View Full Version : Need help for adjustments

09-11-2005, 06:32 PM

After a complete teardown, I'm slowly putting everything back on my Honda 200S (200 S, not X :P ). There is probably an air leak somewhere because it need about 30-60 seconds to idle after I push the throtle. I will try to spray carb cleaner around the carb to find the cause.

I still have 2 others problem (ajustments):

- Brakes (rear and front) either don't engage or disengage completely. Brake pads, cables and handles are new. It's like if the handles are too short, but they are the same size as the originals (but not broken!).

- When I turn left and right, the engine speed up. If I manually pull the throtle cable, it move freely and the engine doesn't rev high.

And finally, anyone can give me an URL where I can order a Clayton manual as everyone suggest me?


09-11-2005, 06:41 PM
* prolly need a new cable if it is revving ip when * turn

09-11-2005, 06:42 PM
if * need to order a manual * can get one off of ebay most likely

09-11-2005, 06:51 PM
For the brakes, someone (on the phone) told me my drums are probably full of rust/dirt. He's right. So if I ajust my brakes a little bit too far, the rust/dirt should get out by themself and then they should be ok. By now, I only removed the dirt with a flat screwdriver. I was too lazy! :drool:

09-11-2005, 07:10 PM
The engine speeds up because it is taking up slack in the throttle cable, and is effectively pushing the throttle for you. It's most likely routed incorrectly. Look at the way the cable is routed through to the carb and watch it when you turn the bars. If the cable moves a lot and becomes taught, then my theory is true. Just try routing the cable a bit differently to the carb. As for the brakes, if you installed new cables, then you may not have the barrel adjusters turned out far enough onthe bottom of the cables. Try that first, and turn them in until you get enough leverl pull to modulate the brakes properly. Everyone's preference is different on this one, some people like the brakes to engage immediately as soon as you pull the lever a tiny bit, and others like to be able to modulate the brakes more, so they adjust the brakes so that you have to pull the lever almost all the way to the grip before full lock up occurs. Your choice. James

09-11-2005, 08:18 PM
Last time I took out my 200x I straped a pack bag with water bottles to the forks above the headlight. I had the same problems with the engine not idling properly. When I took off the pack it went back to running fine. It was restricting the movement of the throttle cable. Today I made a basket behind the seat to put stuff in.


85 200x

My grandson wants my 200x

09-12-2005, 07:41 PM
I found the problem with the throtle cable. It was squeeze under the fuel tank, and when I turn the wheel, I slightly push the tank with my knees. :lol:
