View Full Version : still wont run

08-08-2005, 04:16 PM
Ok my 110 still wont start. we have adjusted the carb alot and still nothing. it is get spark and gas is get to it but nothing. does anybody know what the problem is?

08-08-2005, 04:58 PM
Start with the basics, an engine must have air, fuel, spark and compression.
Do a compression check. Then, on a new spark plug, squirt some fuel in the cylinder and try to start it. If it has good compression and spark, itll fire, even without a working carburetor. Wont run for long tho. If that fails, then suspect ignition. Put a timing light on the spark plug wire and crank the engine over, see if the light blinks.
If you have an air wrench, spin the engine with the air ratchet and watch the timing marks, see if it fires and is in time.