View Full Version : Carb mods, the Geek way!

08-19-2005, 03:55 PM
How to make a Keihin PJ really sing... :Bounce

"PJ" stands for Piece of Junk due to two design flaws, one in the float that makes it too rich, and the other that screws up the calibration between the transfer and main circuits - they dont "track" properly. I mentioned one of them to one of Keihins engineers then he wouldnt write back...

Keihin reworked the 85 PJ into the cheaper 86 PJ by putting in that Redneck idle screw / choke unit and going to a flat slide (an improvement) and changing the main jet tube. Cheaper to build, harder to tune. This carb and fuel system was 2 years in the works.

All that stuff is fixed in this one and lemme tellya, it SCREAMS.

Bored to 36 mm. Which does some damage that has to be repaired but no biggie.

Few extra hoses coming off the carb. Electric fuel pump and Geek - designed electronic control board.

After the ignition mods, it would pull the front wheel in 1-2 but after these carb mods, it just blows the tires off 1-3. It doesn't get traction till part way through 3rd gear on the same tires.

Its weird to hit the throttle when its parked in the garage and watch the rear frame stubs drop a half inch. hee hee :naughty:

08-19-2005, 04:01 PM
Dude...wtf? Looks like something off the space shuttle. lol

08-19-2005, 04:04 PM
LOL, not quite rocket science, but its heading there in the next ignition system - Im aiming for a broken piston rod.. Neat how the digital camera makes the premix fuel look green.

08-19-2005, 04:08 PM
Finally... bout time you spill some beans..... way to go.

but don't stop there.. hahahaha

08-19-2005, 04:11 PM
lol your not using model car methanol fuel are you cos that is green ? and also what is you stripboard with the capaciters doing then i take it thins is part of your trick ignition sytem are you storing up the leaked charge so that you can get a shorter more concentrated spark?

raising the float level and pressurising the bowl so that you can "force" fuel throught the jet hence the need for a smaller jet and this enables the fuel to atomise better and stuff ?

electronic operated pump to inject more fuel into the intake at high revs so that you can use smaller jets that you keep going on about. i was thinking about this and it should help not to flood the engine when cranking it open from low revs. this is what the board is for

lol all these are just theorys a 15 year old boy has come up with so dont flame me too much

08-19-2005, 04:17 PM
I still confused to why you did all this. You can get the same kind of power from a pipe and filter. In all seriousness if you're just getting it to want to pull up on you in 1st and 2nd you might have had problems from day one. If you needed help tuning that carb any of us would have helped you, you didn't have to go through all of that.

08-19-2005, 04:22 PM
I dont suppose you could make a wiring diagram so we can see what you did?

08-19-2005, 04:23 PM
I dont suppose you could make a wiring diagram so we can see what you did?

lol no not a chance he will, :lol: he likes us guessing :lol: so tg6 you looked at my thoerys yet?

Troll 2
08-19-2005, 04:48 PM
Dang dude, that wiring job look's killer............................ :lol:

I like zip ties, solder, loom, grommets and proper routing myself. Anyway, gotta like trying different things.


Good luck................................ :TrikesOwn

08-19-2005, 04:55 PM
I don't know too much about these things but isn't it basically the same thing as electronic fuel injection?

08-19-2005, 05:07 PM
I don't know too much about these things but isn't it basically the same thing as electronic fuel injection?
Didn't sloth already say that?

08-19-2005, 05:10 PM
I guess he did. :rolleyes: I just used less words. :lol:

08-19-2005, 05:14 PM
lol you just have less time on your hands than me lol you seem to be pretty busy with your carbs :lol: j/k

08-19-2005, 05:30 PM
How much fuel pressure are you running?

08-19-2005, 09:20 PM
So basicaly you added electrical crap to a good system? You rewound your stator to get more voltage/spark, and did some unnessary crap to your carb, whats next? a alternator and ingition box instead of a stator?

Jason Hall
08-19-2005, 09:50 PM
If you port your 250-r, Then jet it rite it will go from mild to wild. When I ported my first 250 it went from spinning the tires to blistering the tires. You sure sound like you know what you are talking about. I don't disagree with some of what you say. I just don't think it's needed. How reliable do you think that mess would be out in the bumpy ass field? 250-r's straight from honda have out lasted pretty much every other ride out there. I see the need for you to carry a tow strap everywhere. Have you ever rode a 250-r before you started messing with this one, because I know alot of people that would be scared to death of a piped 250-r 3 wheeler, with no other mods. It is not uncommon for a 250-r to wheelie in 1-2-3. I think I could start in second & wheelie rite up to 4th gear with a ported R 3 wheeler with a stock ignition. :naughty:

08-19-2005, 11:11 PM
So basicaly you added electrical crap to a good system? You rewound your stator to get more voltage/spark, and did some unnessary crap to your carb, whats next? a alternator and ingition box instead of a stator?

I really don't understand why some of you all are getting on to him about this so harshly. Personally, I think its kind of interesting how its all set up and, well.... different. If everyone got to see this work in "real life" I'd say they would have a lot different response.

As far as being "unnessesary" goes, its really unessesary to add an aftermarket pipe, filter, and reeds for example. Its all for better flow/power, and if you think that by rewinding the stator and doing some carb mods is going to give you an advantage to over everyone else, I'd say go for it... especially if you have the know how!!

Jason Hall
08-20-2005, 12:10 AM
The only reason everyone is giving him a hard time is the way he went about it. He came on like why would you run a 170 main, when all you need is a 132. Maybe he should have thought about the dumb ass that would just try it & burn their ride down. If he would explain what he had going on before he acted like a know it all, telling everyone they were crazy & did'nt need that big a jet. Of course we don't, we did'nt add on a bunch of un needed extras. If you have a new idea thats great & If you want to sell your idea then prove it. I will meet him half way If he wants to prove it to me. I will pluck my 310 out of my 3 wheeler put my ported .010 motor in & race him down any paved road he can find. If he beats me then I will help him try to sell his idea, simply by posting my loss on this site. :w00t: :beer

Troll 2
08-20-2005, 01:01 AM
Its all for better flow/power, and if you think that by rewinding the stator

I'd still like to know if he rewinds the stators on the ignition hop-up being sold? :D http://gl1200harness.tripod.com/2signition.html

08-20-2005, 03:59 AM
I'd still like to know if he rewinds the stators on the ignition hop-up being sold? :D http://gl1200harness.tripod.com/2signition.html

I bet he rewinds it (thats how he get more out of it then stock) then he goes through and tweakds with all the regulators so they push out more. After seeing all this from him i'm thinkin about how i could do a swap for my 350x. Rewind the stator and get a new coil that would work better. Also after talking to my friend that works for toyota we kinda figured that you could take a regular sparkplug (like an ngk) file the electrode into a point, and cut back the top, the would make the spark jump farther. Electricity arcs when it gets to the end of a couductor, so you make it to a point and its forced to jump there, making it so it possibly jump farther so you could cut back the other part.

Louis Mielke
08-20-2005, 06:58 AM
I'm sorta in the boat with Hondaatcman. I don't think its neccesary to run this dude into the ground. He very may well really be an electrical engineer or something and the things he's doing may very well work really well, theres no reason to cut on him. Yes we all know mods that really wake up an R but apparently so does he.....

At the same time......

The way he came on the board and started with the why do this when you can do this stuff.....it kinda reminds me of an aquaintance of mine.....he's Mr. Super Genius and he comes off as a prick because he's a little arogant. The whole "my stuffs awsome and you guys are dumb" way he's been posting....that kinda bothers me.

The other thought on my mind is he's peddeling Magic Marvins Mystery Oil. That's an unsettling feeling.

If he's got something new and fresh that works I'm all for it. It won't be long before the new fuel injected bikes are really handing our butts to us, you know it will happen eventually..and maybe teamgeek has the ace we all need up our sleeves....I would just hope he'd check his pride at the door and get on the level.

I don't mean give away all the secrets...I just mean ditch the "all powerful wizard of OZ" attitude.

08-20-2005, 09:26 AM
TG6 has clearly shown that he's doing nothing for performance. Read everything he's posted, add it all up and you'll see. The only thing he's doing so far is getting better fuel mileage. As far as giving him a chance, I might if he didn't love himself so much. He's more interested in giving little bits of info here and there and trying to get attention then being a member and helping out. What he wants is for us to kiss his ass so he feels good then he'll give us a little more. Personaly I'm not interested in investing this much work into a small motor so I can have a tank of fuel last longer.

