea, right inside your garage! How many you got now?

Seriously though... There's alot of people on these boards from Pa, NY, and Ohio.

09-27-2005, 12:27 PM
how about have it in Virginia where i live

09-27-2005, 12:39 PM
how about have it out neasr trevorton,pa. pretty central location, not too far from ohio, and not too far from ny or virginia or md or anywher eliek that.

09-27-2005, 08:03 PM
I would enjoy some kind of east coast event. A show with maybe some kind of swap meet also. Instead of shipping parts, maybe bring something cool home. Maybe the miltech racing guys could bring some of their stuff down and show it off. It could be cool. Maybe have a small ride or have it somewhere that you could ride. I'm sure someone on here would have to know a spot big enough to show and ride and have some kind of swap meet? The more to do, the bigger the draw. Maybe it could bring some wild bits and pieces out of those old garages or attics, or you could get rid of some unwanted pieces anybody has. You could even has a class for unfinished trikes.

09-27-2005, 08:15 PM
Having a Trike show is a great idea. I can't say what all is planned for TF yet, but I will say we will probably have something like this. At any rate another good get together is a very good thing for the sport. ;)

09-27-2005, 08:52 PM
Yeah Pa is probably the best central spot concidering where members are from on the boards.

oh and to add to the voting thing if this happens there should be a wheelie contest :naughty:

09-27-2005, 08:57 PM
How bought VT.

09-27-2005, 09:17 PM
Yeah Pa is probably the best central spot concidering where members are from on the boards.

oh and to add to the voting thing if this happens there should be a wheelie contest :naughty:

I don't know where they would get a large enough area for my long wheelies though :D

That's a good idea. Didn't they have one at trikefest?

I vote for PA. Where to have it in PA though? :Bounce I know a good place!! :Bounce Rocket Raceway !!!
The owners, Mark & Shelly are super cool (nicest track owners I ever met!) and have a hare scrambles track also. Only 20 bucks a day to ride but we could pay one fee and rent the track for a day.

Track is real safe to ride on too and it's a loooong track, not one of those small superX style jobs that charge you a fourtune to ride on. Great place to camp too!

Have moto races with different classes!

Example of how nice they are : December 1st 02 I went out with MX 600 on our CRF 450's to ride the track. Was 27 degrees with a nice slippery layer of snow on the ground. We were the only idiots there. Now get this, Mark invited us in their house (they live on the track property) to have some java and while we sipped on that, HE went out and graded the whole track just for us two and THEN to top it off it was no charge for the day! By noon the track was premo!! name a track owner that would do that for ya! Yep, I vote for Rocket!!

Also, the spectating is the BEST I have ever saw at a track. Right where you pit you can see 85% of the whole track!! In the track picture on there site the picture was taken in the pits where we park. What a view!!

Check out the track and there site here with directions also.


09-27-2005, 09:19 PM
Right here in rutland Vermont would be sweet.

09-27-2005, 09:50 PM
yeah a track would be awesome. I love to take the sx on MX tracks or any tracks for that matter. If thee is somewhere nearby where we could have the show that might work out.

09-27-2005, 09:58 PM
yeah a track would be awesome. I love to take the sx on MX tracks or any tracks for that matter. If thee is somewhere nearby where we could have the show that might work out.

Why not make it simple and have the show right there in the pits?

BTW - I took my SX on that track a few weeks ago, it was a blast. I came in after an hour only to find my left side of the rear fender all cracked :cry:

Have no idea what caused it to crack because I didn't hit anything with it. Also put a dent in tank from simple knee pressure! The dent can be knocked out but it bums me you can dent the tank just from riding it.

85 250sx
09-27-2005, 10:09 PM
Wow that place is even closer to me than i thought, its only 60 some miles away. I woud deffenitly like to check that place out. What kinda safty gear do you need to wear besides your helmet? We should all go riding there some time (before it gets to cold lol) even if its not for a trike show.

09-27-2005, 10:25 PM
Wow that place is even closer to me than i thought, its only 60 some miles away. I woud deffenitly like to check that place out. What kinda safty gear do you need to wear besides your helmet? We should all go riding there some time (before it gets to cold lol) even if its not for a trike show.

