View Full Version : Crashes

DX Rider12
08-01-2005, 06:55 PM
Post your stories about the worst crashes you've had riding trikes. The worst I got is I tapped my grab bar on my DX but no crashes... Oh, then there was the time my cousin (who rides quads) grrr thinks that trikes and quads are the same, so I was riding with him and he wasn't paying attention and he almost rear ended me so I moved and he clipped the left side of my fork and almost tipped over sideways. But Iv'e had no crashes yet *knock on wood* :)

08-01-2005, 07:48 PM
I was doin a little hill shootin on a tree farm on the SX, went a little to fast hit a 45 degree corner and you know when you cant make the turn, the SX and me went straight into black berries but never rolled it, i had a few scratches. Then one time on the Tecate I was doin about 20 and tried hittina 90 degree corner, couldnt make it either, so I really trie to get on the brakes but as fate has it I rolled the twist throttle and trust me those breaks aint gonna stop 45 ponies, so I went straight into about 4 ft tall black berries and got more scratches, but I have never rolled any of my bikes, knock on wood. Later I hit the same corner doin about 15 on the Tecate, I slide it perfect then the rear wheels jsut suddenly hooked up and next thing I know that front tire popped up and I shot 15 feet forward in a split second, didnt crash but it made me learn to respect the power of the bike. And once on the Tri-Z i was doin a 3 rd gear wheelie hit the grab bar but luckly I got the rear brakes in time, no damage or crash just a little freaked out becuase it was on gravel and I could have got torn apart, lol. So really I have only "crashed twice." But have had some close calls.

Yamaha Tri-Moto
08-01-2005, 08:13 PM
A few years back I was riding my 3 wheeler which at the time had no brakes and i was going to fast to make the corner, hit a tree rolled the 3 wheeler and was thrown into a rusty barbed wire fence. Surprisingly i was not injured to bad but still have a few scars to show for it. Oh well totaly worth it.

wheelie king
08-01-2005, 08:27 PM
While trying to work out a fuel problem......I was getting pull-started on the 200s, my wife driving the Xterra and me on the trike...a 20 ft tow strap in between us. I tell her "ten miles an hour, honey...TOPS." "OK" she says. As we get moving down the shell rock road, she accellerates.....and ACCELLERATES....and at about 25 mph, when the trike started to sway back and forth and wobble as if to tip over.. I scream...and SCREAM....."STOP!" and I was fighting it with the handlebars to no avail...... I BAILED. Swan dive off the trike onto the road, looking up in the cloud of dust to see her continue, still accellerating, and the trike flipping upside down. There. My cherry 200s going 25+ mph upside down on a shellrock road. Nice. She finally realized the screwup, and slamms on brakes, and runs back to me. I got road rash like a mother, and I am bleeding everywhere. Broken glasses, trashed cell phone, and torn shorts.

It sucked. Needless to say, My wife never pull started me on anything else, and never will. :mad:

Yamaha Tri-Moto
08-01-2005, 08:37 PM
hows the trike man??? lol

wheelie king
08-01-2005, 08:40 PM
Actually, the trike was fine. Little scrape on the top of the headlight switch, and some scuff on the left rear fender on the plastic. You gotta stare to see it though.

Me: Permanant scars on my left arm that are purple. Yes, purple. :mad:

DX Rider12
08-01-2005, 08:49 PM
Wheelie King... Man that really sucks. (I know this doesn't pertain to trikes but I just have to tell it) I was at my friends house jumping bike off his ramp, and my bike is a piece of s^&% so I had to use his little brother's bike with like no tread on the pedals. So I lined up got some speed and then my foot slipped off and I was like a foot from the ramp and I went off the side then flew off the handlebars and I had no gloves or helmet but my hands skidded on the gravel and I tore em' up pretty bad.

Now this is about trikes... I was like 9 and my mom, dad, and little brother went riding to my dad's friend's house to pick up a part for the dune buggy I have up north. So on the way back we took the trails instead of the road (I know thats illegal, but now you can ride trikes or quads or any off-road vehicle on the shoulder anywhere in Ogemaw County.) Anyway, back to the ride. I was riding with my mom ,and she hasn't ridden a trike in 20 years so, we were going up this big hill and my mom hit a big pothole and tipped sideways. I jumped off I was fine, but my mom scraped her arm on a tree and had like a 9" gash on her arm. But that was the only actual crash I've been in.

