View Full Version : HELP 200X engine PROBLEM

02-12-2003, 03:07 PM
I have rebuilt completely 3 200x engines never a problem. I had a timing chain tension lever/spring ..brake the chain got loose and ate up the cam gear. Went got a new chain and gear. put them in as always but this time i cannot figure it out the bike idles ...give it some gas it stutters , caint even get it to feather in . let off it goes back and idles fine HELP i checked the upper cam timing mark its is very close set the flywheel mark at "T" Any one have any ideas this is beating me down thanks Wayne

02-12-2003, 03:36 PM
Could one of the valves hit the piston when the chain got loose? Maybe take apart the carb and clean it. As far as I know the timing should be perfect, not close. I'm sure you know how to do the timing, but incase you don't, Put the T in the hole on the fly wheel cover, Put the cam in so the lobes are down and the dowel pin on the cam is at about the 10 or 11 o'clock position and so the top bolt hole on the cam lines up with the V in the head cap. Put the sprocket on the cam so the O lines up with the V in the cap. tighten cam bolts and recheck to see if the T and O still line up. You'll also notice a punch mark on the timing advance thing which is held on by the bolt in the end of the cam. That punch mark should line up with another punch mark which is behind the retard/advance timing plate, you can see the mark with the plate on, but its difficult.

02-12-2003, 03:49 PM
one thing i noticed, but at this point am not sure of. is this the "o" is like a little off the v to the right seems you cannot get it 100% under the v because if you go a link either way its worse. i dont know if the valves hit. i still have good compression so i ruled out a screwed up piston ... if it did hit a valve what would be the outcome. I switch carbs both are fairly new any other ideas thanks again ,...wayne

02-12-2003, 06:10 PM
Yes, I've also noticed that about the 0 and V lining up. If you tilt your head to the same angle that the head cap sits at you'll notice it will line up better. When I put them together, the 0 is to the right of the V. Any difference after the carb switch? I'm not sure what the signs of are with a bent valve. I have a 350x shop manual here and one sign of a bent valve is Low compression. ALso under troubleshooting in this 350 manual is says Engine fires but soon stops:

chocke excessively closed.
Carburetor pilot screw excessively closed.
Air leeking past intake pipe.
Improper ignition timing (CDI Unit or pulse generator faulty.)

If I had a 200x shop manual here I'd check what it says, but I don't have one.

My cousin has a XL 185 (basically the same motor as a 200x) and if you don't let it warm up a lot and try to give it gas right away it will usually die. Takes a long time for it to warm up also, the temps are around 0-30F when it does this the worst. What are the temps where you live? Are your valve clearances correct?

02-12-2003, 10:20 PM
x Did you check your valve clearance, is the manifold tight? idea other than that it could be ignition timing.