Jason Hall
08-20-2005, 10:04 AM
If he was forcing air along with feul, then he would have something. Pushing feul in with that set-up does not impress me, it still moves the same amount of air. So what is the sence of dropping your jet size so you can force feul under pressure. Seems like alot of work to me. If he took another picture with the wire harness out of the way of the power jet in the back of the carb, that would be sweet. As for the ignition, he might be able to varry the voltage to the pump & make more pressure as the rpm's increase. But you still come back to air feul ratio & you can only jet to the amount of air the engine pulls. Another thing I wonder about, is a piston moving up & down in a 2 stroke cylinder can only burn feul until the exhaust port opens. So unless you totally disrupt the port timing, & your tuned pipe, what sence does it really make to extend the spark duration , I can see the need for hotter spark, but otherwise you wind up making alot more work for yourself. I don't think you need to be a elecrtical engineer to figure out that this stuff is crazy. Thats only my opinion & I have no more to say other than I will stick with what works for me. :beer

08-20-2005, 11:40 AM
Im getting the feeling Geek does this just to see if it works and do something different instead of the performance gain (which could be equaled and more likely bettered by a PWK carb and a CR ignition). If that's the case, more power to him (no pun intended).

Blown 331
08-20-2005, 11:48 AM
So when he said my 175 main was too big bacause he was using a 132 (or what ever it was) it was because he was supplying fuel through a second source other than the main jet?http://www.stlmustangs.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/jerkit.gif That has got to be the gayest thing I have ever heard of.

wheelie king
08-20-2005, 11:59 AM
Maybe you guys are just falling into Geek's trap, and he is just sitting back and watching all of you stirr! I agree, though, the arrogance is a little strong :rolleyes: If he has the time and energy to devote to such (debatably meaningless) tasks, game on. But don't be a cock about it.

08-20-2005, 01:42 PM
mabye, as long as it works, now he can build the motor and get more power, theres nothing wrong with modifying, and trying new things, even if it is a good system .. lol if no 1 tried different & new things there would be no advances at all
jasonhall i bet the r will wheelie in more th an 1-3. my 350x will stand up in 3rd from going so slow the motor is about to lug off with me leaning foreward flat out racing it comes up a few inches in 4th( on pavement of course), i want a r so bad i love 2 strokes

Mr. Sandman
08-20-2005, 04:05 PM
I've already let it be known how I feel about him and his mightier than thou attitude in other threads so I won't go there now, but as far as his whole mickey mouse EFI set up goes, I guess that's great if it works, but there are much easier and more reliable ways to gain a performance edge without reinventing the wheel. I'm also sure that the pictures of the custom wiring and circuit board set up are just the rough prototype and the final product is much more sano. :rolleyes: I know everyone is really hurting by the high gas prices too, but doing all that work to squeeze and extra mpg or two out of an R is lame

monster 84r
08-20-2005, 04:12 PM
my 250r must be running like @#$% then, because it barely comes up 2nd, let alone 3rd. tg6 might be on to something, but i go by the keep it simple rule, complicated injection stuff and messing with jets sounds alot more complicated than a pipe and port job. i wont believe it till i see a dyno sheet or a drag race vid or something...

08-20-2005, 04:28 PM
I know everyone is really hurting by the high gas prices too, but doing all that work to squeeze and extra mpg or two out of an R is lame

lol high gas prices at $3 max . i have to put up with going to get fuel and paying $6-8 a gallon:( dont worry i know what you saying . im really interested in what teamgeek has to say to all this as i speant about 3-4hours talking with another member on what it might be that he has done. i think that were close but how close is what i would like to know

tg6 i would love to talk to you real time do you have msn or can you come in chat one evening please pm me with the answer:) a nice freindly chat :D


08-20-2005, 04:30 PM
geez your r must be running like crap, it should throw you off the back... i thought...
but mabye the 350x's have a tad more low end take off torque i duno me i just rode up and down the road and mine sure does pull a nice wheelie in 4th when racing flat out

monster 84r
08-20-2005, 05:05 PM
mines only an air cooled, but i need a carb tune up. i cant find the air screw on the pj carb, i need to adjust it. tg6 do you notice a substancial power gain from your carb mods?

08-20-2005, 10:13 PM
geez your r must be running like crap, it should throw you off the back... i thought...

It did that on the igniton mods before the carb work. Nope, the stator isnt rewound, thats too obvious. I gave yall enough hints in the first post to figure out what it is.

Electrical engineer - yes, in a former life. Wiring looks like crap - yes, but guranteed it wont come apart. Whats on the electronic board, nothing exotic, covererts the lights winding to DC, regulates it and controls the pump duty cycle. No its not fuel injection or pressure.

I have yet to see any of you show up to ride it... Howdy?

Its simple. A friend and former top fuel mechanic for Budweiser put it this way: "if we p'd on the fender and it ran a tenth faster, everyone else would be out there p'ing on their fenders."

A few years back, a man taught me how to tune stock engine to a level to break drivetrains, and in the process, scare the living :twisted: out of me. I learned to tune stock street bikes up to break rear spoked wheels. I just enjoy seeing others get the :twisted: scared out of them when they figure it out on their machines.

Slothminx... keep thinking, good ideas, but its nothing that exotic. Youre a future automotive engineer in the works if you keep the thinker ticking. :D

08-20-2005, 10:23 PM
mines only an air cooled, but i need a carb tune up. i cant find the air screw on the pj carb, i need to adjust it. tg6 do you notice a substancial power gain from your carb mods?

air screw location depends on the carb, try :


and see if your carb is listed. The air screw on the 86 PJ is on the drivers left rear.

Substantial power gain aint the word for it. It tried to launch me off the back seat with the ignition mods, but with the carb mods it makes so much torque the tires cant put it to the ground. It wont hook up till 3-4 gear.

I spent 2 years going through this carb and getting every circuit (fuel and air circuit) tuned and balanced, its a hair pulling job. The biggest problem was that for the same float setting, the idle and low speed was way lean and the main was way rich, so there was no way to tune it perfectly at all speeds. If it ran OK on main, it bogged at 1/4 throttle so it was hard to power slide it without dumping the clutch.

With the stock carb design and settings, it never had a low end because it loaded up with fuel off - idle and I had to "clean it out" like any other 2 stroke. Now thats gone and the plug doesnt foul.

Louis Mielke
08-20-2005, 10:28 PM
As far as I see it, my guess would be that all your doing with that pump is keeping the bowl full to a certain level and eliminating the float. Your pulling fuel threw that carb somewhere other than the main or your lying about your jetting.

I can believe your connector story. I've seen bad connections, I've also seen electronics degrade from dumbasses using the wrong solder...

But still, the whole "my zen master taught me the art of performance engine building" story...its kinda lame. We all learned from somewhere....but your zen master story is just kinda silly and uneccesary..

I don't care if Yoda himself trained you as a freakin Jedi, don't mean a thing if it aint got that zing.

And my fairly stock R lifts the front wheel in 1st 2nd and 3rd. What gear it will wheelie in isn't much of a example of performance.

08-20-2005, 10:32 PM
Or it doesnt mean you have the brains to do it yourself/

Any idiot can say "I dont belive it has a 132 main jet" and not have the gahonies to show up and look at it.

Kids, insults wont get you anywhere in life.

Louis Mielke
08-20-2005, 10:37 PM
Not sure why your taking it as an insult.

A little bit of a challenge maybe but not an insult....
And if you read the post correctly I didn't call you a liar, I only stated that your getting fuel through that carb somewhere and as you said its obvious by the jetting.

I find it interesting that you're jumping to "your brains smaller" kinda tactics.

Another edit I might add.. You totally ignored that fact that I agreed with what you've been saying about connections and loss of "energy" through faulty connections.......instead you basically inferred that I was the ******* using the wrong solder....I said I saw bad connections...didn't say I made them.... Jumpy Jumpy......

08-20-2005, 10:41 PM
Well, if you want to trade insults, we can do that, but wouldnt it be better to learn something if you can? Or do you already know it all about automotive engineering?

Look at Slothminx, he doesnt come at me like an idiot, hes curious. You might achieve more in life if you follow his example

08-20-2005, 10:42 PM
Kids, insults wont get you anywhere in life.

Maybe you should take your own advice. :rolleyes:

08-20-2005, 10:43 PM
I never start flinging insults, but I will defend myself.

Louis Mielke
08-20-2005, 10:46 PM
Well since I doubt you'll scroll up and see the added edit I'll repost it:

Not sure why your taking it as an insult.

A little bit of a challenge maybe but not an insult....
And if you read the post correctly I didn't call you a liar, I only stated that your getting fuel through that carb somewhere and as you said its obvious by the jetting.

I find it interesting that you're jumping to "your brains smaller" kinda tactics.

Another EDIT I might add.. You totally ignored that fact that I agreed with what you've been saying about connections and loss of "energy" through faulty connections.......instead you basically inferred that I was the ******* using the wrong solder....I said I saw bad connections...didn't say I made them.... Jumpy Jumpy......

08-20-2005, 10:49 PM
I never start flinging insults, but I will defend myself.