08-01-2005, 09:30 PM
lol heres an idiot crash, and yes it was on a QUAD but it wasnt mine so its ok lol.

i was rideing my friends YFZ in the snow right after he got his brand new curtis sparks pipe and dirt digger clutch. i thought hey its just a quad not goona be too powerfull for me so im off throwin around some snow without a helmet on n i think hey lets top it out see what shes got. im going full throttle down a straightaway in a field and the yfz is so low to the ground that the rear skidplate was sliding on the snow and somehow it got me squirley n the front tire hit the snow bank and i was instantly thrown from the quad...as im flying through the air with no helmet im flying like with my back down and im looking at the quad flipping twords me i get that instant "OH ****" thought n i blacked out on impact and i instantly jumped up to make sure i was still alive...i look over at the quad sittin on its tires n i think Phew maybe it just got sideways fell back down, we then look at the tracks from teh quad and then the 10 feet of fresh snow without tracks, and then a quad sitting there...n then another 10 feet of fresh powder and a big slide mark of where i hit and slid for about 10 feet...and that is why i will never have a YFZ lol

08-01-2005, 09:53 PM
I have only crashed once on a trike. KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!
I was on the old 200s, going around a corner that was also downhill, and it just flipped. I jumped off in time though. No damage to the trike not even a broken brake lever!
I ride my trikes carefully. The only one I beat around with (jumps, wheelies, etc...) is the SX.

08-01-2005, 09:54 PM
I got my Warrior stuck upside down in the top of a tree once. :wondering

08-01-2005, 09:56 PM
I got my Warrior stuck upside down in the top of a tree once. :wondering
You wouldn't happen to have a pic of that would you??? :D

monster 84r
08-01-2005, 09:59 PM
i wheelied too far and ended up on my rear last week on the 'r, but thats the only wreck ive had on it.

6 months ago i was messing around on a friends 300ex after he put on a t4 exhaust.... anyway i was in 3rd gear going about 35 in a retention basin, and took a corner going way too fast. the rear end locked up and started sliding out, the back rear tire hit a root, and flipped the 300 over onto its side. i flew 7feet off of the bike without a helmet on. i was ok, a little sore but nothing major. the handle bars were bent, but thats it.

08-01-2005, 10:00 PM
I don't even know where to start there's been so many. lol

Weirdest one was a collision with a dirtbike (and I've had several of those). I was going around a blind corner one way, this other dude on a little CR60 was coming the other way. I had a friend on the back of my 200x and he managed to see it coming somehow, he bailed which distracted me and the next thing I know I'm in a good amount of pain and my bike is completely upside down next to me. Somehow, the rear tire of the CR60 managed to hit me square in the spine. Nobody saw exactly how it happened though but there was a tire tread there to prove it. No real serious injuries though and the bikes were fine.

Funniest one wasn't on a trike at all. It was my very first bicycle. I was about 5 or 6 I suppose and just learned to jump curbs on it. Jumped a curb, front wheel flew off in the air, landed on the front forks and endo'd into the pavement. Didn't cry. Just picked up the two pieces, carried them home and set them in front of my dad giving him a dirty look. I figured he put it together so it was his fault. lol

08-01-2005, 10:06 PM
You wouldn't happen to have a pic of that would you??? :D

I wish, I would have sent it to Dirt Wheels.

DX Rider12
08-01-2005, 10:24 PM
Weirdest one was a collision with a dirtbike (and I've had several of those). I was going around a blind corner one way, this other dude on a little CR60 was coming the other way. I had a friend on the back of my 200x and he managed to see it coming somehow, he bailed which distracted me and the next thing I know I'm in a good amount of pain and my bike is completely upside down next to me. Somehow, the rear tire of the CR60 managed to hit me square in the spine. Nobody saw exactly how it happened though but there was a tire tread there to prove it. No real serious injuries though and the bikes were fine.

Dammit!... What happened to the CR 60 rider? Did he get messed up? I mean c'mon 200x v.s. CR 60 in a crash. :crazy: No damage to your spine huh? You are really lucky. :) Oh yeah, what happened to your friend?

08-01-2005, 10:25 PM
I hit a road crossing I did not see because of heavy silty dust in lucerne valley, ca. and went over the bars BAD! When I finially stopped rolling my fanny pack bladder had exploded and i thought for sure it was blood because it was so warm. Took about 2-3 minutes to find the bike which was thrashed(plastic, both levers, bars) that was the worst it was 1987. Many more since but none so violent. Just lot's of scratches for me. I think the bike in the tree beats all though.

08-01-2005, 10:44 PM
Welp last April I was running the SX with our neighbor with his 350X and my friend with a 400 scambler. I went from a dirt road to a 90 degree turn on a hard road in 5th gear, didnt see it too well with the dust in my eyes and the cloud in front of me, tried turning (which put it on 2 wheels), and since I couldnt turn I just went straight. My peg squashed my foot between the tree and peg and flug me 20 feet in the air and bent the rim to hell. Lol and a shoe came off too while I was in the air. My foot didnt hurt till I made sure the SX was fine and I had my shoe back on. The combo of pain and swelling made me think it was broken but 2 days later it was fine. This is the peg that hit the tree with my foot.

