View Full Version : Split cases on 200x

07-22-2005, 05:54 PM
I dont think its too difficult in there at all, as along as I have atleast pictures (like the ones that can be found on bikebandit) it should be fairly easy going back together. One of the gears in the tranny was rubbing the case abit, because there was a thrust washer missing.

The kicker gears slipped when the engine was cold... what should I look for, the spring?

also now is probably the time to put a xr tranny in there.... would that work with a stroker?

I need some parts too
crank (on mine the threads are stripped on the right side.
also need a good left inner case, mines cracked, and it seems as if where the crank bearing goes into the case is stretched abit.

anyone have any pointers (to do's/not to's ?? )

Thanks for any help.

07-22-2005, 06:07 PM
I would check the spring first....if its not that....then i would think the gears would be stripped....its strange it only slips when its cold! I cant help you out with the left side cover (I have the Right side one!)....but if you need the special socket for the oil pump and clutch, i have one....PM me if you want it. (also have tools to take crank bearings off.) Thanks

WATCH AND REMEMBER WHERE ALL THE PARTS GO!!! having to pull a motor just for a thrust washer sucks! (past experience)

07-22-2005, 06:15 PM
well i need those special nuts and bolts for the clutch and oil pump actually lol... cause the last guy that had the bottom end apart, well i would say they used a chisel to install and remove those nuts.
couldn't I just buy nuts with that thread and put them on?

07-22-2005, 06:26 PM
It is a pretty tight fit in there....i think thats why the nuts are "special". I have 2 nuts and the socket (1 nut has been "chiseled" but still fits and tightens up with the socket). If you want them, just PM me with an offer.

07-23-2005, 03:18 PM
when assembling the cases back together.. well do you need a tool or something?.. I mean the crank bearings ARE suppose to be friction fit into the cases right? ... so therefore its going to take some kind of "force" to get them back in.

07-23-2005, 05:31 PM
i didnt use a tool when i put my cases back together......the bearings should fit in the cases snug, but you shouldnt have to hit the case with a hammer or anything.....maybe tap it with a rubber mallet.

07-25-2005, 11:01 AM
One of my bearing drivers is a atc70 axle spacer. Works very well on necks of trikes, carriers, well just about anything that is that size or larger. If it wont center in the middle then I put a washer inbetween and drive it with the side of the hammer. I use side of hammer because it hits the whole spacer rather then just one side, especially since my aim is not the best.

The xr tranny is a nice fit, it should work with the cranks just fine. Unless there is something weird with the gear that drives that crank. Use xr tranny, drum and shiftforks across the board. Do not interchange any of that stuff. Also the forks are not set in the same as 200x forks as far as their labeling, but the fork placement is extremely easy to figure out (it will only go in 1 way). also the only difference between the 2 kickers is the shaft itself. One setup for forward kick the other setup for backwards kick, so it is a match for either way, except the shafts of course.

I used the manual for the name of each gear, 1st, 2nd and so on. Then printed out the full schemeatic with parts list. I labelled each gear on that scheme. Then if you look at the parts list it will give you number of teeth plus the size in mm of each thrust washer. Armed with a micrometer and that, very very hard to mix washers and gears up this way. Next tho very hard, try to have a clean enviroment.

Take your time.

07-25-2005, 05:07 PM
I need to know about how tight the bearings should fit in the case.. i mean when the bottom end was all together i could turn the left side outer race in the case... that doesnt seem right to me.. .. anyone?

Its just the thing that scares me is well the rod has a little play in it.. as did the wrist pin end... and the piston was HITTING the head... well the little bit of play in the rod and wristpin doesnt seem like enough for the piston to hit the head, unless the gap is extremely close.
so i have a feeling that maybe the whole crank was moving up and down in the cases too or something...

07-25-2005, 06:09 PM
If the outer race of the bearing is turning....something is not right. When i put a new rod assembly and crank bearings on my 200x, i had to tap the cases to get the bearing in its place (i tapped the cases with a rubber mallet). however, my outer race didnt turn. the only thing that would be possible as to why the outer part is spinning would be the hole in the case for the bearing is bigger than should be......or, it wouldnt be likely, but maybe the inner race is stuck....

07-25-2005, 06:20 PM
make sure you lay out the tranny and go threw looking at the book making sure you have everything in there. i did this with mine and noticed i was missing a washer (had it in the wrong spot) and lube everything up good when putting back(that helps hold stuff together too). i got a connecting rod kit (comes with rod washers and bearings) for 40 bucks shipped off ebay then brought in my crank and had them put all of the new stuff on it as well as the new crank bearings.

07-25-2005, 11:58 PM
make sure you lay out the tranny and go threw looking at the book making sure you have everything in there. i did this with mine and noticed i was missing a washer (had it in the wrong spot) and lube everything up good when putting back(that helps hold stuff together too). i got a connecting rod kit (comes with rod washers and bearings) for 40 bucks shipped off ebay then brought in my crank and had them put all of the new stuff on it as well as the new crank bearings.

but the problem isnt with crank bearings being on the crank, its just having them fit in the case "tight" ... the outer race would only turn if i took a screw driver and pushed on it too turn... but i could push/pull the whole crankshaft assembly back and forth in the cases while the bottomend was together :S

07-26-2005, 03:43 AM
Short4stuff, There should be an aluminum piece on the left side inner cover that keeps the bearing from coming out and hitting the cam chain.....Is it there? I can honestly say ive never had a 200x motor that had side to side crank play when the bottom end was together! Sorry i cannot give you a definite answer, ive just never experienced this problem, with any motor i have worked on.

