View Full Version : ATC90 crankcase breather

08-07-2005, 06:46 AM
where is the crankcase breather on the ATC90 and is it easy to "clog" or what cause I have a good bit of blow-by on my brand new rings so it has a lot of pressure in the case but........ I was just riding it with the oil filler VERY loose and I rode it like that for like an hour I suppose and now I have way less blow-by but still enough that as with all motors it needs to come out so where in the heck does it come out. I know that this is my problem because when it is rode for more than a few seconds it just bucks and jumps and BLASTS oil smoke out of the pipe and when * go to lossen the oil filler pressure is just shooting out along with a lil hot oil that splashes up to the top of the casing during the ride (ouch). but now it has WAY less blow-by but it still needs to vent somewhere so where is the pesky little vent at on the little devil??? :(

08-07-2005, 07:17 AM
Have a look just under your hi/lo range lever. There is a about a 5mm hole pointing straight down. That is the breather outlet. It also breathes behind the case straight onto the chain as well. Sometimes when people had their cases repaired they accidently blocked this hole. The later 110 has the breather on top of the cases with a hose coming off it. You can do this mod to yours but be careful. Look at a 110 and put in a fitting in the same spot if your standard 90 breather is blocked.

08-10-2005, 09:37 PM
well thanks to your help on location I found a bunch of grose goo up in there and cleaneed it out. now she runs like a top. although very hot b/c I trie a lil expiriment containing both super94 and a good bit of alcohol. heheheheh :)