08-01-2005, 10:47 PM
omfg ive never seen a peg that bent

08-01-2005, 10:48 PM
Dammit!... What happened to the CR 60 rider? Did he get messed up? I mean c'mon 200x v.s. CR 60 in a crash. :crazy: No damage to your spine huh? You are really lucky. :) Oh yeah, what happened to your friend?

The guy on the 60 was fine. He saw what was about to happen just in time and bailed, I was looking behind me to see what happened to my friend so I was blindsided. I told him next time that happened he damn well better take me with him when he jumps off. lol

I've had several collisions with dirtbikes and in every instance but one, somehow I managed to end up on the losing end of it. Weird but true.

Six Stroke
08-01-2005, 11:06 PM
I haven't crashed on a trike yet, but I had my best crash ever on my YZ a couple of weeks ago. We live a short distance from an old gravel pit, which is the local "playground." There's a small-ish, worn down sand pile there that I like to tackle every now and then. A couple of other guys were there on a quad, so naturally I had to show off. I took this hill in the middle of 4th gear, and caught about 35-40 ft of distance air. Not bad, but I didn't have enough power on when I went up, so the front end went down. I endo'd the landing, and ended up almost catching the bike on top of me before pushing it off. I had a scratch or two on my knees, but nothing major.

The funny thing is, when I went back to hit it again, (this time I was way up in third) I landed perfect, but slammed my jaw onto the handlebars when I came down. Now that hurt.

08-01-2005, 11:17 PM
The funny thing is, when I went back to hit it again, (this time I was way up in third) I landed perfect, but slammed my jaw onto the handlebars when I came down. Now that hurt.

i had a brand new helmet with vents on like the front where your mouth is, and i landed like that and smacked the front of my helmet on my bars and broke the entire vent system, i was very mad

ATC crazy
08-01-2005, 11:18 PM
In the 4 years I've had my '87 SX, I've only layed it on its side once. That was at a friends house, and I hit a stump that was sticking up about 4" from where he cut down a sappling....and it just rolled on its side. No biggie.

Now, when I took my Foreman up to NY to ride, I fractured my skull, got 120 stitches across my forehead, and sprained my ankle BAD! I was following a guy on a Raptor through a field and noticed that he hit a rather large ditch. Well, following a sport quad with aftermarket suspension at 50MPH will fool you into thinking the bump is nothing to worry about. The Foreman threw me off and continued to roll another 100 yards down the field without a scratch on it. Thats the only good news!

08-01-2005, 11:34 PM
I just resurrected a post that IO probably should have left in the sewer...I just couldnt resist...I was actually looking for some pics of when I crashed my 350X. The thread is one with Billdo and my brother going back and forth...about page 6 or 7 Speedbump and I had a little "incident"

Here's a quote from the night it happened.

" I TOOK OUT THE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<<---(My 350X)

Yep, the "QUEEN" is no more. I got my new toy......1987 T4.....and 4 hrs later, plowed into 350xhilaration on his QUEEN.
I ran my r front tire over his L rear, tossed me up and over, to the left, and spun him to the right, he said he heard tires slide, the saw a green blurr.....POW!!!!!!!!!! SUPERMAN GOT NOTHIN ON HIM! He got thrown clear, landed on his head/shoulder/elbow and got a broken arm. ME, I got tossed too. Yep, on my head too, but the shoulder took the biggest hit. I got mt clavicle (collar bone) ripped off the end, where it attaches,, about 1" higher than it should be.....it will heal, with or without surgery, so not gettin cut up. I will be off the machines until next year sometime.....at least. I also got a chip fracture in mt elbow, but not sure if from this crash or not. OH, did I mention, all this happened at about 10mph? IT DID!!!!!!!!!! I thought he was about to gas on it and go RIGHT. Instead, he slowed, and went LEFT....I was following TOO CLOSE!!!!! MY FAULT!!!! I AM SORRY, BRO!!! As he hit the brakes, I started to hit the gas, gap closed WAY FAST, I grabbed as much brake as I could, not 'nuff....I hit him.

BTW Here is the new toy. This is AFTER the crash.....I'm sure 350xhilarartion will put up some pics of the damages I did to his X.

If anyone has a perfect headlight guard, I may want to buy it for him, his is totally wasted. "


Old 179
08-02-2005, 12:09 AM
TT racing at Flora, Illinois in 85. "This was taped". I was following a rider with my Tri-z, trying to find a way to pass. Taking a small jump , I drift out to try to out jump him. he also drift out and my back right tire landed on his left tire. Atc end over end and I once and landed my back square on a bale of straw laying edge ways. Race was red flag with ambulance coming my way before I knew it. I remember moving my toes thinking of the worse. Lucky my spine just moved a little to a s shape in about 5" area between my shoulder blades. The atc lost one rim and bent the durablue axle. I was back racing in about three weeks. I was very lucky!

DX Rider12
08-02-2005, 10:01 AM
Lucky my spine just moved a little to a s shape in about 5" area between my shoulder blades.

