View Full Version : Painting and Decals..?

08-30-2005, 08:42 AM
Ok. So I am getting my tank painted with Chevy Super Red acrylic enamel automotive paint, and I am wondering how long I have to wait to put the decals on?? Can I put them on right away?? Would it hurt anything? Because my dad and my painter told me that I can't get gas on the tank, or wax the tank for 30 days after painting.. so I was wondering how long to wait to put the decals on, and if it would hurt anything if I put them on right away. Thanks for any help!


08-30-2005, 08:46 AM
i should think it would be a good idea to leave the paint to harden for 3-4day then if you have an accident while putting the stickers on you should be able to reposition without tearing away at the new paint ;)

08-30-2005, 10:37 AM
Yup... let the paint (clear coat actually) harden for a few days before you put the decals on. DO NOT hold the tack close to you or anything else as the clear coat will get all messed up... and be cafeful not to scratch it! :D

08-31-2005, 04:48 AM
Hey Guys
just use some soap and water on the back of the decals they slide around then......no air bubbles and you can get them straight .....when there in the proper place get a hair dryer blow over the deacls until the soap/water has dryed up......this is the best way and they never come off as long as the decal had good adhesive.......

08-31-2005, 08:43 AM
Hey Guys
just use some soap and water on the back of the decals they slide around then......no air bubbles and you can get them straight .....when there in the proper place get a hair dryer blow over the deacls until the soap/water has dryed up......this is the best way and they never come off as long as the decal had good adhesive.......

just like tinting car windows.

08-31-2005, 07:01 PM
I like to throw decals on stuff, right when the paint is hard enough to not have fingerprints stay, but yet still soft enough the sticker will adhere to the paint super tough. The only problem is, you better get it right the first try, and never want to take the sticker off, because it will usually take the paint with it.