View Full Version : Hello from JLK, input needed on new trike

08-22-2005, 10:29 PM

My name is Jack Klondike; I own a growing company called JLKengineering. We're located in a small town near San Juan, CA. Our goal is to bring back 3 wheelers.

As you all may know the consent decree placed a temporary ban on the importation and production of all 3 wheeled ATCs. Well that ban is up and we're here to start producing new ATCs. I shouldn't say ATC really; our lawyers have informed us that Honda owns the rights to that name. For now lets call them ATTs, all terrain trikes.

We need your input to know if starting production is a plausible idea. In order to sell something there has to be a market for the product. There seems to be great support for these machines here but how many of you would indulge in purchasing a new trike?

Enclosed in this letter, to show we are serious is a video showing one of our early prototypes that used a Honda xl600 engine. The new models use engines that are available from a source that is willing to contract to a third party, Rotax. The two current models in testing are the JLK400 and the JLK654.

The JLK400 is a 4-stroke, 4 valve, 30hp engine with a CVT transmission (Continuous Variable Transmission). Don't let the CVT fool you; it's compact and fast. This model is designed to target the sport enthusiast that enjoys a hard day of trail riding and lazily strolls around the farm.

Our flagship model the JLK654 is a powerhouse. This liquid cooled, single cylinder, 4-stroke turns out whopping 49hp stock. This is the ATT that will revolutionize the sport community of 3 wheeling. The motor is cradled in a lightweight aluminum twin beam frame. Up front are inverted 47mm forks with full adjustability and 12.4 inches of travel. In the rear is a no link fully adjustable suspension system with 12.5 inches of travel. The current transmission is a 5 speed manual clutch but we are working with Rotax on making a 6 speed for the ATTs.

Thank you for any input you may have. You are the market that we need to hear from and the team at JLK looks forward to hearing from you.

Thank You,

Jack Klondike
JLK Engineering

Prototype Movie Clip (www.celebrationnetwork.com/firstrun.mpg)

Billy Golightly
08-22-2005, 10:44 PM
First of all welcome to the 3WW Forums! Its awesome to see someone is really working on and thinkin about making some trikes again even if it is on a limited production basis. I've been wanting to build one from scratch myself for quite some time but just dont the funds and tools to do it. I'm on dialup so I can't view your video yet but its downloading and I'll report back in when its done.

08-22-2005, 10:45 PM
Are you serious??? Thats amazing that this is happening. I will definatley be the first one to buy your ATT. :TrikesOwn

08-22-2005, 10:48 PM
Someone pinch me I must be dreaming.

08-22-2005, 10:49 PM
that is sweet!!!

08-22-2005, 10:53 PM
Awesome man! I've been thinking for months... all these custom motorcycle shows etc would LOVE to see someone custom make 3 wheeled offroad trikes! Great man!


08-22-2005, 10:59 PM
Holy smokes... dude you are the greatest!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!

08-22-2005, 11:01 PM
Are you just making them for special shows,custom orders,etc? Or are you making them for production across America?

Anyways, it's still awesome!! :beer

Derrick Adams
08-22-2005, 11:11 PM
Before you can attempt to advertise these bikes for sale, you need to show some close up pictures of the bike. A quick film of a guy riding a trike that you can't see is not going to cut it, for something that's going to cost upwards of $5000.

If you are serious about producing 3 wheelers, you really better do your homework. Technology has changed tons in the last 20 years. Also, 12" of suspension is great, but if it cant handle a small bump in your yard, your in trouble.

Lastly, a CVT is not going to cut it. I can't think of anyone that would want that on their new trike. Also, if it's a 4 stroke 450 or bigger, it better have electric start and reverse.

This is just constructive critism. Not intending to bash you. Just don't expect to sell a product for Honda price if it's Denli quality.

08-22-2005, 11:11 PM
I got the video running (saved it). But I don't know how to post a screen shot.

08-22-2005, 11:30 PM
I just finished downloading the vid... amazing stuff man! Get us some still shots now please. Oh I think I'm going to have some good dreams tonight. :)

08-23-2005, 12:07 AM
Yes, definatly post some close of pics of the bike, the video looked very good by the way.

08-23-2005, 12:14 AM
**edited** thats great will you have one ready by june next year ?? Im coming over for trikefest and would love to check one out .......

08-23-2005, 12:16 AM
Just saw the clip it only got me half hard ,show me some more come on !!!!!!

08-23-2005, 12:20 AM
Downloading the bike vid, is anyone else skeptical? The 645 sounds good on paper but bring on a 450 race trike. Reliablility is a big issue though, if your going to sell something then make it worth buying. Nobody is going to want a poorly made product and word spreads quick about a new innovation such as the rebirth of the trike. Do it and do it right.

I personally would like to see a production race motor like a KTM 525 put into a race suspened trike frame, something set up like a Tiger brand trike. Bare necessities and all the performance you can muster.

08-23-2005, 01:15 AM
Put me on the list, I want one!