Woah man... Your spine was bent like that?!!! What happened tp your spinal cord? Good story but man that must of hurt.

08-02-2005, 10:57 AM
was riding the dunes on my dirt bike yesterday goin over whoops on a trail, while the trail and whoops turned while i was in the air i landed off the trail and seen a tree and bailed cause i woulda been close lined lol i ended up with a real bad sprained ankle and a spraind wrist, so no work for me today :(

84honda 200X
08-02-2005, 03:54 PM
IVe had a few mostly on my 200x. The first i went around a corner raceing my friend and i hit a rut and it flipped wasnt hurt but i got wet. Second time i went around a corner in the winter and caught some grass and flipped and slid into a snow bank. The worst of all was on a dirt bike. A friend from the citiies brought his RM 125 up and he let me take it for a rip and he mixes the gas by just pouring the oil in the tank he doesnt measure and this time had to much oil so it was going in and out of the power band and i rode a wheelie in the middle of the power band and it bogged down then the power band came back realy fast and flipped me off the back. I roled about five times after landing on my head and shoulder. Luckily i had my helmet on or i probably wouldnt have been here but i busted my colar bone real bad and tore a muscle in my lower back so now i have back problems everyonce in awhile.

08-02-2005, 06:05 PM
1.) Almost injury - Moto - X on whoops field, stuck the front wheel in the back of the next 'woop', I was vertical with feet up, hanging on to the bars. When I landed, my buddy ahead near the start/finish line said he heard the crown groan when I hit the seat. Never dismounted though.

2.) Funny/stupid - drove over a 1 1/2" tree with rear axle thinking it would bend, the tree launched me in the air, and the 3 wheeler upside down in a creek down a 4 foot bank, I landed on my feet and ran away and it landed on its wheels. Everybody had a good laugh.

08-02-2005, 10:07 PM
I hit a walmart 10 feet diameter swimming pool that was about three feet deep while wheeling. Went right trough it like butter. totally soaked.

08-02-2005, 10:19 PM
too many too list!!!!!

"you must always push the limits,because if you never fail you will never succed"

i take that quote to heart and ride my arse off evertime i'm out.if you ride hard mistakes will happen and you will wreck.

i made a up hill double at my grandmas,hittin it in first i made it half way,so i thought second would carry me up the rest of the way.well i got to left of the jump and hit a tree with the left rear tire.spun us both,rippe the seat off my 85r,threw me to the top of the hill and the trike landed on it's wheels and rolled down safely.20 minutes later i come out into the field heading up to the house.bring it up in 2nd,grab 3rd,4th,and 5th.must of gotten to far back and the grabbar got some dirt.well the trike and i went our seperate ways but not after it smashed me in the ground.bent a fork,ripped off the grabar,and cracked my helmet!!!!!!always wear a skid lid kids!!!!!!

08-02-2005, 11:24 PM
too many too list!!!!!

"you must always push the limits,because if you never fail you will never succed"

i take that quote to heart and ride my arse off evertime i'm out.if you ride hard mistakes will happen and you will wreck.

i made a up hill double at my grandmas,hittin it in first i made it half way,so i thought second would carry me up the rest of the way.well i got to left of the jump and hit a tree with the left rear tire.spun us both,rippe the seat off my 85r,threw me to the top of the hill and the trike landed on it's wheels and rolled down safely.20 minutes later i come out into the field heading up to the house.bring it up in 2nd,grab 3rd,4th,and 5th.must of gotten to far back and the grabbar got some dirt.well the trike and i went our seperate ways but not after it smashed me in the ground.bent a fork,ripped off the grabar,and cracked my helmet!!!!!!always wear a skid lid kids!!!!!!
im glad i had my brain bucket on when i bailed i landed on the head and rolled over and smacked it again, did i mention i managed to land in a massive ant hill haha :crazy:

DX Rider12
09-09-2005, 06:14 PM
Two days ago I crashed my TTR because my dog was coming down the trail. I was in the top of 3rd and I saw him walking down the trail, he scared me. I didn't want to hit him so I slammed on the front brakes(not thinking... my trike has drum brakes and my bike has disk brakes.) I flipped over the handlebars hit my shoulderblade, my head and got the friggin' wind knocked out of me bad. After alot of cursing and yelling all I ended up with is a bruised shoulder. My helmet didn't even get the paint scratched. lol.

09-09-2005, 07:56 PM
my friend was riding his dirt bike and i was riding a 185s in northern MN. he was going pretty fast so i was trying to keep up. i was following him around a corner (20mph max i'd say) and there was a branch sticking out into the trail so i went to press my rear brake but it failed ( got stuck on a bolt holding the rack in place that i thought i fixed before we got there) didnt even think to go for the front brake. the next thing i remeber was my foot hitting the branch and me getting sucked under my right rear wheel. i rolled the trike, was stuck under it, and winded when I got back into the picture i pushed the thing off of me and took off my helmet. flipped it back on all wheels and then went to go look for my hunting boot that i had on, and about 50-60 feet back, there it was hanging on that branch. :wondering. the only bad thing that happened is that was i broke off me headlight knob and crushed my ankle. this was a week and a half ago and it still hurts.... first crash ever other than doing a wheelie too far.

