View Full Version : Toasted the 350x clutch on nitrous I think.....

09-07-2005, 07:54 PM
Well, after 20 years of faithful service, numerous floggings in the local wooded trails (and who knows where else before I owned it...) and many big nitrous shots later on the straights~ the clutch has finally laid to rest on the 350x.... :(

We had a blast doing it though! :D We threw together a wet n20 system for this machine that injects nitrous and fuel into the intake tract of this thing and *MAN* does it sound pissed when it's activated!! We added a small Yuasa battery to the electrical system to aid in solenoid activation and to energize a very small Suzuki Hayabusa electric fuel pump...believe it or not, it worked pretty good considering we literally threw it together to see if it could work. :lol:

I don't really know how much power it added because we never had a chance to put it back on the dyno tonight before the clutch let go, but whatever it made.....it was *BIG*! Huge, long wheelies in 4th AND 5th were no problem~ without even having to fan the clutch and the top speed seemed to go one forever; although I backed out of it early because I really didn't want road rash from flipping this thing at some ungodly speed..... However fast it was going, it was marching pretty good on the top end! :naughty:

Anywho~ It was fun none-the-less, so I guess it's off to see Mr. Barnett for some kind of replacement. :) I just *LOVE* this thing...what a ball we're having with it!!! :beer

09-07-2005, 08:22 PM
I for one get a real big kick out of reading what you are playing around with in your spare time. A heck of alot better then anything on T.V. for sure.


09-07-2005, 08:24 PM
I agree with John, good stuff. You don't think that synthetic oil you're running has anything to do with it do you?

09-07-2005, 08:26 PM
These machines are just so much darn fun you know? :lol: I mean, we're all smiles everytime we take off on this thing and it's fun to see how this engine likes the same things the auto engines do. :)

09-07-2005, 08:30 PM
I doubt it. Nitrous makes sooo much torque...all at *ONCE*, which probably finished it off.. It has surprised us that it hasn't failed already with the abuse we've put through it, especially on the dyno where that little-bitty clutch had to spin over that 2864 lb. steel drum on nitrous (meant for a car)....numerous times. ;) Plus, the clutch in this thing is 20+ years old... It's safe to say it didn't owe me a thing. :)

09-07-2005, 08:44 PM
This n20 stuff is what your 440x *really* needs, oldshool! Once we get it sorted out with our machines, maybe then for you? :wondering I'll bet your machine would scream!

09-07-2005, 08:55 PM
This n20 stuff is what your 440x *really* needs, oldshool! Once we get it sorted out with our machines, maybe then for you? :wondering I'll bet your machine would scream!
Sounds like a hoot!!! I'll start stocking up on clutch packs and you start making the n20 kit :lol:

Troll 2
09-07-2005, 09:52 PM
Here is a vid of a banshee on a dyno and the clutch coudnt hold the power........... :cool: http://www.sandwizards.com/Videos/Wiz's%20run.wmv

09-07-2005, 10:02 PM
Interesting video.

That's about what my clutch acted like today when it let go.... However, just like a car~ if the clutch can hold the power on a chassis dyno when there is no slip, it will certainly hold on the trail. :) Better to fail on the dyno than while you're riding...