The way you talk down to people can be very insulting.

There are plenty of Ohio members here. I'm surprised nobody has taken you up on your offer to come see it. I'd have brought my R out for some drag racing by now if I still lived out there.

Unfortunately there's no easy way to see if you have some serious port work done in that motor to go along with those other mods so even if someone does come see it there's room for doubt. Wouldn't stop me though. :TrikesOwn

08-20-2005, 10:54 PM
Ok. TeamGeek.. if you are going to be here, you should share your work. Help all us trikers improve our trikes to kick all the newer quad's asses, if your work is as good as you say. You shouldn't make us play the guessing game. It seems like you are here for yourself and just to show off your work and brag about your trike. If you're not going to show us what you did and how you did it, STOP making posts about it. It is pointless to make a post showing what you did, and then make everyone guess how you did it.

I'm not trying to tell you off, and I'm not trying to insult you or whatever else.. I'm just telling you that this guessing game is pointless.

wheelie king
08-21-2005, 01:09 AM
Stick to your guns, Louis!!!!!!

****cracks open a cold one and watches the fray*******

I am with you bro!!!

Some people just don't get it!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Mr. Sandman
08-21-2005, 01:24 AM
Kids, insults wont get you anywhere in life.
Here we go with the "kids" BS again. Take this at face value, as an insult, or as a slap in the face, I really don't care, I'm merely telling the truth. YOU'RE A LEGEND IN YOUR OWN MIND!

You must have extremely low self esteem because continuing to come off or trying to come off as joe-know-it-all-wanna-be-mechanic-engineer sure isn't working here (you're not fooling or impressing anyone but yourself).

Read between the lines...No one is buying it!!!

Yet you wonder why no one has taken you up on your offer to come on over to your place and see all the carburation/electronic witchcraft and wizardry that you've done. What a waste of time! If you weren't so into yourself and would take the blinders off you'll see that there's a whole lot more knowledge on this board than you'll ever admit to; but you continue to think that because no one has figured out exactly what it is you that have done to your R, we're all a bunch of dumb asses. Who has time for stupid and imature guessing games? This isn't Jeopardy!

Read my lips...No one is buying it!!!

Oh and by the way, I took my R for a spin today. After 20+ years of riding it, it still scares the hell out of me but produces an ear to ear grin. It ran great and even wheelied in 1st-4th without a problem, except I as well was almost thrown off the seat, and I was only at 1/2 throttle without any carb mods, "the Geek way".


Red Rider
08-21-2005, 03:43 AM
Ahhh TeamGeek my friend, you sir, are a worthy adversary! You have beaten me yet again. This time, by being the first to get your ignition wizardry to market well before I. But, as my marketing instructor, the great Professor van Nosstren always said, "When it comes to marketing new & exciting products, being second, isn't necessarily being last."

To my friends at 3wheelerworld: I am very proud to offer to you all, my latest performance enhancement kit for the Honda ATC 250R, which I have dubbed, "Wires, Hoses, & Digital Wizardry." In the first pic, you can see that I've added some wires & hoses. The second pic clearly shows some more wires & the digital entry keypad that makes it all happen. :naughty: All this for only $200. TeamGeek, would you buy my product? I've given almost as much information, about my product, as you have about yours. :rolleyes:

08-21-2005, 05:02 AM
hahaha good work Red Rider, ill take 10 of them! :lol:


I forgot to say, tg6, if i were over there i would gladly drag race you. :w00t:

08-21-2005, 08:49 AM
Hey Red Rider.: That thing looks curiously stong !!

hahahahaha good one.

08-21-2005, 10:20 AM
I live in Ohio and would gladly make the trip over to see his mods. My only problem is I myself do not fully understand all the in's and out's of getting more power out of a motor. Hell I can't even tune my wife's 200x carb. If I make the trip tg6, will you explain to me (in basic garage terms) some of your mods? Also could I bring my wife's trike so maybe you could help me try to tune it? Open offer.

08-21-2005, 10:31 AM
I like it so much...i am going to buy one for every board member.Edog buying for everybody tonight.lol

08-21-2005, 11:09 AM
Ahhh TeamGeek my friend, you sir, are a worthy adversary! You have beaten me yet again. This time, by being the first to get your ignition wizardry to market well before I. But, as my marketing instructor, the great Professor van Nosstren always said, "When it comes to marketing new & exciting products, being second, isn't necessarily being last."

To my friends at 3wheelerworld: I am very proud to offer to you all, my latest performance enhancement kit for the Honda ATC 250R, which I have dubbed, "Wires, Hoses, & Digital Wizardry." In the first pic, you can see that I've added some wires & hoses. The second pic clearly shows some more wires & the digital entry keypad that makes it all happen. :naughty: All this for only $200. TeamGeek, would you buy my product? I've given almost as much information, about my product, as you have about yours. :rolleyes:

You my freind have way to much spare time on your hands. :rolleyes: :crazy: :D

08-21-2005, 12:00 PM
why not just get a rewould ricky stator hi output setup and then go with a rpm programible fuelinjection system. its tunaable and works awesome and is made for banshees and 250r's

Mr. Sandman
08-21-2005, 01:08 PM
You my freind have way to much spare time on your hands. :rolleyes: :crazy: :D
????How do you figure???? The Geek spent 3 years trying to get his mod right, and it looks like Red Rider took about 8 1/2 minutes, but when it's all said and done, I'll bet you pink slips that Red Riders mods are more performance enhancing and reliable than the Geeks.

Question for Red Rider; How do the Altoids work? Do you drop one or two into your tank to boost octane or do they just keep the exhaust minty fresh which in turn attracts the ladies?

Red Rider
08-21-2005, 02:38 PM
You my freind have way to much spare time on your hands. :rolleyes: :crazy: :DChris, why do people keep telling me that?

Question for Red Rider; How do the Altoids work? Do you drop one or two into your tank to boost octane or do they just keep the exhaust minty fresh which in turn attracts the ladies?
:lol:I figure, if I'm going to be whooping up on every other rider out there, the least I can do is have nice fresh smelling exhaust for all the losers behind me. :lol:

Mr. Sandman
08-21-2005, 03:11 PM
I figure, if I'm going to be whooping up on every other rider out there, the least I can do is have nice fresh smelling exhaust for all the losers behind me. :lol:
Hmmm...I guess one of those losers will have to describe the fresh smell to me since I'm never behind you.

08-21-2005, 03:41 PM
Do the altoids really work? I'm gonna try that.

08-21-2005, 04:10 PM
I'll take two pack of altoids please?

08-22-2005, 04:40 PM
To my friends at 3wheelerworld: I am very proud to offer to you all, my latest performance enhancement kit for the Honda ATC 250R, which I have dubbed, "Wires, Hoses, & Digital Wizardry."
Crankie, you've created a "Flux Capacitor" haven't you!?!? :twisted:
So why "polish an old PJ turd carb", just buy a new big "stryker" one instead? I'm still like'n my OLD Kuni 38mm, just can't argue with what's already working IMO... :cool:

08-22-2005, 05:12 PM
Does this control both fuel and spark? Or are they seperate entities? On the fuel you keep having to jet down, Is it not controlling all of it then? This may be a complete assumption on my part.

08-22-2005, 08:42 PM
OMFG!!!!!!! RED rider i think i need one of those!!!!! the KEYPAD did it for me!!!! i am laughing so hard a need to hold my SELF!!!!!


08-22-2005, 11:23 PM
As far as I see it, my guess would be that all your doing with that pump is keeping the bowl full to a certain level and eliminating the float. Your pulling fuel threw that carb somewhere other than the main or your lying about your jetting..

He's not eliminating the float. What he's doing with the pump is yes keeping the bowl to full to a certain level. And getting away from the old gravity feed, and having that certain level of fuel in the bowl at all times. Reason why a gravity fed carb has a bigger needle and seat then one that has a fuel pump. And theres no other way to pull fuel from.

08-22-2005, 11:32 PM
lmao that is the funniest thing i have seen in years. hey ride red is that available for my 200x. i bet i could smoke the new 700r raptor with that upgrade

08-23-2005, 04:33 AM
He's not eliminating the float. What he's doing with the pump is yes keeping the bowl to full to a certain level. And getting away from the old gravity feed, and having that certain level of fuel in the bowl at all times. Reason why a gravity fed carb has a bigger needle and seat then one that has a fuel pump. And theres no other way to pull fuel from.

he has eliminated the float on it. but is keeping the bowl full to a certain level with the pump into the bowl with the green line out of it with the overflow tube.

08-23-2005, 11:23 AM
Yep, go-kart design. It aint rocket science. The electronics to run the pump is the hard part.

Oddball - wrong, no float. Its in the tool cabinet. But youre thinking!! Thats the important part.

