View Full Version : 1984 200es plug wire

09-14-2005, 07:26 AM
I am working on a 1984 200ES for a friend. The machine has no spark. He replaced the coil and the cdi, but still no spark.

I checked the stator, and the ohms' reading is good at 280.

The primary coil circuit checked in at .5 ohms.

The secondary circuit had no continuity. So, I removed the plug wire from the coil and checked it. It also had no continuity. I then removed the spark plug boot from the wire. The wire has continuity (I can't remember the exact value). The boot has no continuity from the stud that screws into the wire to the end the clips onto the plug.

Can I put a standard automotive plug terminal and boot on the end of the coil wire? I ask, because I disassembled the old boot and it has some type of spring loaded cartridge resistor in-between the part that screws into the wire and the clip for the spark plug.

Thanks for any input,


09-14-2005, 08:36 AM
Plug caps are cheap, your local honda dealer can sell you a fancy colored one.. or you can do to an automotive store and get an NGK cap, both work just fine.

If the wire looks messed up. i'd replace the wire and the plug cap together.. 12" of wire will cost you about as much as the plug cap.. ( 10 $ at the most.. )

Check the inside of the boot that connects to the plug, if it was not seated all the way in it may have been arcing and creating a carbon buildup..

If you have enough wire to do it.. splice a new connection on the plug boot end and twist it in a new section of wire, could be broken at the end... even tho it did show continuity, would create a weak to even no spark.

09-14-2005, 08:45 AM
If the black with red striped wire checks between 215-240 then it's good. Other wise it should be replaced. Bottom line is that if that stator checked 280 then you probably found the biggest problem.

Now, I will state that for some reason on the 84 Big Reds I have found a couple that the CDI had went bad on. I say for some reason because I have rarely had any CDI's go bad. Out of the 5-10 CDI"s ( out of probably 1000+ machines I have worked on and or owned ) most of them were on 84 Big Reds. I'm not saying this is part of your problem, I am just giving you more things to check / consider.


09-14-2005, 09:01 AM
a 280 reading is not acceptable for the Stator? I read somewhere on this forum that 100-300 is good. And that the lower the reading, the weaker the spark.

Is there a way to check the CDI?

I think am going to try and splice on a cap and boot off of an automotive wire and see if that fixes the problem first. I think that would be at least a good starting point.

Currently there isn't even a weak spark. I can hold onto the plug and pull the recoil and nothing.

One more question. To make sure it isn't one of the safety swithces, can I just disconnect them? Or do they have to be grounded? I found the reverse switch on by the hi/lo/rev selector. Where is the nuetral switch located?

Thanks again,


09-14-2005, 09:26 AM
My one book actually shows 100-400 ohms is considered good on the 200e, 200es, 200m, and 200x. How ever I have never had ANY luck with exciter coils ( Honda 185-200cc style ) that check over 245. Heck, I can't understand why Honda shows the 185, 185s, 200, and 200s at 245 ohms and the others at different ohm readings. They use the same basic design. Some may say I am wrong, others may agree with me, but I will stick to my guns on the ohm readings I recommended. I can say that with confidence being as I have worked on more than my share of machines ( for lack of spark problem ). ATV Shop: 16+ years and counting.