Your only 60 miles, thats a hop,skip and a jump! I'm 150 miles and don't mind the ride at all.

You really should have riding boots. I have boots that are size 10&1/2 or 11's for 30 bucks. I also have nice riding pants for 30 bucks or so.

Yea, I wouldn't wait for the show. Hmmmm, maybe next Saturday? Not this coming one, the next one. You free? Riding starts at 10:00.
I think I was the 1st and only one to ever set a 3 wheeler on that track :lol: They are ALWAYS 4 wheelers.

I have to make sure I'm free but I think I am. Gotta ask my wife (the boss :lol: ) :rolleyes:

09-27-2005, 11:25 PM
we should have it at the same time as a BIG car show somewhere and organize it with the car people.....that would get the most attention...

Paul C.
09-28-2005, 12:23 AM
What about a world trike show, but i think we should have it in Australia.
Infact why don't we do it next weekend?
I wish.

09-28-2005, 02:08 AM
we should have it at the same time as a BIG car show somewhere and organize it with the car people.....that would get the most attention...

Yea, it most deafinitly would but no one would look at the cars then! :D

09-28-2005, 02:13 AM
What about a world trike show, but i think we should have it in Australia.
Infact why don't we do it next weekend?
I wish.

Can we trust that the kangaroos won't invade the show?

Thats a cool advertizement you made. A tug of war, hadn't thought of that, sounds interesting and 2 - TWO wet tee shirt contest :naughty: :Bounce :naughty:

09-28-2005, 03:08 AM
How about we hold it iin south naknek alaska... thats where .00042 percent of our members are from... it would only make sense.

Paul C.
09-28-2005, 06:28 AM
No the kangaroo's won't bother anyone, It's the Koala bears you have to watch. They are man eaters, and they jump on you out of the trees as you ride past.

09-28-2005, 06:29 AM
We could have it here in Idaho. I would like to see some other trikes. Only once, when went riding did I see another trike. I think they are like hen's teeth around here.


85 200x all stock

09-28-2005, 08:16 AM
at about 2 hours from me, the raceway sounds like it would be a great place, I think that a show and ride would be really fun to do.

09-28-2005, 09:00 AM
I think this is an awesome idea. Have a Show n Shine. Not sure about the wheelie contest though. I can ride a wheelie forever, if I don't run out of straight road, path, or field. Rocket Raceway gets my vote. If we're gonna do it this year we need to organize FAST - cold weather is almost here!

09-28-2005, 02:23 PM
I don't think this year will do any more. I was thinking in May, April, June of 06 possibly but that shouldn't stop the ones that are fairly close from trying Rocket out sooner.

This way you guys that never went to Rocket can give the members on here feedback for the 06 season. Maybe we could make that "thee place to go" as far as 3 wheeling for the close ones. I am not all that close at 150 miles and 3 hours away but I like that track the most out of any track I have ever been on. Nice and wide., good jumps that you can just roll over if you desire and a heck of a nice medium up hill sweeper, that's my favorite section.

I wish I had an R or a 200 or 350X though. It's a bit too much for an SX and you have to take it easy on them. Some one has another SX though then that will make it a lot of fun for me and who ever else it may be. I'm definitly jealous of the X and R guys though :mad: Some day i'll have one of those, maybe next year?

09-28-2005, 03:33 PM
I don't think this year will do any more. I was thinking in May, April, June of 06 possibly but that shouldn't stop the ones that are fairly close from trying Rocket out sooner.

I too am about 150 miles away. I will gladly help organize this event if anyone needs help. I'm sure there are others just as close, or closer, but I'm sure as Howdy or Billy or Tim Sr or anyone else behind the scenes at Trikefest can tell you, it takes alot of organization to put an event like this together. Let me know what I can do to make this happen! It would be cool to have this and Trikefest a month or two apart. That way many of us "East Coasters" (NY, PA, OH, WV, VA residents) could have 2 organized events within 2 to 5 hours away.

09-28-2005, 04:13 PM
Geez, I wouldn't know where to start as far as the organization of it. I guess you can't possibly start till you know for sure where it will be held?

I can email Rocket and ask what dates will be open for the 06 season, how much for the day or weekend for private rental, and if camping is free.

Maybe someone has other suggestions for riding, I just don't want to go ahead and assume this is where it will be but it seems a good location to me.

Also, in the next few weeks (Sat or Sun) I'm up for a ride there, anyone else?

We can take a lot of pictures for posting on here. They used to have a lot on their website but they took them off :(

09-28-2005, 04:18 PM
Have it in pa :) id come if it was in pa maryland or delaware

09-28-2005, 04:38 PM
I don't want to waste time talking about Rocket if it is a no-go with the owners, so I wrote to them asking if it is cool with the 3 wheelers. I gave Shelly this link and hope she chimes in in a few days.

Spread the word to fellow motox & 4 wheel guys too about Rocket. I'm sure they (riders & Mark & Shelly) would appreciate it.

09-28-2005, 04:39 PM
It's a bit too much for an SX and you have to take it easy on them. Some one has another SX though then that will make it a lot of fun for me and who ever else it may be.

I'll run my SX. Ha I dont care I'll send it off a 20 ft table top. The only thing that worries me is bending the axel :rolleyes:

09-28-2005, 05:22 PM
I think a lot of guys would like Rocket. I'll bring my 200s and moto it a little bit too.

Another option is RockyRoost. It's in NY near Watkins Glen. He's got a small, flat MX track that's just perfect for trikes, and also a pretty good woods trail from what I hear. I know a few guys from this board have been there.

09-28-2005, 05:32 PM
I'll run my SX. Ha I dont care I'll send it off a 40 ft table top. The only thing that worries me is bending the axel :rolleyes:

You send that over a 40' table and I think you'll have a bit more to worry about then just bending the axle. I know about where the SX would land but :lol: where would you? I'd edit that in case the owner of track comes on here. Your going to have them worried.

09-28-2005, 05:34 PM
I think a lot of guys would like Rocket. I'll bring my 200s and moto it a little bit too.

Another option is RockyRoost. It's in NY near Watkins Glen. He's got a small, flat MX track that's just perfect for trikes, and also a pretty good woods trail from what I hear. I know a few guys from this board have been there.

Yoe 600

You have any good pictures of Rocket to show these guys? Links from TT? When we were up there in the winter?

Like you say RR would be decent too, not for a huge meet but for locals it's not bad. I imagine he has even more signs on his track by now :lol: :lol: :lol:

09-28-2005, 05:46 PM
I take it off our 10' jump all the time so 20' shouldnt cause many problems.

09-28-2005, 06:01 PM
Here is one I found when we were up in the winter. 27 degrees - BUUURRRRR.

.......and one of just a few weeks ago.

09-29-2005, 10:09 AM
Yoe 600

You have any good pictures of Rocket to show these guys? Links from TT? When we were up there in the winter?

Like you say RR would be decent too, not for a huge meet but for locals it's not bad. I imagine he has even more signs on his track by now :lol: :lol: :lol:

I really don't have a whole lot of pictures. I thought I had some video, but I guess I don't have that either.

Anyway, here's the track on that cold winter morning, before Mark tore it up for us. And the other pic is me going up a whooped out uphill sweeper, one of the most fun sections on the track.

gotballs 250r 82
09-29-2005, 06:37 PM
we could have it at my house :beer

09-29-2005, 07:01 PM
I thought we already had a big trike event on the east side of America around June???
Seems like if you wanted the best turn out you'd have it in semptember, a good couple months away from TF.

09-29-2005, 07:49 PM
i think rocket would eb awesome, looks liek a decent trike track, zand if there is room for a swap meet and show that would be aawesome, and i wouldnt judge a wheelie contest by distance or speed i would judge it by style!! just my .02 cents. and i am up for just abotu anytime.

09-29-2005, 07:55 PM
I thought we already had a big trike event on the east side of America around June???
Seems like if you wanted the best turn out you'd have it in semptember, a good couple months away from TF.

I would agree. Spread it out a little.

09-29-2005, 08:09 PM
Hey no problem, calm down, how about May then. I honestly didn't remember what month trikefest was.