09-10-2005, 09:50 AM
We were ice racing and I came up fast behind a Banshee. He slowed to go into the corner and I had to make a quick decision. I either T-bone him at a difference of 25 or so miles per hour or try to jump the snowbank of the track. I chose the snowbank. It didn't help. It flung me off the bike and the bike landed on top of me. I broke 2 ribs. I have it on video. Here is a pic.


09-10-2005, 09:59 PM
i was riddin my bros old 300 ex in the snow last year and he had just put Razr's on the rear, so naturally i was testing them out

well, as soon as i got movin, i was like floating on the snow, so speed seemed like a good idea, NOT

I got into a mad speed wobble, the back end spun around 90 degrees, flipped the bike 6 times, landed on its wheels, my boots came off and where flung 10 feet to the right of me, i got a huge facefull of snow becuase the visor on my helmet broke, and i got los off snow down accross my chest when i slid accross the ground on my chest

managed to get up, grab my boots, shake the snow from my helmet and out from my coat and shirt, and started the bike back up and drive home, not a scratch or bend on the bike or myself!!


Edit, another crash i had, i was snowmobile racin my old 1989 Yam Exciter 570 (mild mods) against my bros 1987(?) Yam SRV 540 (bored, clutch)

we were neck and neck, but he was slightly ahead of me, well, he chickened out faster then me, and for good reason too, he got stopped in time while i didnt, i had just looked at my speed, i was doing 150 something when i notcied about 500 feet in front of me was the end of the feild and the start of my woods, so, i pulled on the brakes as hard as i could, plus turned so i was sliding almost side ways too, i slid for a good 300 feet, and i knew i wasnt going to get stopped for the trees, so i straightened it out and said a little prayer and hit a cluster of small poplars at about 50 or 60 kms, went through the first 5 trees, then i finally stopped. Bent the ski on the sled, pushed the belly pan up, somehow i ripped the sno flap off it :crazy: :crazy: and i ended up getting a branch in the head when i crashed

that was a fun 3 hours getting the sled out :rolleyes:


09-10-2005, 10:25 PM
I was going about 40 or so and was power sliding in the middle of route 7(North Main street in Rutland) here in Vermont in the middle of an awesome snow storm and crancked the bars to the left and try leaning to do an awesome powerslide and hit a patch of snow free pavement about half way through the slide and was flung off of my big red about 15-20 to land in a nice semi soft snowbank. I bent the crap out of my bars and broke both brake levers and thw trike was still running on it's side until the carb ran out of gas. I wasn't hurt at all and was very lucky to be O.K. without a helmet. I just about sh*t myself after this.

09-17-2005, 08:09 PM
I was driving my 110 through a makeshift MX park we have in our town and started down this downhill whoops section at a speed faster than I should have been. Halfway down the hill I frontflip the 110, blackout as I go over the bars. Wake up, there's my 110 about 10 feet away, upside down, still running. I have dust and stuff all over me and I'm shaking, but no damage... totally weird.

09-17-2005, 08:39 PM
I was ridding my 225 dx and my freind had juss poped his tire, so i was looking around cause he had a nail in his tire. So i was ideling around and found a nail, pulled up on the shifter and held it up (it was like netual with a worn clucth) and my trike wasent staying on that well so i was reving it trying to reach this nail with one hand on the bars, then ** i knew it my foot slipped off the shifter right when i reved it alot and the trike flipped up threw me back 5 feet smacked my head into the ground (good thing i has a helmet on) then my trike was doing a crazy wheelie down the street srapping the grab bar, so i got up quick and chassed my trike hit the brake and got it bak ** it smashed into a car driving down the street. Well my sock was torn up i was scared like a mother fucker my freinds were laughing and my arm had road rash and my helmet has a nice big black scrape in it from the street, lol.

09-17-2005, 08:52 PM
i was riding my SX in a local riding area and turned around to see if my friend was following and when i turned back around i gave it some gas (i was going really slow at first) and my front tire hit a tree and started climbing it. I fell off the back and put my leg up to save the trike, kicked it back and rode away un harmed luckily.. Theres my story. lol

09-17-2005, 09:33 PM
2 weeks ago. me and a buddy are riding and i run out of gas on the 200x so we bust out the tow strap and hes towing me back with his raptor we get to a fork and my buddy turns right then suddenly changes his mind and go's left well i had already committed to going right and the next thing you know the tow rope slack dissapears and wham the trike is pulled from right underneath me and i go superman style about 5 to 6 feet into a nice thorny bush. trike was fine and after picking about 50 thorns out of my hands and thighs so was i

