View Full Version : '85 350x to '04 450r wiring harness/electrical system conversion

09-08-2005, 06:53 PM
Since I plan to add nitrous on this thing permanantly this winter~ which uses many DCV powered components, I'll need to add a battery, amoungst other things, to make it all work durably and correctly. Plus, the 350x electrical system is very antiquated in design, especially for something that's 20+ years old....

With that said, I purchased an entire electrical wiring harness and related ignition/lighting/switching components for a 2004 450R ATV, so that I can entirely upgrade the electrical system on my machine. Additionally, I can then use the Dynatek Programmable Ignition System that will allow for custom spark-curves for the bigger intended engine combination planned this winter too. I also bought a new 450R carb as well that has the TPS for the programmable ignition module, which also has an accel. pump shot fuel circuit. I haven't purchased a 450R manual yet, so I'm not familar with the system's design.

My questions is to TeamGeek6 or others that may have insight: Does the 450R's ignition/charging system have the capability to accept a battery for my needs with it's newer design?

09-09-2005, 06:40 PM
Guess I should have responded here.

Prediction: Watch how much H.P. FYI can make with the right electronics and a honking good ignition system. My $5's on about 80H.P.

Place yer bets!!

The Goat
12-02-2008, 11:21 PM
I'm curious if anything ever happened with this...I'm interested in doing the same thing.

The Goat
12-26-2008, 03:44 AM
I'm bumping this again...is it possible to use a different bike's electrical system or no?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-CRF-450R-CRF450R-450-ENGINE-STATOR-MAGNETO-02-04_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1205Q7c66Q3a2Q 7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c293Q3a 1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem4 00013410604QQitemZ400013410604QQptZMotorsQ5fATVQ5f PartsQ5fAccessories

Tri-Z Pilot
12-26-2008, 04:16 AM
wasnt there a kit produced for the 450R that converted it to a starter setup? that would have needed electronics needed to charge the battery that is required for the nos setup wouldnt it? you wouldn't need to run a starter, your just lookin for the charging circuit. is a 450's stator unit gonna fit in the 350x's case though? how is nitro added to say a banshee or something similar that doesnt have a battery? might want to look there for the answers.

The Goat
12-26-2008, 05:13 AM
actually not adding nitro or electric start...I'm more curious for added voltage and higher output for lights....and perhaps a 12v plug.

Tri-Z Pilot
12-26-2008, 06:25 AM
Ok, I'm no electronics wiz by any means, but I am fairly good with logic. First off, are you sure the lighting coil is really that much more powerful than a 350x's? Chances are it is, but I just want to get the facts straight. Secondly, I dont see any problem in mounting the coil, as long as it will fit underneath the flywheel, and you can fab up a bracket that gets the timing correct. Next would be is the 350x cdi gonna have any problems with the increased power output? I dont know if you will be able to use the 450 cdi due to the fact that the 450 uses a throttle position sensor, unless you use the 450 carb also. Does the 450 have other sensors for the motor that might cause a problem? ( there might be a way to trick those circuits somehow though).

And lastly, with the increased power output wont the voltage regulator need to be swapped out also to allow for higher wattage? (again I am not completly sure how the regulator works.) I believe the reg keeps the watts under the rating of your lights

Tri-Z Pilot
12-26-2008, 06:32 AM
Have you checked to see if Ricky Stator or somewhere similar will rewind your current stator for higher output? This may cost about $300, but it wll save you the headache with all the computer mumbo jumbo associated with the 450R swap.

Hope I havent come off completly retarded, I'm just trying to help.


The Goat
12-26-2008, 06:40 AM
not at all...I was just thinking of replacement parts for the future...and new wiring harnesses for the 350x and all other parts are expensive.

I was thinking ricky...but is their work worth it?

My main interest in this is the fact that people say the NOS stators fail after a while...

Blown 331
12-26-2008, 11:10 AM
I know the nitrous discussion is over but you don't need a battery to run nitrous. All you need is enough power to energize a solenoid and that's bout like turning on a light. And the solenoid is only going to be on for a few seconds anyway. My buddy has nitrous on his KFX700 and I have had nitrous on a Mustang.

And if you're looking for a harness that had both electric start and a battery I'd look toward a dirt bike harness. Or I'm sure you could even get a painless wiring kit and make your own harness to your exact specifications.

Tri-Z Pilot
12-26-2008, 08:39 PM
I know the nitrous discussion is over but you don't need a battery to run nitrous. All you need is enough power to energize a solenoid and that's bout like turning on a light. And the solenoid is only going to be on for a few seconds anyway. My buddy has nitrous on his KFX700 and I have had nitrous on a Mustang.

And if you're looking for a harness that had both electric start and a battery I'd look toward a dirt bike harness. Or I'm sure you could even get a painless wiring kit and make your own harness to your exact specifications.

Painless does make some nice kits. It would take some time to do the harness yourself, but when all said and done you would have a custom harness that is capable of doing what you need it to.

12-27-2008, 11:43 PM
I'm curious if anything ever happened with this...I'm interested in doing the same thing.

I never got around to installing that wiring harness on my X, as I was busy w/ the ATC 500R Sabertooth stuff what seemed like forever... I ended up selling all my 3-wheeler stuff last Summer to clean out the garage, but I've still got a lot of 350x heads, blocks, engines, pistons, cylinders, misc. parts, etc. and I've got all the 450R wiring harnesses, carb, etc. that I meant to install but never did..

If you need some of this stuff, I'd be glad to sell it for what I have in it and everything is like brand new. (450R parts) I guess I need to post up a thread in the For Sale section to get rid of the rest this stuff...I have A LOT of good quality parts that may do someone some good...

Shoot me a PM if you're serious about buying.

Happy Holidays!