View Full Version : caliper bolts to front fork

02-15-2003, 06:56 PM
I've been looking for new bolts(two)that hold the caliper to the front forks.I've been on some sites that have microfiche but they don't show the bolts on there.Their for an 85 350x.Anybody have any part #'s or info on them?This was the first time they came off(what a pain)and the heads are stripped thats why i need new ones.

02-15-2003, 07:06 PM
i have quite the nuts and bolts box going. i'll see what i have in "stock" (lol)
not gonna be doing any garage stuff till sunday afternoon so won't be replying till the evening. i have a 85 350x also so will be able to exactly what it takes.

in the mean time,, have you tried bikebandit.com ?


02-15-2003, 07:14 PM
yes,thats one of the sites i was on,also partsfish.I think everybody has the same microfiche from honda,i'm guessing.

02-15-2003, 09:55 PM
I've got some from an ATC250R......let me know if you need them!

02-16-2003, 02:17 PM
I have a printout of the honda parts fiche. It shows the bolts. The honda part numbers are 90132-mg3-000, or 96400-08050-00. They are #19 on the picture. partsfiche shows them on the picture, but there listing stops at #18.

The other interesting thing I noticed is that the 85 caliper body has a product code of MG3. Looked this up and that says the caliper body is the same as for a 83-84 XR500R. The only part of the 85 350X front brake setup that has a HA5 (350X) product code is the mounting bracket. Looks like for a 85 350Xwhen trying to find the elusive front brake parts, stuff from a XR500R will work if you have the 350X bracket.

The 86 350X front brake is different than the 85, there are lots of HA5 parts, including the caliper body

02-16-2003, 07:00 PM
I noticed the difference between the 85 and 86 microfiche(caliper).wonder why they did that?(changed the caliper?)is one better than the other or not?

02-16-2003, 07:23 PM
452x,,, i only had one. that kinda surprized me but didn't find another.
honda dealer should be able to get ya a couple. i can tell you they are 50mm long.

sorry. i can mail you one if ya want it.