09-18-2005, 12:14 AM
god...when you`ve owned as many as i have and ridden since `81.......couldn`t even begin to count how many....anyway,worst one was back in `84....myself on my `84 200x i raced,my dad on his stock `84 200x,my friend tim on his `83 200x that was a factory lemon(motor had blown twice in less than 4 months of his buying it and was fixed both times by the honda dealership),and my friend sean on a 200s and his dad on a 250sx.....we`re headed out to the trails going down the back streets that lead to them,hadn`t even left the asphalt yet...dad kinda shoots forward on his and i`m thinkin,"the old man is trying to get the jump on me"...i gas mine and go after him right as he slows to turn off onto a trail that my friends and i hadn`t used in almost 2 months...needless to say,dad didn`t get many opportunities to ride with us or he would have known we didn`t use that trail anymore....my front tire hits his right rear and we all know that knobby tires mesh together like gears so it immediately shoots my frontend skyward...then the rest of my trike follows suit,up and over....my friend sean`s dad said he estimated my trike and i went 15` off the ground and then nosed back down......racer`s instinct had kicked in and i had already thrown myself away from the trike....it came down on the headlight guard and proceeded to do flips down the street....i came down head first and hit so hard and so fast that i bounced back up in the air,still upside down......i had on a brand new Bell Moto 3 helmet,black with yellow stripes,but didn`t have the stupid chinstrap fastened,so when i bounced after the first impact,the helmet said "screw this" and came off and landed in the grass and the only marks on it were some little indentions in the very top that looked like a golf ball,didn`t even scratch or chip the paint!...i came back down on my naked head and busted a 1" gash in my forehead clear to my skull,and when the rest of me came down i just got road rash down my left side(only had a t-shirt on)and fractured my left thumb.....my dad rolled off the side of the road and flipped his trike.....as mine had gone over him,one of my back tires hit him and broke his collarbone,and to make matters worse,when he landed in the grass after coming off his trike as it flipped,he landed right on a bed of fire ants,which we have so plentifully down here in Texas.......my friend tim went to tear ass to a nearby friend of ours house to call my mom,blowing his X up for the third time in the process....we got taken to the emergency room that was luckily only about 3/4 of a mile away.....both trikes ended up with both rear tires blown, both rear axles bent, and both clutch levers broken, and mine with the trashed headlight and guard of course.....but the weird thing was,no scratched fenders,no ripped seats,no bent handlebars or forks.......and i had both of them completely fixed and was back riding by the end of the following week!

dad didn`t get back on one quite so soon needless to say!

DX Rider12
09-18-2005, 08:51 PM
I was teaching my cousin how to wheelie this weekend on my DX. He was doing fine
he was poppin it up about 30% of the time he got to the balance point. Anyway we would be out on my track with the trike, and after each lesson I'd drive him back to the house (on the road.. Mom is trying to save the grass.) I'd pop a wheelie and carry it halfway down the road. Next lesson he drove me out. He popped a wheelie barely moved at all. I tell him get it up and gas it alot (considering there was two people.) So he floors it. He doesn't know what it's like to flip. I was thinking oh sh!t.
He stalls on the grab bar I roll off the back and wham! My cousin, instead of hanging on slams on my head. Thank God for helmets. I wasn't hurt neither was he. I was a little pissed for him landing on me though.

09-18-2005, 10:36 PM
This doesn't really qualify as a crash, but I was towing one of my friends on their engine and brake-less Quadsport, and I decided to take a shortcut through some shallow puddles I usually go through. We're going about 50, mind you, and the tow strap is about 15 feet long. Woosh, I go through the puddle, turn back, and he's covered, i.e. no clothes visible, with mud. I laughed all the way to my house, and he just flips me off...

09-19-2005, 12:34 AM
lol red rider isent a crash but a good laughing story. Lol i could just see it , and how ** freind would look. Lol ima try to do that lol ahahahahahaha. Good story.,

09-19-2005, 01:42 AM
lol red rider isent a crash but a good laughing story. Lol i could just see it , and how ** freind would look. Lol ima try to do that lol ahahahahahaha. Good story.,

I literally couldn't stop laughing for the 4 blocks it took to get to my house... and now I need to wash the QuadSport... :D :lol:

09-19-2005, 03:52 AM
lol great story/.

on1 250r
11-02-2005, 09:19 PM

11-04-2005, 09:47 AM
my girl and i were riding my 200x... i tried to jump this little ridge, and she tried to bail. that pushed me to the right. my foot got sucked under the wheel, and the thing ran me over with a little dragging action. road rash like a mother. but i kept riding.

on1 250r
11-05-2005, 05:44 PM
ANOTHER TIME :cry: i Was going up a hard pact hill that was strate up for the top 20 feet as I got up to the top i needed to down shift, but insted some how it went into nutral revving it hella high lol & putting the front breaks on slidding backward down the hill fasster than i went up it and hitting a bump that was in the middle of the hill and flipping backwards 'crushed my fingers with clutch lever holding on to handlebars i didnt break them, but the skin & meat was pushed away were the lever was pushig into them..