08-23-2005, 01:41 AM
Guys, if this company is willing to come out and manufacture a three wheel machine, than let them, whether CVT, 90cc or 650cc, etc. Then things will slowly develope and then the performance should be considered. Remember the R didn't come out until roughly a decade after the US90.

Once a brand new trike is manufactured and produced, then put in the requests. I am too excited about this post, but I don't want to get my hopes up. If and when a company produces a brand new three wheeler I will buy it, until then I can just hope for one to be produced.

To the thread starter. Yes I think the market would allow for a 3-Wheeler; however, it will be a slow start. You have to factor the bad reputation that the public will have to overcome and you will have a hit. I also think the trike will be more appealing because of less parts needed to make the trike, making it cheaper to produce and in turn a lower MSRP.

I think you have something hot right now that I have thought about doing. You will open a lot of doors.

08-23-2005, 04:26 AM
Ship one to sweden! I want one :Bounce

08-23-2005, 04:35 AM
yeh come on, you cant make the trike and not do international orders. great idea jack.!!

08-23-2005, 09:12 AM
i have to say i think you are full of crap. that could be any 4 stoke trike. if you have the capabilities to machine and fabricate and weld and assemble all the parts needed on a modern 3 wheeler and the proper facilities to test and evaluate them then what's with the crappy 14 second video of the rear of a trike from across the yard?! i loved watching him drive into the trees. reminded me of a bigfoot clip. if you are serious and this is your technological revelation of your new product, then i will never get within 5 miles.

08-23-2005, 09:16 AM
also i would think if you were half as excited as some of the posters were about your new product you would have been all over this forum for the last 10 hours gathering feedback and opinions.

it just seems like a sham.

08-23-2005, 10:35 AM
Im calling B.S. Are my eyes playing with me, I dont see a gas tank. if it is real you better do something with the suppension, it bottomed out on that fist little hill.

08-23-2005, 10:57 AM
If I'm not mistaken, someone in chat last night posted the link to that movie. They said it was the first test run of their 450 conversion. I'm not quite sure though.

08-23-2005, 03:36 PM
I hope this is true. I'd love to buy a new (modern) trike.

The 654 sounds like the same engine that Bombardier puts in the DS650 quad, which is a good engine. It has electric start but I don't think it has reverse.

For what it's worth, my "ideal" new trike would be similar to a 3 wheeled Yamaha Raptor. By that I mean it would have lots of torque, electric start and reverse, be fairly small in size, and fairly light.

08-23-2005, 03:48 PM
400 and CVT would be great, I would like to know your power band and how you are setting the clutch up, weights,helix spring load etc. and the rpm your shooting for.

A modified CVT in a three weeler would be an absolute wheelie machine, great drag racer too.

08-23-2005, 04:26 PM
Tell us how much they cost & I'll tell ya the interest IMO. Plus the trike in the vid is "just a converted 400EX", whats so great about that!?!?!? :rolleyes:

Not like'n the "overall feel of this thread", it's not April 1st either. :mad:

08-23-2005, 04:46 PM
i loved watching him drive into the trees. reminded me of a bigfoot clip.
& the all important "Sasquatch" image.... :lol:

08-23-2005, 04:55 PM

08-23-2005, 06:13 PM

You will also have to consider that we are biased to the trike and you will always get positive answers from us, aside for the skeptical ones (I am skeptical too since no replies). Having a leak to a magazine or having a poll (any ATV site) of how many ATVers would like to see the return of an "ATC" type vehicle. Whatever number you get on that poll I would say 10-15% of the people that say they will buy one will actually purchase what you have to offer.

I thought my previous post and this post were pretty good, but since there have been no replies since this thread started I do not believe the thread. :TrikesOwn

08-23-2005, 06:36 PM
this has to be a hoax that video is lame and that trike is definetly a conversion of some sort

08-23-2005, 06:44 PM
I hope this thread isn't a bunch of crap!!!!! I would buy one for sure if it actually became a reality. I think you will find most people will be interested in the manual transmission. Picking up where Honda, Kawi, and Yamaha left off design wise would be the place to start, just have better suspension and brake's. Also, to help with the bad reputation that 3 wheeler's have it would be a good idea to offer a free riding school for anybody that buy's one for those who have never rode one before. Just my .02 cent's... :beer

08-23-2005, 06:46 PM
P.S. If this is a hoax I hope you soul rot's in hell FOREVER!!!!!!! :twisted:

08-23-2005, 06:50 PM
I know we are being impatient, but it's not looking good. :)

Also, I would have a written consent to where the purchaser is responsible for any accident aside from manufacturer's defects (problematic cracked frame, bent forks, etc. under "normal" use). Leaving the buyer solely responsible for an accident and to create a domino (contract to seller) effect for when they sell, and on down the line. I have no clue if that is legal, but I am sure an attorney will know how to write something up. Also read up on what people were recommending during the cases causing the ban - changing the geometry, dealer and rider courses, etc.

08-23-2005, 08:56 PM
P.S. If this is a hoax I hope you soul rot's in hell FOREVER!!!!!!! :twisted:
:eek: Ah man, I feel like an ASS!