Once the float is thrown in the spare parts drawer, the fuel level can be adjusted to whatever level is desired, which is impossible with the float.

This setup cost much less than purchase of a new carburetor to cure a defective float needle seat, not counting labor to test to determine flow volumes and designing the system. Plus, a new carb is limited in float adjustment just like the old one. This saved me weeks of work in building a new carb to match the old one.

jenn - no, spark and fuel are separate, its dangerous to mix the two. It's risky enough to mix electricity and fuel in the pump as it is. The more complicated the electrical system gets, the more difficult it is to find all the paths that current can take to the fuel system.

Just a note of caution - this is not a "run right out and throw it together" project that a novice should attempt. Your ATV on fire is not the result you want!! :eek:

THere are fire hazards, risk if the pump quits and so on. Just because I do it, doesn't mean you should. The stock carburetor design is as it is for certain reasons, its simple, efficient and relatively safe. If youre bent on trying it, thats great, but theres no need for you to run headlong into it and blow yourself up - write and ask for help. PM me.

Realize this was done in a 2 engineer household with enough talent to design most of the vehicle. Electrical, mechanical, chemical, nuclear, safety engineering experience (thats the short list.)

If you do want to try it, better to use mechanical means to pump the fuel around, much safer.

Wil, i must run errands today, but your intake system is running around in the back of the brain... Send the pics when you have them.

Geesh - 1078 views on this thread... wonder how many of them are from whiners? :crazy:

Jason Hall
08-23-2005, 10:07 PM
Ok geek I'm still thinking :wondering , & what I wonder most is what is the flaw in the pj carb :wondering . Do you think you can show us that? I have 2- 250-r engines that run at this time with pj carbs. I don't recall ever having the trouble you have had with the carbs running rich at idle, & fouling plugs, & needing to be cleared out. It sounds like you might have had a problem with the redneck idle screw. If you had the choke knob threaded up to far, then set your slide height, & air screw to make it idle rite, That by it's self will make your mid range horrable, & make for the need to clear it out. I guess for me to see any genious in anything, first I need to see the flaw. :wondering

08-24-2005, 01:06 AM
Ok heres my question, for the most part all the carbs for bikes are the same, so dont they all have flaws? I'm putting a mukini (too lazy to look how to spell it) flatslide. What flaws do that have and in your oppinion what do i need to do to fix them.

08-24-2005, 10:14 AM
Mikunis to me are eiser to tune. You have more choices in needles, pilots,and nozzles where you can dial it in. But with any carb it takes time. and do lots of plug readings.

08-24-2005, 10:30 AM
Im Here In Ohio Also. I Enjoy Reading Your Threads. Man Is This Stuff Funny. I Dont Care To Much For The Performance Stuff You Always Talk About, I Just Want To Ride. Lets Get Together Sometime. Im Up Here In Akron. Pm Me If You Ever Want To Go Out And Ripp Up Some Hills. I And Some Other Triker Ohioans Will Be Going Down To Wellsville Labor Day Weekend. Hope You Can Make It Out.

08-24-2005, 01:33 PM
what is the flaw in the pj carb :wondering . Do you think you can show us that? I have 2- 250-r engines that run at this time with pj carbs. I don't recall ever having the trouble you have had with the carbs running rich at idle, & fouling plugs, & needing to be cleared out. It sounds like you might have had a problem with the redneck idle screw. If you had the choke knob threaded up to far, then set your slide height, & air screw to make it idle rite, That by it's self will make your mid range horrable, & make for the need to clear it out. I guess for me to see any genious in anything, first I need to see the flaw. :wondering

It ran rich from the git - go, so much that the previous owner put a leaner needle from a 38mm in and it was still a little off. ive not found any flaws in the casting that would leak fuel it. Been all through the redneck screw (HATE that thing, I liked the 85 PJ setup better with a separate idle screw, but its a round slide and still a 34) and nothing wrong there. No, its not threaded too high but yes, that would goof it up badly.

Look at the float as -installed, then look at the drawings of the carb on Keihins web site, you might see the problem. I missed it the first dozen times I looked at the drawing.

The thing that made me build this system was when the float needle seat went, that was either buy a new carb (bought a used 85 PJ and it was leaky too) and have it bored and etc. to match the old one, or eliminate the float. "Eliminate" was cheaper and now I can also bolt it directly up to the 85 PJ so Ive rescued both carbs from the trash can.

08-24-2005, 01:42 PM
Mikunis to me are eiser to tune. You have more choices in needles, pilots,and nozzles where you can dial it in. But with any carb it takes time. and do lots of plug readings.

Definitely. The PJ is a nice inexpensive stock production carb but it aint the best for racing. Problem was I didnt want to lose all the tuning work already done while there was still a chance to uncover a failure somewhere - and thats exactly what happened when I found the leaking float seat. It wasnt bad enough to sit there and drip fuel constantly and that made it difficult to prove. It would just make the float read a little high, and that means a little rich.

If it turned out to actually be the fault of the ignition, then a new carb would have been a waste.

The really strange thing is that I proved the main jet was drawing fuel on idle, and that isnt supposed to happen. I sealed the main jet threads with Loctite and that made no difference.

Plugs - Good Lordy I went through a pile of them, ended up putting the fouled ones in the wood stove, cleaned them like brand new! Just put the business end in the red or white coals and in an hour, all the fouling is gone.

08-24-2005, 01:46 PM
Ok heres my question, for the most part all the carbs for bikes are the same, so dont they all have flaws? I'm putting a mukini (too lazy to look how to spell it) flatslide. What flaws do that have and in your oppinion what do i need to do to fix them.

yes, for the most part they are the same design, the slide vs a butterfly is the main thing. Then its how they designed the metering circuits and how adjustable they are. The PJ has no air adjustments except for idle, the emulsifiers are not adjustable, and thats a real headache for fine tuning.

ive tuned Mik's on the old 750 street bike and it was a fire breathign monster. Good carbs.

Flaws- impossible to say, even a well designed carb series can have an individual carb that is flawed, like a crack in a casting that leaks air or fuel. The old Carter AFBs (car carbs) were bad for that, they would warp and leak fuel into the manifold when hot.

I just like to see a carb with the most adjustments. Got a lot of screwdrivers to wear out! :D

08-24-2005, 02:35 PM
TG6, would you say the main reason you did this was for personal satisfaction? Currently you've shown no gains worth spending 20 bucks on. Is this just the beginning? Do you plan to give it some more mods so it could keep up with the mildly modded R's already out there? Will we see the beast at TF06 on the drag strip?

Mr. Sandman
08-24-2005, 07:07 PM
Geesh - 1078 views on this thread... wonder how many of them are from whiners? :crazy:
Bullsh*t and train wrecks always attract a crowd, but the winners are still waiting to see something impressive.

08-24-2005, 07:19 PM
Im Here In Ohio Also. I Enjoy Reading Your Threads. Man Is This Stuff Funny. I Dont Care To Much For The Performance Stuff You Always Talk About, I Just Want To Ride. Lets Get Together Sometime. Im Up Here In Akron. Pm Me If You Ever Want To Go Out And Ripp Up Some Hills. I And Some Other Triker Ohioans Will Be Going Down To Wellsville Labor Day Weekend. Hope You Can Make It Out.

It seems he does'nt want to reply to us Ohio guys. But he replys to anyone that wants to debate him.

Jason Hall
08-25-2005, 07:09 AM
Man geek your local Ohio guys are getting upset with you. Why don't you race one of those boys & prove to us what you really have. 3leggeddog has a pretty sweet running R, he lives in ohio, who might want to run the massaged animal? I will even help them with the gas money to meet you somewhere. I guess I have some more things to add, you will never break the drive train on that 250-r, unless your chain is an old junk & don't you think your time was worth the $200.00 for a pwk. 2 years worth of tuning on that pj (piece of junk), would have been well worth the money. Do you know any good machine shop guys? I'm sure my buddy could have fixed what ever was wrong with that seat in your carb for 20 bucks, after all it should have had a rubber tip on the needle. One more question what are floating crank bearings? Are they floating in excess gas :lol: , or are they just the bearings that honda has always used? :wondering

Troll 2
08-25-2005, 08:13 AM
what are floating crank bearings?

Here's the write up on that. http://gl1200harness.tripod.com/2stroke.html

08-25-2005, 06:07 PM
My responding has nothing do with being from Ohio or not, I simply dont have time to waste with detractors, those only here to throw insults and fools. I wont have battles of wits with unarmed individuals.

As to the others - were chatting on Private Messages without the above list interfering.

Floating crank bearings - Honda screwed up when they put the mains (and most of the other bearings) in press fit on both races. This is a serious No - No according to bearing design rules. Bearing design rules say that the race that is not turning, must be loose fit so the bearing can align. Axial bearings wont take much misalignment.