11-05-2005, 11:57 PM
Nothin yet im just gettin it to it hopefully nothing will happen on my 83 ytm200EK

11-06-2005, 12:05 AM
Well, I kinda crashed the 250es the other day. :eek:

I was going into this ditch and it started to tip over... I was like "Oh **** I'm gonig to bust the winshield and all the nice parts" But thank God the "crash bars" saved it from tipping over and I got her back on all 3 wheels... phew! :)

11-06-2005, 12:53 AM
not a trike, but a good one....my buddy was riding his blaster through a woods that was was apperently a junk yard at one time, he had some pretty good open high speed trails through it. he was in 5th gear on his blaster on the same trail he had riddin everyday for almost 4 months, and he hit an old trailor axle, just randomally hit it..never even knew it was there. he flipped it over, the blaster ended up about 6ft up hanging from a low branch with the rear axle in a * around the branch..it was a hard enough impact that it knocked him out, it broke the visor off his helmet and cracked his chest protector...all i can say is its a damn good thing he wasnt riding without a helmet like i, and many other of my freinds tend to unless we feel the urge to strap one on...i keep my helmet in the garage sitting on my seat, and i normally just set it on the bench when i go out to ride. its not that my helmet is uncomfortable, i guess i just dont seem the think i "need" to:crazy:

11-06-2005, 10:18 PM
1992...just got done rebuilding my 85 200x, not even 15 minutes into riding the bike and beginning to break it in, i decided to see how much snottier the bike was and see how more umff it had, so i dropped the clutch gunned it and headed up my brothers drive way. my brothers driveway is about 75 yards long with a well at the end of it that is sorta on a hump that we use for a small jump...well i hit the jump in fourth gear wide open, almost ready to shift to fifth. i'd have to say i was anywheres between 15to 20 feet in the air, no bullshit.. . my brother says more like 25 -30 feet , but come on now... alls i know is i was high. lol, and i wasnt smoking any funky drugs. when i landed, i hit with such force my left foot came right off the footpeg. it happened so quick, alls i remember was grabbing my bars real quick to prevent myself from being dragged under the bike. when my foot came off the peg, my bike ran up my leg, allowing my pant leg to get tangled in the chain and sprocket, pulling my body off the left side of the bike. shock set in so quick, that i saw my foot was facing the wrong direction, and blood just oozing from my pant leg, i jumped up from the bike when it stopped and ran about 100 feet to where my brothers car was parked to catch my breathe and collect my thoughts. kinda felt like i had sprained my ankle thats all. then my aunt had come over to me cuz she saw the whole thing happen , asking me if i was ok, and if she could look at my leg. i said i was fine, i had sprained my ankle i think, and she said, um, hunny, i think we need to get you to the hospital cuz your leg is snapped at the knee. i looked down at my leg and passed out instantly. to make the long story shortm, five surgeries both my knee and ankle, 276 stitches later, and 4 months of rehab , i was walking again. snapped both bones on each side of my ankle, 3 bones in the foot, both bones in the lower leg just below the knee, and tore four ligaments in the knee, and oh yeah, the footpeg, went right thru my leg, thats what snapped the bones. lol, my aunts chickens were fighting over the peice of flesh that the peg ripped out of my leg. it was sick, but i was up and riding again not even 6 months later.

11-06-2005, 10:36 PM
"my aunts chickens were fighting over the peice of flesh that the peg ripped out of my leg."

Lmao!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :crazy: :beer

11-06-2005, 11:27 PM
On my completely restored perfect condision rebuilt bored out, 84 200es big red. Second time out riding... Following my buddy on his brand new 2005 Arctic Cat 400 4x4. Pinned out doing just over 85 km/h. I turn my head to look behind be to check for cars, whe nI turn back around my buddy is almost stopped ready to turn, So there I am, 10 feet in the air, flying down the road, to hit the paved road, bounce, bounce, bounce, rolled, dropped down 3 foot ditch, stop dead. Wake up... Go to hospital for a night. Moral of the story... Helmets save lives.. It saved mine. Just wear one.

As for teh completely restored, perfect condision, rebuilt, bored out, done up 200es, well It was no longer in perfect condision. all rims were completely smashed up, teh axel was bent to a L shape, handle bars went threw teh gas tank, racks torns off and bent, frame mangled, lights gone, pretty much everything totalled, only thing left usuable was the engine, which blew up soon after being used again.

