View Full Version : Need Help- bearings!

wheelie king
07-24-2005, 12:13 PM
These damn front bearings are killing me. I CANNOT get them out. :cry: I tried both Edog and Freewheel's suggestions from an older post, but cannot get the dang bearings out of the hub! I don't want to damage the hub. All I have is a propane torch...could I not be heating it up enough? :( :( Any bearing pull tools or ANYTHING that can help- suggestions, please! Thanks.

07-24-2005, 12:46 PM
You have to use a piece of long rod or a big/long screw driver. Hammer the left one out from the right side and the right one out from the left side.You have to be beating on the outer race of the bearing. I don't know if this helped or confused you more, hope helped.

wheelie king
07-24-2005, 12:55 PM
Forgot to mention, it is YTM 200 front bearings

I tell you, bro, anything helps at this point. :cry: I gave up for now. I am going to wait till this evening before I go back out to the shop to screw with it. Thanks for the suggestions. Keep them coming.

07-24-2005, 12:57 PM
Yep. Keep at it ..

Go from one side don't really matter wich side you start with.

Put a long solid rod 1/2 " thick or so.. a BIG flat head screwdriver can also do the job.

You need to work your way around it evenly from the oposide side ( inside the hub ) and keep at it until it starts to move. once it budges your as good as done.. but breaking them free can be hard.

Clean the thing really good.. if you have buildup on the outside of the bearing get the WD-40 out and soak the hell out of it and clean it up with a rag or nylong brush so that once it moves nothing holds it back.

Very important that it goes out STRAIGHT because if you keep hitting in the same spot you will wedge it in there even worse.

Old 179
07-24-2005, 03:34 PM
PB Blaster works real well. soak for awhile.Long screw driver or flat punch and bigredhead post, should be in business. Try other bearing if first side won't budge.Be patient

07-24-2005, 03:48 PM
Oh and once you get one out !

The other one is a piece of cake !.. you can actually reach the 2nd one easily once the 1st comes out !

Old 179
07-24-2005, 04:38 PM
ditto ditto

07-24-2005, 04:58 PM
What about putting them back in? Are new seals easy to put in? I just bought a rear wheel bearing kit for my rm 125. Any tips?

Old 179
07-24-2005, 07:01 PM
I have lots of sae/metric sockets. I match the socket and bearing outer edge. Then when you tap the socket, it contacts only outer edge of bearing (no damage). I use 3/4 drive for the rears. Grease the seal and it will slide in with finger pressure.(most time) tap with socket if not.

wheelie king
07-24-2005, 09:03 PM
Great advice, guys. Thanks for all the great help. I'll let you know how it turns out.

07-24-2005, 09:19 PM
Very important:

When you tap them in make sure they go in square and flush....

If it goes in sideways it will jam up in there and you'll have to pound on them. It's perfectly ok to whack on the old bearings as much as you want but take it easy on the new one's !

Use marine grade cup grease and coat everything before you put them in ! Load the underside of the new seals. fill'em up !

07-24-2005, 10:18 PM
I had to replace the front bearings about a month ago in my ytm 175, and i ended have take the shocks off and cut the axle at the ends where the bolts where. Ended replacing the hole front hub, axle, and breaks. That suck balls. it ended up that the axle was fused onto the hub cover.

Old 179
07-24-2005, 10:45 PM
Trikes4life had suffered a costly maintenance mistake. I have seen on this site and around where I live that if something not broke don't fix it is the attitude. If a person would take a little time once a year (more if you pressure spray which a person shouldn't anyway) and pull those front axles. rear axles, swingarm bolts @ linkage,and shock bolts (A-arms on 4wheelers) and clean ,regrease them and add grease to the bearings. chances of frozen bolts and bearings would be minimun. Like I posted earlier if you have one frozen use PB Blaster and soak it for several day's. The bolt didn't freeze up over night so dont feel you can't let her soak awhile. I have done this for others so be patient. less costly that way.

07-24-2005, 11:14 PM
to make your bearings last and to have things come apart years from now ,,,



Old 179
07-24-2005, 11:53 PM
Good post. I have see it done. I look at it like this,if the zirts didn't come factory then I didn't add them. just my preference.

wheelie king
07-25-2005, 06:37 PM
Excellent information, you guys. I got it done! Again, thank you for all the replys and information. :TrikesOwn

Old 179
07-25-2005, 11:14 PM
Thats why we are here. Helping fellow riders