07-26-2005, 09:39 AM
I am having a hard time understanding your play as well.

If you look at the tranny bearings, those are suppossed to be tight. But the crank ones are snug. In other words, Like Speed said, a tap tap with rubber mallet should be sufficent to drive the cases together. But with the other bearings inside,(tranny ones) those have to be driven in. So that is your differences in the bearings.

I have a crank loose and some side cases. I can get picts of whatever you need. Just tell me exactly what you need, however it may be better for us to see picts of what area exactly you are having it. I am picturing it, but it is not clicking.

Speed forgive me my mind must be blank but what aluminum piece are you talking about? I know of no piece that goes there. The bearing is held in by the case itself. With the timing chain on the opposit side of the case.

07-26-2005, 10:50 AM
jen, If you look on the left side inner case, where the bearing is.....there is like a tab that goes around the bottom.....Im not exactly sure if its duty is to keep the bearing in.....but the bearing (when fit into the case) hits the little piece i am talking about.....or maybe the case i have is a 200s case, instead of a 200x case? i know the 200x numbers are like TBO5E, and on the one i have its MEO. but i still believe the 200x has that tab also......but my mind and memory has failed me before! :)

07-26-2005, 10:53 AM
I am having a hard time understanding your play as well.

If you look at the tranny bearings, those are suppossed to be tight. But the crank ones are snug. In other words, Like Speed said, a tap tap with rubber mallet should be sufficent to drive the cases together. But with the other bearings inside,(tranny ones) those have to be driven in. So that is your differences in the bearings.

I have a crank loose and some side cases. I can get picts of whatever you need. Just tell me exactly what you need, however it may be better for us to see picts of what area exactly you are having it. I am picturing it, but it is not clicking.

Speed forgive me my mind must be blank but what aluminum piece are you talking about? I know of no piece that goes there. The bearing is held in by the case itself. With the timing chain on the opposit side of the case.

Jenn, I think what speed means is there is like an aluminum tab that sticks up on the outside of the left inner case... it just stops the bearing from sliding out I guess....

See now the thing with that is yes the bearing could slide in there.. when I would push/pull on the crank i could see the gap opening and closing where that tab is.

the bearings on the crank dont seem to have up and down play, but they do have side to side.... thats not normal for bearings is it?..

I just dont want to put this thing back together to find out the case is messed and have to take it apart again.

I do have like 2 other inner right side cases, but I dont have any left side ones.

07-26-2005, 11:21 AM
short4stuff, If you find out that you need a left side cover, i may be able to get you one if you would like me to. but side to side play in bearings is not good, especially if its in a motor. the only thing i can think of as to why the crank assembly slides back and forth would be this, and its not likely:
when the motor was running, the OUTER race of the bearings were turning along with the inner race, and it wore the cases stop tabs. that is very unlikely....about how much play does it have side to side with the cases bolted together and everything? i think mine moved side to side about 2mm before i put new bearings and rod in it, but it ran like a champ!

07-26-2005, 11:30 AM
yeha mine is probably close to that... my dad said that maybe the bearing locked up at one time and the outer race could of been spinning.. I will look over the case abit better..
Umm i sort of want a new case anyways cause where the case saver bolts on well both of those pieces broke off, so a case saver cant be bolted on anymore.

The thing about this is that the rod was done along with bearings like 1 1/2 years ago.. the last guy that had it apart engraved his name along with 2004 in the crank. he told me he replaced the bearings and rod. the wristpin hole on the rod is also stretched.

07-26-2005, 11:35 AM
your dad is right! probably what happened was when it was running one time (at low rpms) the bearing(s)locked up, which would explain why the rod hole is stretched. but that still doesnt explain the side to side play.....that fact just stomps me....about the only thing you could do is pull the clutch and oil pump off, and inspect that sidecase (if you havent already).

07-26-2005, 11:42 AM
Speed buddy, the cases are split lol

its all in pieces!
I am going to go have a closer look in probably 20 mins.

one question, why would that explain the rod stretched?

and do rods/ crank assemblies usually only last like 2 years?.. I didnt put that much time on it.

07-26-2005, 11:57 AM
haha....i was going from when you said the bottom end was together and it had side to side play.....i didnt know you tore it all down! but at any rate.....what i was saying was....IF the bearings were froze up, and it stopped the crank, if the bike was in gear at the time, the transmission would have tried to turn the motor over, which would have put alot of pressure on the crank/rod. but that couldnt be the problem....because if the crank wouldnt turn....neither would the rod....they would both stop at the same time. (and i think i confused myself with many others.)

07-26-2005, 12:02 PM
lol ha .. well I examined the case/ bearing and I find that the bearing at one time did indeed spin lol. The tabs did get "ground" down abit but that doesnt not make up for the amount of side to side.

I dont think it ever "locked" up I just think the bearing seized at one time and the outer race turned a few turns while the engine was running.
Looks like I am going to need an inner left side case.

07-26-2005, 12:20 PM
You are right.....it didnt have to lock up. You could probably find a cover on ebay....if not, Howdy can probably hook you up! :)

07-26-2005, 04:11 PM
I have one as well