That's my trike I'm building and I'm the "Sasquatch". :lol: I thought the JLK thing would be a funny little spoof. Didn't mean any emotional harm. Well have fun dishing it out, I'm ready for the beat down.

08-23-2005, 09:19 PM
:eek: Ah man, I feel like an ASS!

That's my trike I'm building and I'm the "Sasquatch". :lol: I thought the JLK thing would be a funny little spoof. Didn't mean any emotional harm. Well have fun dishing it out, I'm ready for the beat down.
i kinda figured that was you, why i didnt say anythin :lol: you are sick and twisted OS86... :crazy: :twisted: :beer

08-23-2005, 09:28 PM
:eek: :( :crazy: That's just not right... Give us some details about that badboy eh.

08-23-2005, 09:32 PM
:eek: :( :crazy: That's just not right... Give us some details about that badboy eh.
I'd love to, if you want any info on the madness of the project you can click on the link in my signature. I'll try to update the page this week yet.

08-23-2005, 09:32 PM
:eek: Ah man, I feel like an ASS!

That's my trike I'm building and I'm the "Sasquatch". :lol: I thought the JLK thing would be a funny little spoof. Didn't mean any emotional harm. Well have fun dishing it out, I'm ready for the beat down.
What is this, August fools day?????????? SHEESH!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I had hope for a few minutes when this thread started, and I had good dreams last night... I'll be having nightmares tonight I reckon!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad: :mad:

08-23-2005, 09:35 PM
dude your ate up.i knocked my keyboard of the desk with a chubby :w00t: over the thought of a new trike.

the project is atleast moblie now,thats good.post some more pics.!!!!!!

08-23-2005, 10:00 PM
OH, how could you? :lol:

08-23-2005, 11:36 PM
That sucks.

08-24-2005, 12:52 AM
:mad: :cry:

08-24-2005, 04:01 PM
That was just wrong, very wrong. I never believed a word of it but still (I did wish it was true). I do have to commend you on your efforts so far on converting the 400ex into a trike, if all things go well im sure it would make one heck of a trike.

Mr. Sandman
08-24-2005, 06:56 PM
I had the BS flag out and ready to wave from the get go but OS86 put out the big reveal before I could wave it. Man...95% of you guys are so gullible...McFly....McFly.... :lol: :lol: Jack Klondike for President!!!

Billy Golightly
08-24-2005, 07:44 PM
Hahaha I gotta admit I'm the one that gave him the idea to do it :lol: Right after he posted I told him "Oh ****...pile of firewood next to the shed and your in california. Thats not gonna work" hahahaha dont think anyone caught it though. He's also sportin a Trikefest shirt.

08-24-2005, 07:46 PM
It was cruel. Oh well it gives me inspiration. If I stick to the mechanical engineering idea you may just see one in 5-10 years.

08-24-2005, 08:05 PM
OS86 and Billy: You both SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

08-25-2005, 05:43 PM
@ least I'm laugh'n now, however I wasn't when I was disecting the vid... :twisted:
& Hey I stated "exactly what it IS" first! :welcome: :D

WE ALL SHOULDa KNOWN though..... :mad:

08-25-2005, 06:18 PM
Having worked as a R&D engineer and knowing something about product design/ project startup, Id say any feedback from the few of us here (although we are in favor) is so small as to be meaningless. Vehicle production is a much bigger issue than a few opinions on the Internet.

Even if everyone here says "yeah" (and I do too), that isn't enough in potential sales here to justify product startup.

The bigger question is not "what do we think," but how are you (your company) going to overcome the negative attitude (especially of the media) that youll run into trying to market this thing? Its hard to "beat the press."

Go to your financeers, they will tell you whether itll fly or not.

And if you are for real, E-mail me, Ive a friend in FL thats working on a new Patented higher efficiency small engine design and hes looking for something to put it in.


08-25-2005, 06:36 PM
Having worked as a R&D engineer and knowing something about product design/ project startup, Id say any feedback from the few of us here (although we are in favor) is so small as to be meaningless. Vehicle production is a much bigger issue than a few opinions on the Internet.

Even if everyone here says "yeah" (and I do too), that isn't enough in potential sales here to justify product startup.

The bigger question is not "what do we think," but how are you (your company) going to overcome the negative attitude (especially of the media) that youll run into trying to market this thing? Its hard to "beat the press."

Go to your financeers, they will tell you whether itll fly or not.

And if you are for real, E-mail me, Ive a friend in FL thats working on a new Patented higher efficiency small engine design and hes looking for something to put it in.


Dude. read the whole thread before you put in your 2 no 1 cents. It was a joke.

08-25-2005, 09:18 PM
And I said the same thing in previous posts, or similar. :)

08-25-2005, 09:29 PM
i dont like you teem geek, most of us here are rednecks that love what we're doing and can have a good laugh but you have to draw out your gay response that i stop reading halfway through it because all i can think of is someone that is balding and constantly pushing their glasses up their nose and reads computer manuals.. your responses bug me, you have to spoil the fun all the time.. extremely sorry for my maliciousness.