09-29-2005, 08:10 PM
i think rocket would eb awesome, looks liek a decent trike track, zand if there is room for a swap meet and show that would be aawesome, and i wouldnt judge a wheelie contest by distance or speed i would judge it by style!! just my .02 cents. and i am up for just abotu anytime.

Great idea about the judging. :beer

09-29-2005, 08:13 PM
I really don't have a whole lot of pictures. I thought I had some video, but I guess I don't have that either.

Anyway, here's the track on that cold winter morning, before Mark tore it up for us. And the other pic is me going up a whooped out uphill sweeper, one of the most fun sections on the track.

Find the links from TT. I would but I can't even sign in any more :rolleyes: till I write to them. For some reason my email address is invalid.

That's a cool pic of the sweeper.

09-29-2005, 08:29 PM
Well I'm in central-ish PA and have a 6 acre back yard that we may be able to use if you are interested. It sounds like Rocket Raceway is set in stone though, but I just figured I would put that out there so I might actually be able to ATTEND.. lol.

09-29-2005, 08:36 PM
Hey no problem, calm down, how about May then. I honestly didn't remember what month trikefest was.
I'm calm, just offering my $.02 ;)
May is no good either for best turn out. I'd say spring/early summer is already full for big events. If you had it in the fall you'd have a better turnout. If your just looking for a couple guys to get together then I guess anytime is really ok.

09-29-2005, 09:01 PM
iwould say liek the last week in july or first week in august, not too cold for the campers and not to hot during the days, well mabey a little hot but still let this go for a bit and se ewhat people think, me personaly i donf give a ((DON'T BYPASS THE WORD FILTER!)) if its in the middle of january in 3 foot fo snow!!!

09-29-2005, 09:57 PM
iwould say liek the last week in july or first week in august, not too cold for the campers and not to hot during the days, well mabey a little hot but still let this go for a bit and se ewhat people think, me personaly i donf give a ((DON'T BYPASS THE WORD FILTER!)) if its in the middle of january in 3 foot fo snow!!!

I didn't finish reading your whole post and was just gonna say "Where do you live that it's not hot at end of July or 1st week in August" :lol:

If it's 85-90 + degrees AND stinkin PA humity, that would blow. I can't stand hot sticky weather like that. I sweat terrible just watching guys ride! Real early spring or the fall but please not in the dog days of summer.

My favorite weather for riding is a gloomy, cloudy, overcast day with no sun as my eyes don't like bright light. Am I being too picky? :D

85 250sx
10-15-2005, 03:36 PM
so did you ever hear from the owners there to see if would be ok or not? and also i got new shoes on the sx and new fork seals on my R so im ready to ride. I am thinking about heading out there tomarrow if there open or what not what do you think Huffa

10-15-2005, 03:47 PM
We could have it here.... :) ( hmmm I wonder who would come LMAO )

Guys, you need to have this event in Northern New York or something so I can come and not have to drive a whole day to get there :rolleyes:

10-15-2005, 04:20 PM
I'd go to meet at Rocket Raceway. It's not that far for me either.

10-15-2005, 04:39 PM
Hmmm PA is only what 600 miles away from central massachusetts :lol: ... I'm not sure on that mileage but either way its a very very long ride. Why don't we New England and New York guys get our own little trike show going :w00t:

10-15-2005, 04:49 PM
I just found out that it will take me 7 hours and 4 mins to get to central PA. Well, thats out of the question. Considering I would be driving a 1995 F-350 super cab with a 351. That is a hog on gas.

10-15-2005, 04:52 PM
I wouldn't call that centralized, don't be creedy edog :lol:

Have it in PA, where I live.
I agree! :w00t:

10-15-2005, 05:23 PM
Hmmm PA is only what 600 miles away from central massachusetts :lol: ... I'm not sure on that mileage but either way its a very very long ride. Why don't we New England and New York guys get our own little trike show going :w00t:
Agreed! :beer

Ya'we should have it here in West Ossipee N.H.
I wouldn't call that centralized, don't be creedy edog :lol:

Have it in PA, where I live.

I don't know if I'd call PA "cenralized" either. But the title of this thread is "East Coast" Trike Show and not "North East" Trike Show.