Press the crank in the bearing, then press the bearings in the cases and voila - bearings in a bind. I eliminated the binding.

08-25-2005, 06:26 PM
My responding has nothing do with being from Ohio or not, I simply dont have time to waste with detractors, those only here to throw insults and fools. I wont have battles of wits with unarmed individuals.

As to the others - were chatting on Private Messages without the above list interfering.

Floating crank bearings - Honda screwed up when they put the mains (and most of the other bearings) in press fit on both races. This is a serious No - No according to bearing design rules. Bearing design rules say that the race that is not turning, must be loose fit so the bearing can align. Axial bearings wont take much misalignment.

Press the crank in the bearing, then press the bearings in the cases and voila - bearings in a bind. I eliminated the binding.

?????? Max or I hav'nt thrown any insults and were no fools. We simply wanted to get together and ride and learn. Sorry dude your loss. Cool group of guys in your own backyard and you insult us. I done with ya.

Billy Golightly
08-25-2005, 07:08 PM
I seen you mention elsewhere that using a hammer to tap a main bearing into posistion ruins it with one stroke, is this correct? Seems to me a non counter balanced engine (Say a Tri-Z, or CR500 for example) would create this same effect except for millions of times over. Explain the differences?

08-25-2005, 07:20 PM
TG6, would you say the main reason you did this was for personal satisfaction? Currently you've shown no gains worth spending 20 bucks on. Is this just the beginning? Do you plan to give it some more mods so it could keep up with the mildly modded R's already out there? Will we see the beast at TF06 on the drag strip?
Still waiting on an answer here chief.

08-25-2005, 07:25 PM
TG6, Does your mods work on 4 strokes?

08-25-2005, 09:58 PM

08-25-2005, 10:00 PM
Haha.. nice!!

08-25-2005, 10:01 PM
lmao that is just wrong........but funny as hell

08-25-2005, 10:04 PM
HOLY CRAP!!! LOL at Jared! wow that was good

Billy Golightly
08-25-2005, 10:07 PM

Teh funny is strong in this one... :lol: :lol: :lol:

08-25-2005, 10:17 PM
LON- THAT"S what i've been waiting for!!! Great pic too!!! i've spent way to many hours of my life in the past week reading the JUNK TG6 has thrown out, and he sees fellow trikers in his own backyard as "distractors", why can't he back up his claims and meet up with em for a good ole drag race. He's just an ego stroking bi#%@, has-been engineer that thinks he reinvented the wheel by adding useless, break down prone junk to a carb,and thinks he's a carb god. Give me a break, let's see some real world results. Back it up TG6 or shut the hell up!!!!! It's way past time!!!

08-25-2005, 10:51 PM
The PJ is a nice inexpensive stock production carb but it aint the best for racing. Problem was I didnt want to lose all the tuning work already done while there was still a chance to uncover a failure somewhere - and thats exactly what happened when I found the leaking float seat. It wasnt bad enough to sit there and drip fuel constantly and that made it difficult to prove. It would just make the float read a little high, and that means a little rich
__________________________________________________ _____________________

I see nothing wrong with trying new things. If you don't try, you'll never know if it will work or not. I've set here and read all 6 pages of this and I think that it's all a engineering nightmare. I see no gains in this system whatsoever. I don't think it will work any better than any other well tuned 250R out there. I noticed that you said that if the float is a little high that it means it's a little rich. The float height does not control the jetting at all. It's only there to make sure there is plenty of fuel in the carb so it doesn't pull out all the fuel. I've never heard of any R that will require enough fuel to warranty what you are trying to do. Take for granted, if the float is too high, it will overflow, not run rich. Even if the seat is leaking, it still won't run rich, it'll just fill the bowl up to the overflow tube. The only way either one would make it run rich is if the fuel level is up in the throat area which would let raw fuel into the intake. It would probably barely run until it was revved up, ie, clearing it out. I think it's great that you tried something new, but I just don't think it'll catch on. Admit failure, try something new, and for God's sake, put a Lectron on that thing...........:)

08-25-2005, 10:56 PM
an important detail too.

Put that thing on an MX track or any harsh jumping terrain... it will fall apart.

08-25-2005, 11:31 PM
wait i got a question.... why are * posting these half pics of wat ** doing and half descriptions? is it a guessing game? are we supposed to guess wat it is ** doing? cuz if its a guessing game itd like to play. are you... turning a blender into a super charger? that close? can i have a hint?

08-25-2005, 11:38 PM
Honda ATc, is that you?

monster 84r
08-25-2005, 11:47 PM
ok guys, instead of sitting here bashing each other, why dont we organize a drag? find a place where * guys and tg6 can meet up. have a good time, do some drags, and check out his carb setup. might as well tape the drag to have as proof. tg6 deserves credit for at least trying a different way to gain horsepower. if no one went out and tried new ideas out, the world would just stay the same.

08-25-2005, 11:50 PM
Sorry this "fool" is done with him.

08-25-2005, 11:51 PM
monster 84r * trying to ruin the guessing game?!!? besides we are all distractions.

08-25-2005, 11:53 PM
im gona win if no one else guesses... is it relish? relish in that green tube? like high octane only better for the environment?

Mr. Sandman
08-26-2005, 01:11 AM
Now that's what I call "OUTSTANDING WORK" Lots of Nothing.

As for the guessing game, This is Jeopardy and I'll take "Carb Mods That Don't Do Squat" for $1000 Alex!

08-26-2005, 08:26 AM
Now that's what I call "OUTSTANDING WORK" Lots of Nothing.

As for the guessing game, This is Jeopardy and I'll take "Carb Mods That Don't Do Squat" for $1000 Alex!

answer- "What is a complete waste of time and mothergeek's money?"

No, I bet he's not gonna meet the Ohio guys for a race. That would bring reality to this dilemna, something Dave Campbell (TG6) is not in touch with!!!

I spent another hour of my life on his webpage last night, good info, and good site for 250R lovers. I saw that he's running 18's on this beast. I put my 18's on my X this past weekend, and it will wheelie in every gear ( a benchmark that TG6 constantly refers to ), so I must have a complete beast of a X, cause it will wheelie in 6th gear, a complete freak of nature! He brags that his R will wheelie the first 3 gears, whoopie, my 400EX does that. Both my X and EX are stock carbs, how can this be possible?! TG6 is just wasting oxygen that my 'inefficient' stock carbs could be wasting!

O, and Lots of Nothing, that pic is EXACTLY how I pictured him!!! LMAO!!!

Jason Hall
08-26-2005, 09:15 AM
Has anybody ever seen what happens when a 250-r counter balancer shaft beats its way out of the right side case & rattles like a piston that is three sizes too small? I sure have, the outer race destroys the bearing bore, If anyone has a lower end rattle they can't find pull the clutch cover & check the counter shaft bearing & bore. Believe it or not you don't have to split the case to pull the counter shaft out. I have welded the cases (Not J/B welded) & had my buddy machine them back out. What do you think is gunna happen to the cases on a floating crank bearing, If you bump the compression or do any heavy duty riding the bearings/ cases might last you a year. I have heard of trueing the crank, but never of sanding the cases so they can beat the bearing bores out, looks like another geek BAND-AID. I bet somebody pressed a new rod on that crank crooked & thats why is was binding, with a perfectly true crank your crank wont bind one bit, & your engine cases will last for 20 years. I can't believe how many things honda did wrong on the best, longest lasting machine ever built. I had a hard time believing you before Geek, I'm really starting to wonder now. :wondering

08-26-2005, 10:12 AM
travex, you also have to look at his gearing. He has it geared WAY high, when a bike is geared high it has a tendacy to wheelie easy because it no longer has the torque to spin the tires, the easyest way to transfer that power is to bring the front wheel off the ground.

08-26-2005, 12:06 PM
i kno!!! i got this game in the bag. you have all that junk on it to so ppl think its fast. then wen * race them * rip chunks of that board off and throw it at them, then they fall off or get distracted and run into somthing. so!?!?! wat do i win?!!? huh?? that the right answer???

