View Full Version : 200x and 350x speedo kit interchanges?

08-02-2005, 05:10 PM
Will a 200x speedo kit bolt right onto a 350x? Please let me know...


08-02-2005, 05:29 PM
nope it's on the wrong side........200x on the left...... 350x on the right 85/86R is the same kit......but there rocking horse sh*t.......

08-02-2005, 05:34 PM
Will a 200x speedo kit bolt right onto a 350x?
Yes, it will bolt up Mike, but it won't work! It's too bad too because there are so many 200x gearboxs around.

You could also use a 250es gearbox, but those are just as rare as the 250r/350x ones!


08-02-2005, 09:45 PM
250es front tire was bigger than 350X, so yes it will bolt up, but no the speedo will not read correctly.

08-02-2005, 10:10 PM
250es front tire was bigger than 350X, so yes it will bolt up, but no the speedo will not read correctly.

very true. just like if the tire pressure was off either way ,,, it will affect the accuracy alot.
and on that note ,,, it won't be a heck of alot either way.
if you can get ahold of the correct side axle driven unit ,,, snag it up. your speedo will turn in the correct direction and if you don't tell anybody it's off a late modle r, es , or what ever ,,, they will never know.


08-02-2005, 10:58 PM
very true. just like if the tire pressure was off either way ,,, it will affect the accuracy alot.
and on that note ,,, it won't be a heck of alot either way.
if you can get ahold of the correct side axle driven unit ,,, snag it up. your speedo will turn in the correct direction and if you don't tell anybody it's off a late modle r, es , or what ever ,,, they will never know.

Very true... the newer quad speedos are off by so much it doesn't make any sence, I know my mom's Outlander's speedo is off by at least 15%, it's just crazy! :crazy: :rolleyes:

I find that the 250es speedo works fine on the 350x, screw that, it worksGREAT!!!. If you find a 250es use it. But if you really want a 350x one you can just send the 250es one up to me! :naughty: hahahaha


08-02-2005, 11:40 PM
I think I will hold onto my es speedo box :naughty:

08-04-2005, 10:42 PM
250es front tire was bigger than 350X, so yes it will bolt up, but no the speedo will not read correctly.

hmmm.... 25" tire versus 23½" tire.... do the math.... however, I think the gearbox housings look different? Who has an OEM 250ES gearbox pic to post up? How about the 250SX? A 250ES one would read higher than actual; so that would be an advantage for you speed freaks..... however, I like to use the right tool for the job!

The mounting bracket is for the wrong side for the speedo head too. However, I think the "back loop" and the cable might work... the cable might be a little short. Again, PetsATC is right... the 85/86R and the 350X are nearly identical kits, in fact, both my oem 350X complete kits have a HA2 (water R) part number on the speedo cable. The 250R kit adds a wiring harness to feed the speedo light off the back taillight and might possibly have a larger diameter lower clamp loop on the fork. However, my NOS 350X one in the box had no writing on the speedo gearbox that I can remember, the 85/86R specific gearboxes I've seen have HA2 stamped on them.


08-04-2005, 11:06 PM
The 250es back loop thingy will not work on a 350x w/out modifying it.

The 250es gearbox looks identical to a 200e/200es one, exactly the same.

Also the 200e/250es/200es/etc. do not use a seperate dust seal like the 350x/200x/250r kits, the seal is built into the gearbox.