View Full Version : Choosing a pipe for the ATC-500R project

Derrick Adams
07-27-2005, 06:16 PM
The 500 needs a better pipe. The beat up old stocker just isn't going to work. So here's the choices available still for the 85 500.

I can get a Pro-Circuit pipe (which appears to be chrome or nickel plated)

or a DG National pipe (Think this is what Billy has on his 500)

or an FMF "Gnarly" pipe (which is also chrome or nickel plated)

So, those are what I have to pick from. Can anyone tell me the power ranges these pipes are designed to operate best at? I'm looking for good smooth power, nothing that will hit hard.

07-27-2005, 06:38 PM
just call up each company..they will help you out...

07-27-2005, 11:15 PM
The pro-circut if its the platinum is a midrange-top end pipe that hits hard :)

250r'en +TCB
07-28-2005, 12:08 AM
FTZ pipe, looks sick on Mike Hollands, readers rigs page 19

Mr. Sandman
07-28-2005, 12:05 PM
I think Kasey had one custom made for his 500R by CT Racing. I'd contact them or ESR and see what they can do for you before I went with one made exclusivley for a 250.

Derrick Adams
07-28-2005, 04:42 PM
My bike is a CR500 converted. It takes a standard 500 pipe.

Mr. Sandman
07-28-2005, 06:03 PM
Your right, it is, I remember reading that somewhere a while back. I guess CRS is setting in. :confused:

Billy Golightly
07-28-2005, 06:37 PM
Yeah, I've got the DG on mine. I've also got an FMF that I tried out before I went to haspin and didn't like it. Took ALL the hit out of the power. No topend at all, and a little bit more lowend. Complete opposite of what I need for my application but it migth work perfect for you Derrick. If your interested in mine, PM me. I had to cut a short portion of the end of it off where it was swedged for the silencer to go in because at the time I was considering on trying to use it in conjunction with another type of silencer to get it quieted down but I never got to it. Its got a little bit of surface rust but not bad.

Also from what I understand, the Pro circuit is more of a topend-ish pipe. I've been wanting to try one out, might be better then my DG.

07-28-2005, 08:44 PM
There is a company called Power Pros thats builds a lot of the pipes for the above mentioned names not sure of a number but ill see what i can do to find it.

07-28-2005, 08:49 PM
here is the information for power pros well at least the web addy

Derrick Adams
07-28-2005, 10:41 PM
Kind of interesting that an aftermarket pipe would kill the power, huh? That maybe right up my alley, though. I really want smooth power delivery for the type of riding I will be doing. Thanks for the tip!

07-29-2005, 12:41 AM
Kind of interesting that an aftermarket pipe would kill the power, huh? That maybe right up my alley, though. I really want smooth power delivery for the type of riding I will be doing. Thanks for the tip!

Well, not really kill the power, but they move the power to a different RPM range. Some pipes are made for low-end, and some high end.

07-29-2005, 12:52 AM
fmf is the lowest in low, MTS, is right about the pro-circut, it hits alittle higher and ALOT HARDER, like pullin a good 3/4 sand drag wheelie out the whole hard, the fmf sorta brings out the torque monster more (but how the hell you do that! its already a beast!), the fmf tho does drop off right after mid rpms, if you go smaller carb jetted up, and a weighted flywheel O BOY it will be a tree climber/woods rider, if you go pro-circut and bigger carb/ porting and you will have a OUTSTANDING screamer on top end

07-29-2005, 02:00 AM
I gota fmf gold series for sale. From what i hear its a hard hitting topend pipe.

Billy Golightly
07-29-2005, 10:04 AM
the Gold series I have is most definetly not a topend pipe...

Jason Hall
07-29-2005, 08:59 PM
Billy did you mess with the main jet when you tried that fmf pipe? If I was you Derrick I would spend the extra money & have one custom made to fit your exact riding style. Then you can use that outrageous power the way you want. I would'nt think you would want alot of top end, if you mx race it. Someone can make you a pipe that will make the low & mid range perfect, you don't want an explosive power band you want it to come on as smooth as you can. You might want to have your port work done first if your gunna, then have a pipe made.

Billy Golightly
07-29-2005, 09:13 PM
Na, plug looked perfect. It was a fresh one too. Nice and tan/slight orange so I didn't mess with it any. I dunno, its probably the perfect pipe for the woods but not for drag racing. The lowend and midrange increase was noticeable but after that it just tapered off. It really was almost like riding a 4 stroke.

07-30-2005, 12:33 PM
The "Gnarly" is FMF's low end/torque pipe isn't it?

Billy Golightly
07-30-2005, 01:12 PM
Hmmm are the gold series and the gnarley's 2 different types of pipes? FMF and their damn terminology.

07-30-2005, 01:18 PM
Yup there diffrent pipes, I know the gnarly is a low end, and i'm perty shure the GS is a topend

07-30-2005, 03:52 PM
I always thought the gnarly and fatty were both from their gold series. Always figured Gold Series reffered to the nickel plate finish or something. Never really thought about it.

Edit: Apparently the Fatty is the only one in the gold series. According to their web page (https://www.fmfracing.com/products/catalog.aspx?CategoryID=51) there's the factory fatty and the gold series fatty. Difference just being the nickel finish. There's also the gnarly (low end/torque), the Rev (high end) and the sst (looks like slightly more top end than a fatty). This is current info however. Product line might have been different in the past. I could swear I remember seeing a gold series gnarly pipe in a catalog or something somewhere.

I've got the Fatty on my 250R and would say it's a decent mid range/top end pipe. Better than stock but not as good as a Paul Turner.