08-26-2005, 03:18 PM
Here is what I want to know there MacGyver... you are all about getting horsepower for free or very cheaply obviously, I can see no other point to any of this. You aren't putting this bike in the mud and water ever, or that little circuit board would be toast. Since this is the case, why have you overlooked the very obvious mod of doing away with the airbox altogether and running a clamp on filter? You might actually have to run the stock jet size then AHAHHAHAHAHAH. I can think of 50 mods that are still low cost and far less complex than you have previously done that would still result in more power and a faster bike. The airbox elimination is one of them, so is elminating weight from the bike, (you are adding it instead) running a better exhaust, raising compression etc etc. I suppose it is mildly impressive that you are able to actually even still ride the bike with all of that crap hooked to it, but you are going around your head to scratch your ear as the old saying goes. I also would love to see all these "stock" engines on both bikes and cars that shred spokes off like twigs, and cars that crap their driveshafts in the street due to tuning alone AHAHAHAHAHAH

08-26-2005, 03:49 PM
I didn't even bother reading the 7 pages of bs, I'll skip right to the idea. I have never heard of a sportbike having spoked rims, so I'm assuming you mean a cruiser, or harley. Assuming that, I know people with cruisers, and harleys with spoked rims, and they can't break a spoke. Hell, I even know someone that has over 600 horsepower in their caddy with gold spoked rims, hell still cant even break them. I wan't to see a video of this shiiiiit. I love the circut board, think you can make one for Willy and I's bike? I mean, as it is I can break the mag supports right off by just touching the gas. I mean, its absolutely sick, But I won't be happy till I break a chain or something from the massive horsepower. Let me know if you can work with our bike :naughty: :twisted:

08-26-2005, 04:05 PM
Anybody is welcome to join us Ohio riders at Sunset Ramblers in Galion on Sept 17th and 18th and give us a REAL demonstration! Im willing to match up my plain old pretty much stock TriZ (that runs right) against any modified trike out there. If you dont like that date, there is the Lorain County Fair in Wellington on August 28th, and the Ashland County Fair on Sept 22nd. Anybody can talk about what theyve got. So few seem willing to SHOW me. I think too many people spend way too much time trying to make a trike go faster instead of setting it up to run right stock, and way too much time talking about how fast they are, and not nearly enough time learning to drive it. My only secret weapon is the guy standing on the pegs.

So why not everybody stop armchair racing long enough to show what you can do without a long list of excuses.

08-26-2005, 04:55 PM
Amen TimSr! If I lived closer, I'd be there, just to see it done!

08-26-2005, 05:37 PM
I can see no other point to any of this.

The original post stated it was to get around buying a new carb for a bad float seat, which is not a service part.


Read the rules, direct insults are strictly prohibited.

3WW Moderator

08-26-2005, 05:38 PM
im gona win if no one else guesses... is it relish? relish in that green tube? like high octane only better for the environment?

No, thats just gas and premix, the digital camera makes it look green.

08-26-2005, 05:57 PM
No, thats just gas and premix, the digital camera makes it look green.
That's odd, it didn't make your other lines look green.

08-26-2005, 06:09 PM
Kids, insults wont get you anywhere in life.

You say this and then call me stupid? Nice double standard, at any rate, I was not referring just to your little fancy carb mod, but rather to all of the mods as a whole you have done to this bike according to your webpages and signature. Here is what I am getting at, you have gone to the trouble to index your plug for god's sake, and to be concerned with certain degree thermostats etc. Were all of these mods as well something you HAD to do anyway? I mean a plug won't fire will it unless it is properly indexed and studied over for five hours. You yourself proclaim to be top notch (on cars and streetbikes anyway) at extracting enough huge horsepower and jaw dropping torque to make all the little girlie's drawers wet, simply by tuning and using cheap mods, and here the motor is breathing through a meager concstricted tube. So explain to me why you have skipped plenty of EASY proven methods first, for making horsepower do you just like wasting time on the hard projects on the frontend?

08-26-2005, 06:10 PM
i also dont get this as where there is a bubble in the fuel line it is still green. are ytou saying that it stained that particular line?

08-26-2005, 06:18 PM
Kids, insults wont get you anywhere in life.

You say this and then call me stupid? Nice double standard, at any rate, I was not referring just to your little fancy carb mod, but rather to all of the mods as a whole you have done to this bike according to your webpages and signature. Here is what I am getting at, you have gone to the trouble to index your plug for god's sake, and to be concerned with certain degree thermostats etc. Were all of these mods as well something you HAD to do anyway? I mean a plug won't fire will it unless it is properly indexed and studied over for five hours. You yourself proclaim to be top notch (on cars and streetbikes anyway) at extracting enough huge horsepower and jaw dropping torque to make all the little girlie's drawers wet, simply by tuning and using cheap mods, and here the motor is breathing through a meager concstricted tube. So explain to me why you have skipped plenty of EASY proven methods first, for making horsepower do you just like wasting time on the hard projects on the frontend?

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA OH HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA BUAHAHHAAHHA LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHA stop it stop it i am about to bust a rib out of the side of my chest now from laughing HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA

08-26-2005, 06:26 PM
you guys and your r's misfire 1 out of 5 times and thats why you get that "pinging" noise.
Thank gawd I have 4 strokes.

08-26-2005, 06:34 PM
you guys and your r's misfire 1 out of 5 times and thats why you get that "pinging" noise.
Thank gawd I have 4 strokes.
ah men to that! :beer

Billy Golightly
08-26-2005, 06:39 PM
QUERY: Is that hose on the bottom of the carb bowl an overflow line?
ANSWER: Why Yes, I belive it is!
QUERY: Does that hose have gas in it?
ANSWER: Why Yes, I believe it does!
QUERY: Was that not the whole point of your hoses, wires, and electrical wizardry to keep the float and bowl from overflowing?
ANSWER: Why Yes, I believe it was!
QUERY: Is that electrical wire holding the exhaust muffler onto the side of the frame in the first picture?
ANSWER: Why Yes, I I believe it is!
QUERY: Is it safe to have a poorly crimped and spliced wire exposed to leaking gas and fumes?
ANSWER: I'm an electrical engineer with 35 years of engine tuning experience, I'm SAE certified and I can spin the tires on my 250R in 3rd gear! Nevermind they are 18 inch lawn mower tires which are known to be slippier then owl **** on a greased railroad! I command the engine to make power and it does so with only the thunder of my voice being its motivation! I invite people to come ride my end all be all and then when I'm asked to come ride with other people I do not even answer! I'm TeamGeek6 kids, and nothing ever goes wrong under my watch! :naughty:

08-26-2005, 08:06 PM
Hmm, no wonder the mood on this board is nasty and childish, the moderator is nasty and childish as well. Nice post, ATC, off topic, insulting, and showing you low IQ

I can play handball with you kids all day.

08-26-2005, 08:11 PM
i also dont get this as where there is a bubble in the fuel line it is still green. are ytou saying that it stained that particular line?

Now THERES an intelligent question - No, it hasnt stained the line, its just how the digital camera sees the oil through the hose. The bubble is surrounded by green and the light bounces around, just an optical illusion.

08-26-2005, 08:13 PM
you guys and your r's misfire 1 out of 5 times and thats why you get that "pinging" noise.
Thank gawd I have 4 strokes.

THATS EXACTLY RIGHT. Which is the problem Im working on. Sure, 2 strokes have twice as many power strokes, but if it missed 1/4 or 1/5, then its wasted.

Theres a way to make that pinging go away and make a 2 stroke run as smooth as a 4 stroke. Its all about electronics.

08-26-2005, 08:14 PM
God this is fun. Now I know why my old lady is hooked on soap operas.

Troll 2
08-26-2005, 08:51 PM
THATS EXACTLY RIGHT. Which is the problem Im working on. Sure, 2 strokes have twice as many power strokes, but if it missed 1/4 or 1/5, then its wasted.

Theres a way to make that pinging go away and make a 2 stroke run as smooth as a 4 stroke. Its all about electronics.

I worked at a chassis dyno shop for sixteen years and have been a part of my dads top fuel and funny car race team my whole life. I've tried to get a hint of reality from your "tuning" and have found none. There are more people hear that can tune a trike and learn from than the geek. You havent presented a reasonable theory yet. I'm interested in your new "flame thrower" ignition system thats in the works. But I say it wont help. Just another magic gimmick, sorry but I'll need to see facts and not b.s like it feels better. Man, why not dyno your project? Then try something like f.i. or advance curve rates? Anyway, your project and tuning just arnt believible or impressive.

Billy Golightly
08-26-2005, 09:53 PM
Hmm, no wonder the mood on this board is nasty and childish, the moderator is nasty and childish as well. Nice post, ATC, off topic, insulting, and showing you low IQ

I can play handball with you kids all day.

Well dang Geek! I'm just a KID after all. Would you please take me to McDonalds and buy me a happy meal??? I promise not to make fun of your muffler held on with electrical wire anymore, puhleeeeze?

The mood on this forum is "nasty and childish" as you like to say because thats exactly the way you have been treating everyone on it from the beginning. Instead of just explaining what you did, you try to make a freakin broadway production out of the whole deal. You continously insult the people in my member base, telling them how stupid they are and how smart you are since you talk to engineers and pay $10 to download reports from the SAE website. You join this forum and then think and act like you are the authority figure on every single conceivable subject there is to think about. Constantly stroking your ego and attempting to make everyone else look dumb in comparison to you. Your holier then thou attitude made you enemies with many people here from the first post. Your benchmarks of "blows the tires off" and "Wheeling in 3rd gear" is so flawed its ridiculous. Of all your expertise THAT is the best measurement of power increasement you can give to us? Give me a break. My 500R will burn the tires off on dry pavement up till 4th gear. Impressed? Didn't think so. Neither am I.

