View Full Version : tires on a 110????

straight pipe
09-19-2005, 11:44 AM
i was wondering if 22-11-8 carlisle strykers are too much tire for a 110atc? i bought a 110 for the kids and it has the original knobbies :D and if you could get traction man that would go through some serious mud,swamp :naughty: . but i don't want to install a tire that will power it down.

09-19-2005, 01:37 PM
thats the same size that came on it.. a 22". mine has stock knobbies and it will plow through some serious mudd, my faveorite tire ever is just a plain knobby tire, they clean out better than any mudd tire in my opinion. but i am going to be putting some holeshot style tires on it soon to make it eaiser to ride. the bubble tires are very tipsy. i put square style tires on my 350x also and it made a night and day difference on rideability i can hardly turn it over now. they slide out from under it so well

09-19-2005, 01:53 PM
Those should be good tires for a 110. Good self cleaning and the right roundness for a hardtail. They are a heavy tire but strong. I'd say get 'em.

09-19-2005, 02:17 PM
I say don't get em. If all the sizes of the Carlisle Stryker are made of the same material/hardness, then those would be way too heavy/stiff for your 110. I say that because my friend has Strykers in 25x12-9 on his TRX 200, and they're unbelievably heavy and stiff. I mean, you can practically ride those at 0 PSI and you wouldn't notice a thing, that's how hard they are. You'll be bouncing all over the place, have no power unless you're in low range, and basically won't be able to go through bogs, etc. What I did was I put Dunlop K585's (I think) on the back, in 22x11-8, and they carry me right through any mud, because they're wide, not too thick and they're on aluminum rims. Having QuadSport rollers in my yard is great... :D

09-19-2005, 02:34 PM
I would agree with Oldschool here.

They are a hard rubber so you will have a harder ride, remember you suspension is your tires now but the Carlisle's don't have much (if any) give. On the plus side they have great tread life.

As for being too heavy you shouldn't notice too much of a change. And besides the 110 is geared low to begin with.

straight pipe
09-19-2005, 04:09 PM
hmmmm i like the holeshot idea... the tippy thing i noticed since it is narrower than any other trike i've owned. if a holeshot will help that, why not?.hmmm

09-19-2005, 10:53 PM
another good tire is the carlsile trail pro's but they just plain out suck in mud. and i have a set on rims with hubs already mounted with 95% tread left i'll sell fairly cheap. just an idea depending where your located.

09-20-2005, 08:11 PM
I have those on my 110, they've been working fine for me.

09-21-2005, 01:07 AM
Who takes a 110 through mud bogs anyway?

Wait, I do. Damn. I say you get some Paddle Masters or Skat-Traks and just run paddles in the mud. :lol:

09-21-2005, 06:15 AM
Here is my suggestion. AMS Fox A/T's. Priced right at $37 + shipping. Nice tread that's meaty but not too meaty for the 110. It makes a very nice front tire too. I have one on my 250 SX.

Right smack in between a donut and a flat profile + a 2 ply for good flex + it's a radial.


Look and look and look all you want but no where are you going to beat this price! I just found this and thought I got a deal at the 37 + ship price!

28 + 11.50 shipping !!!!!!!! :naughty: 3 meats for 115.50 !!! http://www.americanmototire.com/index.html?lang=en-us&target=d326.html

Here they are on a 125

straight pipe
09-21-2005, 09:56 AM
that's an interestink tire. the tread design is simillar to what the polaris quads come factory on. hmph... someting to consiter.

09-21-2005, 11:24 PM
The tread design is simillar to what the polaris quads come factory on.

Eh? I thought those came with BadLands XTR's! Which look nothing like these! :wondering