View Full Version : Need some motor help- '85 200s

09-24-2005, 06:33 PM
Alrighty then- just took er apart, the guy's kid stripped out the spark plug hole so we threw on a new cylinder head. I think I got the cam timed up as damn close as I possibly could, and after we got er back together, she was a tough runnin unit.

Now we actually had to tow-start it to get it to run, and it was rough after that. Made er down the driveway and part way back, that was it. Got back to check er out and the exhaust was about ready to melt off. Now I played with the pulse generator plate a little bit, and I rotated it to the right and got it to run better. Still felt like the power of a 70, but it was running. Dicked around with it some more, and that's all the better I could get.

We got a timing light, and that's the next thing to do is to time it. Now I'm thinking that the ignition will time up with the crank even if I have the cam one tooth off, right? What does it sound like is the problem? I mean it's tough running, can't even come up to 110 power. Thanks in advance!

ps- I had ta quit fer a while cuz I was gettin pizzed!


09-24-2005, 07:36 PM
no ,,,, I don't think you will be able to get it dead on timing if you are a tooth or so off. Close ,,, yeah but not dead on.
With the cylinder at TDC (top dead center on the compression stroke - both valve rockers will have play in them ) the cam chain sprocket "O" mark needs to line up with the "V" mark on the headcap (c.d.i. unit will need removed ).
After you get the timing adjusted correctly the air gap on the pulse generater is 0.012 - 0.016 (.3 - .4mm)


09-24-2005, 07:51 PM
You have to be off on the timing. The pulse generator is for fine tuning the timing so I'd start at getting the cam sprocket right where you need it. Make sure to release the tension by pushing the tensioner plunger all the way in and tighten the locknut. Remove the cdi/pulse generator and the backing plate so you can get to the chain. Pull your spark plug to turn the motor over easier then get the bottom to TDC then check the cam sprocket for its mark and adjust as needed. Which way did you turn the pulse generator to get it to run better??? It sounds to me like it is igniting a little early and getting hot because of the timing.

09-24-2005, 08:59 PM
Dammit, I was afraid to hear that. :mad: I'm gonna hafta look at it, but by what you are explaining I'm gonna hafta double check the cam sprocket. Are you saying that by taking all the tension off of the cam chain tensioner I can rotate it a little bit (re-align the notches) without takin the motor out again? I wanna see this project out, and the easier the better. I rotated the generator to the right when you are standing on the magneto side of the motor looking straight at it. Hey thanks again!


09-24-2005, 09:45 PM
By removing the tension it will be easier to skip over a tooth or two. You won't need to pull your whole motor just the cdi and stuff to get to the cam sprocket. The sprocket will have to come off and be aligned just right and thats why I told you to remove the chain tension. Have someone else keep the bottom on TDC as you adjust the top and don't forget to re tension the cam chain before starting. You should beable to get it just about dead on and then do the fine tuning after with the pulse generator and your timing light. If the tension in the chain isn't much you may beable to move the chain up or down a tooth without removing the sprocket but this is very unlikely. Just make sure the bottom end is TDC at all times while doing this. You could remove the side cover and stick a large screwdriver into the recoil cage to prevent it from moving. It is pre igniting so you need to advance the timing probably 2 teeth from what you are telling me. Try this out and let me know if I can help anymore. Goodluck with your trike.

09-24-2005, 09:57 PM
Yes, i have had to rotate the cam chain sprocket on sevral machines to get the timing right.
( every one has had to do it right ??? ) and yes, put slack into the cam chain and work it around to where you need it to be (with out taking the motor out ).
when you reset the cam chain tensiner ,,, just double check timing.


09-24-2005, 10:04 PM
[QUOTE=brendan802] The sprocket will have to come off and be aligned just right and thats why I told you to remove the chain tension. Have someone else keep the bottom on TDC as you adjust the top and don't forget to re tension the cam chain before starting. QUOTE]

Alright, Roger that....I know I have the camshaft clocked right to the "O" on the sprocket cuz ya only have two choices. So when I loosen the tension on the right hand plastic tensioner, I should be able to take the cam sprocket off, turn the cam (time it) to where the "O" lines up to the notch, and put it back on hopefully? That's if I don't have enough slack I should say. Otherwise hopefully I could just jump that sucker. That's what it sounds like by what I quoted from ya. I just wanna make sure I'm readin ya correctly here. Hey sorry ta be a pain in the azz, and I appreciate the help! LOL!

-sb ;)

09-24-2005, 10:07 PM
LOL @ John! Thanks hey.....this is the first chain driven cam 4 stroke I have worked on....good thing it's this small! LMAO Thanks for the help, man I really appreciate it.


09-25-2005, 08:57 PM
Did you get it timed right??? Sometimes you can get enough slack to skip a tooth or 2 without removing the sprocket for the cam but is very unlikely. I alomst always had to remove the chain and then realign the marks as I place the sprocket over the camshaft end. Good luck with your trike.

09-25-2005, 09:08 PM
I dropped 1 of the 2 bolts holding the sprocket on. OH boy !
I ended up pulling the motor and turning it upside down a shaking it untill it come out.

I now take a few minutes and stuff rags on both sides of the timing chain sprock when removing those 2 bolts.


09-25-2005, 09:48 PM
Ya, had similar problems like that although not as major. Well the dude ended up attempting it, but we didn't have enough slack in the chain and in the process of trying to pull the sprocket off (I think it would have been OK but the guy frickin moves around like a bull in a China shop) we dropped the chain off of the crank sprocket. So out comes the motor now I guess. :rolleyes: Oh well, it could be worse. I told the guy I'm gonna take it to my house so I can get it assembled properly. I don't think he was too happy with all that! :eek: Thanks guys...
