View Full Version : Wheelie methods

DX Rider12
07-31-2005, 07:33 PM
I was wondering what kinds of wheelie methods you guys use. My DX is an auto clutch so I can't use the clutch to control it. I give it gas and get to the balace point but I can't seem to get past 50 ft. Can anybody help me? Feel free to give tips.

07-31-2005, 07:57 PM
My ATC200 is perfect for wheelies and I do many of them. You dont need a clutch to control one, use the rear brake :idea: .
And make sure to sit your weight back for easier wheelies. Then its all practice from there!
Practice Practice Practice, do so many wheelies that your hands are tore apart and scarred from the handlebar grips. Then do some more! :Bounce

Have fun!

EZ in NZ
07-31-2005, 08:01 PM
That's a great looking photo Kintore. Nice scenery, the lighting, a superb wheelie. Sweet!

07-31-2005, 08:03 PM
Kneeling on the rear of the seat is how to cheat, and is the easiest way to control it. I usually do it with one foot on the peg and one on the seat or sit down and do it. you dont need a clutch or brakes to control it, just feather the gas (I dont have brakes so I cant use them :D ). If you do the first method you'll stand it up on end without a prob. This is my old SX :) . And also it seems that the faster you go the easier the wheelie. Just a tip.

07-31-2005, 08:04 PM
It's all in the technique. Like Kintore said shift your weight back and practice. I can ride wheelies on my 70 as long as I want and I am 6'4". On my 350x I can do 6th gear wheelies down the beach just about until I run out of gas. Practice, practice, practice Grasshopper! :D

Russell 350X
07-31-2005, 08:39 PM
I use my ATC200, the way I do it probably isnt the best thing for it lol but I put it in 2nd, and if you hold the shifter up just a hair the clutch disengages so it wont move, rev it and let go of the shifter. That works pretty good. Keep in mind I have 22" on the rear instead of 25".


07-31-2005, 09:01 PM
well like hondaatc185s200e (whew - that's alot right there ) said ,,, you can use the auto clutch to your advantage.
it has not ever worked for me on the auto clutch i have i ( have owned ) or for that matter the clutched modle x i have.
i can do a flip with no trouble ,,,, but never have mastered the wheelie but anyway ,, mess around with your auto clutch/manual shift like hondaatc185s200e says and you will find there is more too what you have then you perhaps you know about.


07-31-2005, 09:50 PM
shoot, mines so wore out that it merely goes, the best i can do is lift the front 4 inches when i hit 2nd, im running 22" rears on a atc200 auto clutch, mosqutio fogger special.

DX Rider12
07-31-2005, 10:50 PM
Thanks for the tips Kintore nice pic man. I knew how to wheelie but I could't keep it up for really long. I usually put it in 2nd let it coast blip the throttle and then floor it and pull up. I tried it tonight and I have a makeshift rack welded to the grab bar that extends about and inch and a half. Sometimes I can drag it on the ground while feathering and go pretty long but
I really don't feel like doing it much but it's fun. I don't have a scanner so i'll ask my dad if i can
take some digital pics then ill post them.

DX Rider12
07-31-2005, 10:55 PM
Also keep in mind that i'm only 13 and i'm 5'3, 126lbs. So I don't need to sit way far back on the seat

07-31-2005, 11:24 PM
Also keep in mind that i'm only 13 and i'm 5'3, 126lbs. So I don't need to sit way far back on the seat

lol ok put it in nuetral, pick up on the shifter, give it a little gas and drop the shifter :naughty: . Did that once on pavement in second gear on my SX and stood it straight up :D .

08-01-2005, 12:19 AM
kintore has it. Lot's of practice. Some upper body stregth won't hurt either. Give the front end a healthy tug as you hit the throttle. Kintore's picture is nice.

08-01-2005, 12:31 AM
Get a two stroke and you'll be asking us how NOT to wheelie. :D

08-01-2005, 01:40 AM
Rear breaks work for me :)

08-01-2005, 03:20 AM
It's all in the technique. Like Kintore said shift your weight back and practice. I can ride wheelies on my 70 as long as I want and I am 6'4". On my 350x I can do 6th gear wheelies down the beach just about until I run out of gas. Practice, practice, practice Grasshopper! :D
oh man don't you just love taht!?!??!? you can wheelie along the beach forever. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 no problem. And nothing can stop you but fuel and obstacles.

DX Rider12
08-01-2005, 09:46 AM
lol ok put it in nuetral, pick up on the shifter, give it a little gas and drop the shifter . Did that once on pavement in second gear on my SX and stood it straight up .

