View Full Version : 1986 tri-z problems!... Not good

08-03-2005, 09:06 PM
Well my buddy on his 400ex came over and had to show him up. I got massive air and bottomed out my shock a few times :p, Now to the bad part...

2nd last jump of the day, I land after the jump and my Z starts to idle real funny. Revs high then low, then high then low and so on. If I kept on the throttle it acted the exact same way it would when it was running in its prime. Then if I let off it would do the same thing with the revving. I thought I was running outa gas so I put her on reserve, still did the same thing. I havent checked any fuel lines yet, could it be crap in my fuel pump? Or in my carb? Any ideas :idea: , Im going tomorrow morning to work on her.

Please help me, I going to a atv party on saturday night and want to show em up! :TrikesOwn

08-03-2005, 09:10 PM
Check your intake manifold for cracks and/or breaks; these would allow air to get in and cause some issues.

08-03-2005, 09:13 PM
Check your base gasket too. Sounds like an air leak or something. Spay some starter fluid around the engine and see if the idle changes. If it does then you have a air leak.

08-03-2005, 09:14 PM
did your idle screw fall out? my bike did that when it came out...

08-03-2005, 09:17 PM
If my idle screw fell out, woundlt I start to notice a change in idle over time if I started to work itself free?

08-03-2005, 09:22 PM
If my idle screw fell out, woundlt I start to notice a change in idle over time if I started to work itself free?
yes and no....just look, sometimes the bike idles byitself without it, sometimes it dont , its rather anoying heh put if your jumping there isnt much "idle" time in there.

08-03-2005, 11:12 PM
Check the vacuum line for the fuel pump, and the vent hose for the gas tank. Pull the gas line off, and kick it over, and see if gas squirts out. Open the gas cap. start it up, and see if it does the same to check vent. Spray something around intake, and see if the "tone" changes. Take carb floats and float needle out and make sure you dont have a rust flake or something stopping it up. Check the metal gas tank cover, and make sure it didnt get dented, and is not pinching off your two gas lines.

08-04-2005, 12:53 AM
sounds like you stirred up some dirt in the tank, hopefully youve got an inline filter. whether a machine comes factory with one or not i always put an inline filter on just incase, dosnt hurt to be over cautious

08-04-2005, 01:06 AM
could it be if ypu bottomed out the suspesion that you bent the float down and now you have too much gas in the float bowl an that floods out revs up and down?

08-04-2005, 10:17 AM
I took apart the carb and air box/boot. There was nothing visible in the carb to hinder it, I checked the lines they are fine. I checked the fuel pump, its pisssing out alot of gas. Checked how tight the carb and everything was to each other. I sprayed "liquid fire" around the carb and engine and it still sounded the same. And my gas tank isnt dented up. Any ideas???

08-04-2005, 10:33 AM
Hi, check in the scanned magazine section. Goto performance and click on 86 triz mods. I remember reading that when they did huge jumps on the Z it would stall or someting and it was due to the fuel pump. That is why they went with the airbox gas tank. I am not able to view this article for some reason. It says I am not authorized. But maybe you can.
hope this helps.


08-04-2005, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the help Denn, But im pretty sure thats not it because It still acts up when I have it level and standing still. Im outa ideas. Anybody? I dont want to take it too my shop then ill pay through the....

08-04-2005, 10:44 AM
Did You Try A New Plug

08-04-2005, 10:48 AM
No I didnt try a new plug, hmm could that change anything? And also, it starts in 2 kicks on "2nd" choke, but no choke it doesnt want to start.

08-04-2005, 12:29 PM
That shore sounds like an air leak, but obviously youve checked all of that. Now look at electrical system, motorcycles are bad for loose and corroded electrical connectors. Vibration and water play heck with them. May have broken a solder joint in the CDI and its going into full timing advance, hang a timing light on it and see if its in time.
G forces shouldnt hurt the inside of the engine.

The "no choke" thing is exactly a symptom of weak ignition.

08-04-2005, 04:30 PM
Max suggested a new plug, which should always be step one for any two stroke problem. By all means, do that first.

Im re-reading your original post. If I understand correctly, are you saying it runs normal, except for when its idling? If that is the case, most of this stuff wouldnt apply. Vacuum or intake leak is a good possibility. The other question I have is about your statement that you took apart the carb, and saw nothing. Did you take the jets out, and blow carb cleaner, compressed air or something through each orifice? Did you take the air screw out and do the same? Did you take the floats and needle out? If it only does it when idling, its not a float problem, but could very well be a clogged pilot jet, or dirt in the air screw socket, which is part of the pilot circuit.

08-04-2005, 05:00 PM
Thanks tim, ill do that blowing out stuff tonight. I also put in a new plug. Ill get back to ya tonight or tomorrow.

westcoast TRI-Z
08-04-2005, 05:06 PM
I'm no encyclopedia when it comes to this stuff, but what you described sort of sounded like what happened with my tri-z. Check to make sure that your coolant level isn't low. Mine was reving high and low like you said till i added some coolant. Again i'm no wizard, but its a free quick simple check. :)

08-05-2005, 07:29 AM
I did everything everyone said, blew out the the entire carb, checked and tested all lines. New plug, tried "liquid fire" Nothing. Looks like shes going to my shop :(

08-05-2005, 01:25 PM
Well took the carb to my shop, the air screw was all the way in so no air was getting in or somthing like that (good thing it was free!). This incident shows my lack of carb knowledge lol Time to start reading! :rolleyes:

Now shes running like a raped ape covered in gas and on fire while running through a old folks retirement community! :w00t:

08-05-2005, 07:17 PM
Congradts...glad to here the good news.

08-05-2005, 08:03 PM
Well took the carb to my shop, the air screw was all the way in so no air was getting in or somthing like that (good thing it was free!). This incident shows my lack of carb knowledge lol Time to start reading! :rolleyes:

Good understanding of how a carb works is critical if you own a 2-stroke. I got lucky with my R in that it never really gave me any problems with it when I lived in Ohio. I'd check the plug now and then and it was always a nice tan color without me ever doing anything to the carb.

Shortly after I brought it to Arizona the top end had to be rebuilt (couldn't complain, that top end was in it when I got it so it gave me several years of faithful service). I let it sit for a good seven years just because I had other things going on in my life and had no way of transporting it to the good riding spots. Anyway, after the new bore and piston kit the jetting was off and was immediately noticable. That's actually how I found this site.

I started looking up info on carbs and jetting (wasn't even 100% sure it was the jetting). I hadn't done any carb work on a 2-stroke prior to that (amazing ain't it?) and what I had done on 4-strokes was more just doing what I was told and not really understanding what I was doing. Some of the guys here were a tremendous help in educating me. Once it clicks for you, it all makes perfect sense and is pretty easy to understand. Getting to that point can be confusing though.

This is just a really long winded way of saying read this thread (http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=26242). In fact, read it twice. :beer