View Full Version : Are 250R/200X/350X thumb throttles interchangeable?

02-13-2003, 04:56 PM
I am looking for a throttle for my R project and I have seen a couple really nice 350X and 200X throttles on ebay but have been hesitant to bid. Was wondering if those would work on the R and use the same throttle cable.

02-13-2003, 07:01 PM
No... The R thumb throttle has linkage in it to get more pull on the slide, 350X has the linkage in the carb, and 200X dont have any linkage.

Ive bought a few off ebay (because I hate twist grip) your going to be looking at around $50...

02-13-2003, 07:05 PM
i got a 350X thumb throttle for sale......

02-13-2003, 10:46 PM
300ex thumb throttle. takes a little tinkering that is easy. they are the easiest on the thumb and wrist.

02-13-2003, 11:34 PM
I was picking up some parts this weekend and saw a universal thumb throttle conversion from "MOOSE" machined out of aluminum and polished. VERY NICE !!! it would be an improvement on any bike. the price shocked my though...$124.

Tecate performance
02-14-2003, 01:42 AM
i've used the 200x/350x/300ex style thumb on an 85 250r with stock carb and it works fine. it fully opens the carb no problem

02-14-2003, 02:44 AM
i've used the 200x/350x/300ex style thumb on an 85 250r with stock carb and it works fine. it fully opens the carb no problem

The linkage is in the throttle for a reason, otherwise they would have used the same throttle on all the bikes.

I just pulled a 200X thumb throttle off of one my 86R's, yes it works but you dont the full movement of the slide. I took the top off the throttle held it wide open then pulled on the cable, there was still 1/4 inch of pull.

02-14-2003, 03:02 AM
Well, I don't know if this will help any or not, but I've heard that a 200x thumb throttle will work on an 85 R and open it all the way. But not on an 86 R which has the flat slide carb on it. It takes more pull to open the flat slide carb all the way I guess. Hope this helps.


02-14-2003, 03:12 AM
the R that had the 200x throttle on it has an 85 carb........ and it did not open all the way........

Tecate performance
02-14-2003, 04:07 PM
so on 86 250r w/flatslide 200x throttle won't work. but on 85 with round slide it will. when i put it on i looked through back of carb and tried to pull slide up anymore and its definitely open all the way.

02-14-2003, 04:52 PM
so on 86 250r w/flatslide 200x throttle won't work. but on 85 with round slide it will. when i put it on i looked through back of carb and tried to pull slide up anymore and its definitely open all the way.

No..... Im saying it wont open any R carb all the way. If it worked for you good. But Ive owned 4 250R's in the last two years and had two change 3 of the thumb throttles (an 86TRX, an 86ATC with a 85 carb, and an 84ATC). The 86ATC with the 85 carb, had an 83-85 200X thumb throttle on it and it did not open it all the way. Maybe a 86-87 200x thumb throttle has more pull but i doubt it cause I think its the same as the 350X.

02-14-2003, 05:07 PM
Question: If you pulled the breather tube off the carb, depressed the thumb throttle all the way and then stuck you finger in the carb and moved the slide upwards.....this would tell the whole story huh? If the the slide still had room for upwards movement (indicating its not fully open) would you be able to move the slide up with your finger? This would solve any questions 100% if this is the case.