11-06-2005, 11:39 PM
HAha.. crashes, I have had two that arnt just bailing from a wheelie. First time was on my old 200s which is in parts now. I was having ALOT of problems with it, and it was my first trike. Well we were having a cook out at my buddies camp which is on top of one of the biggest steepest hills you can find, in the woods. Well this 200s i had picked up from a buddy for 150. now this kid apperenatally didnt know much, he had taken the shifter off and rode it in just 3rd gear everywhere... yeahhh lol anyways it wasnt starting and i wasnt in the mood, so i figured id just pop start it on this hill. well at first it went well she fired right up and as i went to downshift from 3rd to 1st(no brakes):crazy: it just died. idk why but it did and the clutch was shot. lol so i picked up speed like crazy and at the bottom of the hill was the forest i bailed hit the rocks and sticks and ground doing like 30. well i was banged up and in the hospital, and had F'ed up ribs the trike meet the trees. and never drove again, i found metal shavings in the oil filter from the clutch is my guess. lol THENNN another time this one was on my baby..lol my plan jane 200 i was ridding a powerline trail though the woods and yano we were crusing, and my chain fell off.. no time to stop and i hit a stump. It bent my one fork up under th engine, while the and i went flying about 10 feet superman dive. lol but thankfully landed on the trail, then rolled to see my poor 3 wheeler going end over end in the air!!!:cry: lol any ways i was sore but no injurys a scuff or two, packed the poor trike up and took it to our shop and fixed the forks..lol shes still my baby. haha:lol:

3 weelin geezer
11-07-2005, 12:18 AM
I just tipped over while riding a washed out road. One back tire was in the middle at the bottom the other on the right shoulder. I tried to turn right (slowly) to level it out and just [insert creaking door sound here] tipped over while my brother laughed himself off his quad.

11-07-2005, 08:57 AM
Rolled sidewya down a 20 foot cliff pretty much, rolled over 30 times easy. hit trees, gone flying over the handlebars, Pinned out to dead dtop hitting a tree, my foot being the point of contact, drove home shifting with a broken foot. I've had way too many accidents and crashes, it just isnt anything big for me anymore, rolling the 3 wheelers was something that happened daily.

Wear your helmets!! Everytime I rolled I had a helmet on, and I'm still here!!

11-07-2005, 09:38 AM
I got a couple. Probably 6 years ago my step brother and I were riding our LT185. We were probably 3th gear WOT and we go over this little bump. All of a sudden I see the left front tire fall off. I was like :eek: .. Well, ended up the spindle broke and the front dug into the ground doing about 40. We rolled 4 times. I rolled into a ditch and I thought I broke my ribs. I was maybe 11. I couldn't breathe for about 10 mins. My step brother with his adrenaline flowing ran all the way back to my house. Which is a good 10 min walk. He was hurt also. Almost broke his leg. So then you see my uncle in our plow truck and I knew I was going to be ok...

Next.. 2 years ago on my RM250. Friend wanted to go riding and it was raining hard out. I said sure. So we go drive around for a while. Then we decided to go to the "pits" which is a 5 min train track ride. So we got on the tracks. My back tire was BALD. I was on 4th gear 3/4 throttle when my back tire slide out from under me. I knew what was coming. I hit the tracks doing about 45- 50. I slide for 200 feet. My collar bone nails the metal track. My shoes fall off. My grips fall off. My helmet falls off (I slide all that way with no helmet, my helmet took the impact of the fall though) After I was done rolling, I got up, noticing my collar bone is really burning and I couldn't move my arm from my chest. My friend comes back and tries to tell me I'm ok. I wasn't, and he finally realizes this. Sat there for 10 mins until help arrived and then I went straight to the hospital. I snapped my collar bone in 2. Keep in mind that this was my first broken bone. I thought it was going to be a lot worse. I guess collar bones are one of the worst to break? It was nothing :lol: All in all I leaned a valuable lesson. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HELMET!! Without it, I would probably be dead. God bless you helmet :lol:

11-08-2005, 03:31 AM
I was climbing up a steep sandy hill out of a gravel pit, and started to bog. As soon as I downshifted, I roostered, the back end sank and I went over backwards. As soon as I realized there was no stopping it, I jumped off the foot pegs... not far enough away, so I jumped again, off the gas tank this time, I dropped about 30 feet and landed on my shoulder blades, when feet over head twice before rolling sideways out of the way and to the bottom of the hill. After about 10 minutes I dragged myself up, stumbled up the hill, and flipped the bike over onto its wheels. As soon as it was on all 3s it rolled back down the hill, running over my leg, I grabbed the front rack and ended up getting dragged down the hill with the tire kicking sand in my face the whole way.

That was the one and only time i've rolled my trike and I vow never to do it again, next time I doubt I'll walk away with just some bruised muscle and a month and a half of back/neck ache.

11-16-2005, 12:09 AM
my throttle got stuck on my tri moto and so i shut it off so i wasnt going 50 mph, i rocked the bike thinking i loosened the throttle, ran and jump started it and it was still stuck, i held on until it hit a tree and it flipped over between two trees and got stuck, i was fine and the frame cracked on the trike, thats it