Whether you will admit it or not, there IS liquid in that bottom line and it probably is fuel. You can look right up near the top and see the airpocket and then the liquid underneath of it. Man you must think people really are that gullible and stupid, that they've never seen an air bubble followed with fuel in a clear hose before. Is it the overflow or is that where your fuel pump is putting fuel into the bowl at? The end of the fuel line is curved up in the edge of the picture. I dont buy that the camera made the hose discolored either. The one right next to it where the two are almost touching is the normal color. You can even brighten the image up in the area where the brown hose is dark and its STILL brown under neath of it, and the other hose is still green.

Now THERES an intelligent question - No, it hasnt stained the line, its just how the digital camera sees the oil through the hose. The bubble is surrounded by green and the light bounces around, just an optical illusion.

Wait, Holy ****. Are you telling us you made an oil injector for the carb too?!?!? :lol: :lol: :lol: Great, just what we need. Another un-necessary piece of equipment to kick the bucket while your 20 miles out in the middle of no where by yourself riding. Not to mention that when this one fails EVERYTHING gets cooked. The piston, the rings, the wristpin bearing, the rod bearing, AND the main bearings! The geekster strikes again!

Now, IF by some stroke of pure luck (Probably have better odds of getting struck by lightning on the way to pick up a winning loto ticket) you decide to show up at one of the Events the Ohio guys have invited you to and you DO prove yourself I will totally apologize for calling your ideas and theories bullshit. I wont go to bed holding my breath though, and I dont think anyone else will either.

08-26-2005, 10:22 PM
An awful lot of "kids" on this board have my total and utmost respect because they earned it. None of them ever got it by demanding it based on their belief of entitlement after self-proclaiming their superior intellect. None of them ever got it by pointing out that everyone else was inferior because they questioned very questionable claims or that another persons age was somehow a factor in their inferiority. Sure, we get goofy kids on here all the time, but we've also got plenty of kids that I respect more than some of the supposedly mature posters.

Geek, Im not going to sit here and argue with somebody over a message board, because I doubt Id convince you of anything anyways. You come across on the board as someone who thinks very highly of himself, and very little of others, and this is the source of the hostility you are receiving. Maybe you arent that way, and it just comes across that way when it appears in text. A lot of guys who dont come across as very likeable on the board get along with people fine in person. Again I invite you to join a good bunch of Ohio riders at Galion. Shake my hand and ride with me, and maybe we will both learn something. Som eof them are young guys, and some of us are older, but I respect them all because they go out and do it.

08-27-2005, 03:09 AM
Hmm, no wonder the mood on this board is nasty and childish, the moderator is nasty and childish as well. Nice post, ATC, off topic, insulting, and showing you low IQ

I can play handball with you kids all day.

Hmm the first sentance says everything about you. You refer to everyone elce as kids therefore this fourms are "childish." Well if there so childish to you then GET OUT and dont come back, I wont be missing you. If you quit trying to act like your all high and mighty maby people would take to your modd a little better. Since you think that your just that much better than everyone no one likes you. You are also talking about someones low IQ well you maby be smart but theres something called common sence and PEOPLE SKILLS, that you have NONE of. At least everyone elce here has those 2.

You MIGHT (but i doubt it if you can even tune a dang carb) be smarter than everyone here. But you shure the He11 cant interact with us because you feel like your much better than everyone.

08-27-2005, 08:47 AM
Your arrogance has already been covered so I'll only touch on that. The guys are right; you screwed up from day one. Your attitude is one that resembles the actions of an insecure man, shunned in everyday life, a defense mechanism if you will. You remind me of Stewart. Stewart is a character on MAD tv. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the show but the similarities between you and Stewart just can't be ignored. He's always screaming "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO" and just annoying the crap out of people. He thinks he's special because people always look at him (like people look at your threads) but the truth is they are either laughing or gaping in a disgusted shock. The number one similarity is that he just can't figure out that he's not welcome.

The real sad thing is that you managed to walk into a community that will give you the shirt off their backs and ended up getting the coldest shoulder that I've seen in years. There are some smart and intuitive people hear that truthfully would have given you their full attention had you not treated then like children. This place was better without you and I hope it gets better soon.


Mr. Sandman
08-29-2005, 12:12 PM
Although banning him isn't really called for (not yet anyway), a custom user title may be the hot ticket. Mods???

08-29-2005, 05:49 PM
Maybe just put his posting priviledges on hold till he backs up his claims? And TimSR (or another trusted member) can verify that (if TG6 shows) with some photos, video, or something concrete. Just my .02

08-29-2005, 05:52 PM
My opinion is this....Honda paid alot of engineers a lot of money to make a great production bike to serve as a high output platform for the consumer. After the release of these the bikes the after market world paid a lot more engineers alot more money to build and test and reconfigure every resonable angle that could be done on these bikes. I have never seen any type of electrical fuel pump float eliminator gadget on any bike even to the present. I believe that if you were drawn to this for a way to make your bike better..... good for you, way to go. But there has been at least 20 yrs of very good engineering put into these bikes as they are to make them go faster, jump better, ride wheelies longer or whatever that most folks like me have seen work and will stick with......Chris

85 250sx
08-29-2005, 09:59 PM
Haha dont ban the guy, I still have half a bowl of pop corn left lol. But a custom user title sounds like a great idea! so how about it TG6 do you think youl ever have a free weekend or after noon to meet up with the OH guys? or are you just gona run for ever?

The real sad thing is that you managed to walk into a community that will give you the shirt off their backs and ended up getting the coldest shoulder that I've seen in years. There are some smart and intuitive people hear that truthfully would have given you their full attention had you not treated then like children. This place was better without you and I hope it gets better soon.

I couldnt have said it better myself. TG6 have you noticed that no one els has a problem with each other on this board? (well exept for the guy with the michelson 500 or what ever it is cause he thinks the only good trike is the one he owns) and you are the only one to blame your aproach was all wrong telling people they where stupid and childish, did you actualy expect them to like you after that? If you would have just came out and told everyone what it was and what it did and backed it up with facts you would have gotten a whole differnt reaction and might have even made some $$ by now.

08-31-2005, 09:27 PM
Wow fellas... This is pretty lame.

Basically, Teamgeek...You have not invented nor have you improved anything on this carb. If you tuned your 250r right it should be able to EASILY perform FAR better then what your saying your "improved" carb is doing for you. My 250r is by all accounts...weak...but it still performs twice as good as compared to what your reporting.

To all the others, let the assclown bask in his glory. He made something work, and hes proud...If he wants to be a dork about it and gloat, fine...whatever. Somehow he has pissed off the entire board...thats fine too, more entertainment for me...9 pages of bashing on assclown mechanics is fairly unnecessary...albiet VERY entertaining.

Just keep it clean. If your a dink on my board, you get treated as such. You dug out this hole yourself Teamgeek, and your gonna have to keep digging til you hit .org or straighten up and stop acting like a pretentious asshole.

09-01-2005, 12:31 AM
No need to start .org bashing too.

The Goat
02-28-2008, 03:45 AM
amazing the things you'll find when you have insomnia and don't have the money to go out drinking. :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

02-28-2008, 10:56 AM
At least Im mature enough to talk about technical merits instead of making personal attackes against others.

We learned this in 5th grade, children

02-28-2008, 12:15 PM
another gay thread brought back to life!!! geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz, what the hell!!

Billy Golightly
02-28-2008, 12:24 PM
I was waiting for this one to resurface :lol:

02-28-2008, 01:24 PM
I was waiting for this one to resurface :lol:

I love this thread :crazy:

02-28-2008, 01:46 PM
i still dont see why you just dont contact rpm and get the fuel injection system i ran it on my psi 425 motor and it kicked ass

02-28-2008, 01:47 PM
and engineers ar eliek the american goventment they take soemthgin simple that works alright and complicate it tillits allfucked up

02-28-2008, 02:26 PM
Its been over 2 years. Has anyone seen him in action yet?

Geek please tell me your r will wheelie in a higher gear by now. 280lb rider and my Z will wheelie in 3rd (41.5mm carb, k&N filter, Dg Pipe, 14 tooth front sprocket). Brapp's R has a 38mm PWK with a PT high Rev pipe and its a complete animal, seen it do a 6th gear power band wheelie on the drag strip. I'll see if I cant find the vid for you.

02-28-2008, 02:52 PM
LOL!!!!! Red Rider's post...too hilarious! :lol:

haha Lots_Of_Nothing was great too...