My 6'0, 240lb brother... Whenever he pulls wheelies he sits back in 1st and floors it until it screams. He doesn't bother to balance it out (he can but he thinks it's no fun). When I was out riding with him I watched him pull a 12 o' clock wheelie (only b/c he was going up a lil' hill trying to wheelie across it ) but he saved it and kept on going. Last month I pulled a wheelie by reving it in neutral, and popping it into 1st and kept it up until my brother yelled at me and told me it was bad for the transmission. So that night I tried "bouncing" the suspension and then leaning back and gasing it. It took me a while to get used to it. I don't do it like that any more. :Bounce

DX Rider12
08-01-2005, 12:38 PM
[QUOTE]Rear breaks work for me
Attached Files
File Type: avi fox250r.avi (5.89 MB, 18 views)

Fox250R the vid runs for like 13 secs. and then gets to the point where you get down the driveway and then the picture freezes. The sound keeps going?

08-01-2005, 05:43 PM
Thanks for all the comments on the picture guys. Its my fav to.
Like I said before, all in the practice!

DX Rider12
08-02-2005, 07:29 PM
Hey can anybody give tips on how to shift gears in wheelies. Now I can do long wheelies :w00t: but it bugs me not knowing how to shift plus it gets the motor hot really quick. :(

08-02-2005, 09:55 PM
If you want to shift in a wheelie dont use the clutch. Just let off the throttle a hair and shift.

When i do a wheelie i get my butt in the perfect spot halfway back on my seat and i can start in 1st gear and stay there or keep shifting up. Its all about balance and throttle control, NO BRAKES unless your bound to go over backwards then use it to make the front wheel come straight into the ground.

DX Rider12
08-02-2005, 10:10 PM
Dude? first gear? Doesn't the bike redline like right off the bat? Is that the only trike you use or do you hove more? My DX sux in 1st gear. I always wheelie in 2nd, I can get up, tap the grab bar, get back to the balance point, and keep on goin'. But still can't shift. :lol:

08-02-2005, 10:17 PM
i can normaly pull a wheelie out of a dead stop in first n just ride out all the gears in the wheelie. you just have to find that sweet balance point, and when you need to shift get it so its starts to lean back like your goona flip over backwards and then let off the gas and shift without the clutch. and that second without the throttle should let the front end fall right back into the balance point, and you can continue to ride out your new gear.

you just have to make sure your tires are at the exact same psi so you dont go off in a circle on the wheelie. i watched my friend go 3 miles on a wheelie down the road. and he had the psi in the tires perfect and he actualy got to pass a car on the wheelie, it was some amazing skill to watch.

08-03-2005, 12:53 AM
i have been practicing the wheelie over whoops (yes deep!) id start in 1st raise up full vertical. roll down the backside and then gas it up the next,,, roll,, gas,, and such i have gotten about 15 whoops in a row at best and average about 4-6.. on 350x. my friend has a really tired smokey 350x and he can go for ever!! but he practiced for a year to get to that point.. its sucks if it dies or rolls back on the top. i land on my back and lay the bike over on its side. these are deep! i quit riding the 400ex since i got the 350x back!

08-03-2005, 01:27 AM
but it bugs me not knowing how to shift plus it gets the motor hot really quick. :(
If your motor is geting hot really quick, you are probaly doing your wheelies for too long, or too continuously and the top end isnt getting any oil. Hope you like smoke and the smell of burning oil because it sounds like that is what will happen if you keep doing them like that.

It happened to me now look what I have to do

08-03-2005, 01:36 AM
If you want to shift in a wheelie dont use the clutch. Just let off the throttle a hair and shift.

I always use the clutch. Especially for downshifting. :cool:

Back when I lived in Ohio and had some huge fields to ride in, I could start from a dead stop, go all the way up to 6th gear, THEN back down to first again to a near stop. Now that takes some practice. :beer

I'd kill for some places to do that out here. Nothing like a huge grassy field for doing wheelies.

08-03-2005, 02:19 PM
That's a great looking photo Kintore. Nice scenery, the lighting, a superb wheelie. Sweet!

i agree 100%

DX Rider12
08-03-2005, 05:18 PM
If your motor is geting hot really quick, you are probaly doing your wheelies for too long, or too continuously and the top end isnt getting any oil. Hope you like smoke and the smell of burning oil because it sounds like that is what will happen if you keep doing them like that.

It happened to me now look what I have to do

If you think I'm bad... oooohh no.. My brother keeps it at top end fully floored until he want's to stop in 1st!! It screams. Its so bad that it sounds like an over-reving 2 stroke.