The Goat
02-28-2008, 03:15 PM
I was waiting for this one to resurface :lol:

sorry billy, couldn't sleep. lol.

Billy Golightly
02-28-2008, 07:22 PM
This is a message from TeamGeek6 at 3WHeeLeR WoRLD FoRums ( http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/index.php ). The 3WHeeLeR WoRLD FoRums owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.

To email TeamGeek6, you can use this online form:

OR, by email:

This is the message:

Do you need sued also? Id check with Howdy re. the message I just sent him, and decide if you feel the risk is worth it.

Howdy also got a PM, which I'll let him decide if he wants to post it or not, and I will address it separately if he does, but my reply to what I received is THIS:

SOCK IT TO ME! I would be willing to bet money the forum would take up a healthy offering collection just to see your pompous ass realize how ridiculous you are.

02-28-2008, 07:30 PM
The last thing we need here is another no talent ass clown,telling all of us we"all" are doing it wrong.I mean they run bigger jets in Blaster's from the factory.No?

02-28-2008, 07:41 PM
Howdy also got a PM, which I'll let him decide if he wants to post it or not, and I will address it separately if he does,

No problem on my part:

Im sure youve noticed that Im slandered on your BBS.

Obviously the Admin and Moderators agree, or they take action to stop it.

Heres the deal. Im getting a little tired of it.

I stand to make 6 figures in a stock deal. Thats far more than enough money to name you and every other idiot on this BBS as co-defendants in a SLANDER suit.

I know where Mercer County Courthouse is.

So heres the deal. You put a stop to it, or risk losing anywhere from thousands in lawyers fees, or everything you own.

I know machinists in Mercer county dont make much a week.

Ive copied the threads and posts, and digging your identities out is no problem for a well paid Lawyer.

Send me a picture of your house, so I can see if its worth taking.

Now some may think I can put what ever I want in the quotes, so I will also include a screenshot of it.

Note to TeamGeek: Have at it!!

Billy Golightly
02-28-2008, 07:53 PM
Dear TeamGeek,

I take pleasure in knowing you would cash out a 100 grand in stocks just to frivolously come after me, my friends, and my little ole bbs. God bless you.

Billy Golightly

02-28-2008, 07:58 PM
The guy is useless, never been helpful.

I think he plays with and builds robots... Hence the reason he feels he haas this far superior ignition.

Every so often some know-it-all shows up around here, never has much good to say and always portrays themselve as an expert that can't do any wrong or learn anything here.

He has threatened to sue our beloved board? He needs to be permanently banned from any and all forums immediately.

02-28-2008, 07:58 PM
Damn sue happy geeks these days... what a joke... this guy obviously got bounced off of too many lockers back in high school...

02-28-2008, 08:11 PM
hahahahahahaha, this guy is a huge joke. waste money on suing someone because he gets slandered for being a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* to everyone on the site, lol, hahahahahaha. what a friggin jamoke!

tell you what teamgeek, why not just sign off the forums and never come back, would save yourself alot of embarrassment from everyone on here. and oh yeah good luck with wasting the supposed 6 figures of cash on suing all of us. yah sue billy or howdy, might as well sue me too, cuz dude your nothing but a butt pirate trying to pawn off some peice of crap mod that more then likely doesnt work for sh!t. good luck, with your future ventures!

no i have to go piss myself from laughing to hard.

02-28-2008, 08:14 PM
This thread is a train wreck.
and guess what?
Teamgeek6 is "THE ENGINEER"

02-28-2008, 08:15 PM
Damn sue happy geeks these days... what a joke... this guy obviously got bounced off of too many lockers back in high school...

Your half right, but he didn't getr bounced off them, he got LOCKED inside them :lol: I bet he looks like Bill Gates :D PICS PICS!!

02-28-2008, 08:19 PM
its only slander if it's not true!!!!!

02-28-2008, 08:38 PM
HAHA that is FUNNY. you wont get anywhere with a suit like this....you will get laughed away.......haha this guy is a friggin joke!

02-28-2008, 08:50 PM
Order now and get not 1 but 2 "TeamGeek6's Biggest Fan " T-shirts! LMAO


02-28-2008, 08:53 PM
Everything that have been wrote here could have been printed in a newspaper and the only thing you could had receive in return is a letter of apology... No money...

02-28-2008, 08:55 PM
hey guys, I'm still new here, I just sat here and read all this. It's very ????????? well I just can't find the words. This is just my 2 cts. Any question I have posted on here. No matter how simple. Ya'll have been very helpful, and repectful, It has been 20 years since I have done much riding, or working on trikes.(been riding street bikes)(Honda VTX 1300) So thanks to you all for your help.Thanks Joe

02-28-2008, 09:16 PM
So, is geek banned? Hopefully!

02-28-2008, 09:19 PM
What a douche! OMG!

02-28-2008, 09:20 PM
I live in NE Michigan and right now it is 11 degrees out. Hasn't been much warmer the past few days so I don't get down to my shop much. Too far to walk and the cold bothers the dogs feet. So I need other things to do and lately I have been finding some of these "interesting" threads. I need humor until it get a bit warmer and some of these post sure do the trick. Don't ban him until it gets warmer.

02-28-2008, 09:40 PM
Is TeamGeek an armchair racer??? Never saw a thread of him testing his mods in the real world.

Billy Golightly
02-28-2008, 10:01 PM
Holy *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* Rob, "This threads a train wreck and teamgeek is the engineer" LMFAO!!!!!! That is EPIC

02-28-2008, 10:57 PM
It just came to me why Teamgeek wants my house. It's to replace his house:

If he had 1/2 a brain he would spend his 6 figure stock deal on a nicer house instead of wasting it on a suit. lol

02-29-2008, 12:07 AM
BAHAHAHAHA *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* A!


02-29-2008, 12:55 AM
It just came to me why Teamgeek wants my house. It's to replace his house:

If he had 1/2 a brain he would spend his 6 figure stock deal on a nicer house instead of wasting it on a suit. lol

:lol: GOOD GOD Howdy! :lol:

:beer Good show! :beer

02-29-2008, 01:04 AM
:lol: GOOD GOD Howdy! :lol:

:beer Good show! :beer

lol!! That is or was his House, not mine. He posted the picture here: http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=39048


02-29-2008, 01:25 AM
Come on guys. He is just trying to teach us, its there but we arent getting it :lol:


02-29-2008, 01:43 AM
I've seen some retarded *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* on the internet in my time but the people that threaten slander suits always take the gold medal. I mean really. Suing people for slandering an anonymous nickname on the internet.


02-29-2008, 02:21 AM
figured most of these applied to the situation. if not, there funny anyways!


and lastly, an engineer designed this

The Goat
02-29-2008, 02:53 AM
you know, engineers must not be very good with the whole legal system. this particular situation is libel. written word. HOWEVER, by placing his name in the public forum...he has basically forfeited any and all rights of either type of suit.


quite simple really, by placing yourself, or your name, in view of the public (public being considered a large audience...and all of the members of 3ww constitute said audience) you open yourself to the possibility of other opinions and statements either true or false. Because of that willingness to be in the public forum where opinions may be heard and statements may be made...you're basically *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*.

it's the same situation if I came out tomorrow and screamed that george w. bush is actually a child molester...he could file suit, but he would be laughed out of court. why? willingness to be seen in the public eye.

teamgeek...sorry buddy, unless I or anyone else is locally defaming your "good name" you're screwed. that's law...get over it.

02-29-2008, 03:11 AM
Alright, Ive held out long enough without saying anything.
...now which post did he talk about suing someone? :lol: I cant seem to find it. :beer
I have a feeling we will need another "smiley" to represent our resident 'engineer'.

02-29-2008, 03:14 AM
Alright, Ive held out long enough without saying anything.
...now which post did he talk about suing someone? :lol: I cant seem to find it. :beer
I have a feeling we will need another "smiley" to represent our resident 'engineer'.

its in the open forums

02-29-2008, 10:33 AM
teamgeek...sorry buddy, unless I or anyone else is locally defaming your "good name" you're screwed. that's law...get over it.

What's hillarious is the nobody is defaming his "good name" in the first place. People are flaming an anonymous internet username. :crazy: The judge would die laughing. :lol:

And you're right. Even if people were using his real name he'd still have no case. :banned:

Billy Golightly
02-29-2008, 11:14 AM
Does that mean I can sue for slander everytime someone flames me cause I use my real name? Sweet, this might be advantageous after all.

02-29-2008, 11:20 AM
im sueing you billy......for having more trailpro tires then me......

02-29-2008, 11:21 AM
This thread is as funny as Steve-O launching bottle rockets out of his ass crack

02-29-2008, 12:13 PM
its just bullchit he is fullof empty promises lust liek his so calle dproduct.lol

02-29-2008, 12:33 PM


All I could find on him so far^^