View Full Version : More Rick.. july 05

07-20-2005, 02:44 PM

So it goes on huh....... there was another on on the 1st page !! :rolleyes:

07-20-2005, 03:12 PM

What's safer,atvs or dirt bikes?


No question at all. Dirt bikes are way ahead of the typical ATV because it takes a certain amount of skill to ride a dirt bike. You could tape a chicken to the tank of an automatic ATV and it could peck at the throttle and make the thing move. The ratio of no-skill riders is way higher among ATV riders, hence the accident level is much higher.


Gotta love his one liner's tho.. !!! lol....

250r'en +TCB
07-20-2005, 04:56 PM
tell me how to e-mail rick please........ I'm going to try and change hs mind on 3-wheelers.......

07-20-2005, 05:10 PM
I'm going to try and change hs mind on 3-wheelers

sounds like a wast of time. once any one does not like some thing thats it.
Noy a thing you can say will change their mine. Just be glad he said to each their own.

Billy Golightly
07-20-2005, 05:12 PM
I still feel that 3 wheelers are jokes, but don't begrudge people riding them. Just don't ride near me on one of those deathtraps. Please notice that I ran your email without comment.

Thats an improvement over him saying they are similar to riding a barstool with a CB750 engine on top....

I wrote him a very thorough and convincing letter the last time we went through this that PEGGED him on how what he is saying about three-wheelers is exactly like what that "freakstyle" video game did for the dirtbikers. He never printed that one. If your going to write him a letter make it convincing with FACTS and points that can be backed up. DONT just write him something and tell him what an asshole he is, evene if your spelling and grammar is correct. That just makes him more right.


250r'en +TCB
07-20-2005, 05:22 PM
Hello Rick. I am a 15 y/o who happens to own a "Deathtrap trike", as you put it. And I don't just own any trike! I own one of the fastest and "most dangeous" ones ever production made, a 1985 ATC 250R, with some modifications (piston, re-jetting, FMF pipe), anyway the reason I e-mailed you is because I'm rather fed up with your continuos insulting of ATC's. You speak as if right when you hop on one, your as good as dead, and that is just a plain lie. You can control them if you know how. When you get good on one you may actually prefer it over a quad. It has advantages, like being able to do awsome wheelies and turning on a dime. To all you out there who think trikes are death traps just from what you hear from particular individuals......Why don't you stop taking everybody else's word for it and ride one?
As for you Rick..... Why don't you tell us what happend to you that made you so afriad of trikes? Couldn't handle it or something like that? Or did you just try to turn on a hard packed surface and eat ground on one? Heck, have you ever riden one? And if you havn't, STOP insulting them just because you don't have the guts and/or skill to ride one......

Thats what I wrote the PRICK, think he'll have the balls to post and/or answer it?? :naughty: :w00t:

07-20-2005, 05:25 PM
oh he will..

That last part was a bit rough.. but i beleive he's been on a few.

07-20-2005, 05:42 PM
We get into this with him every six months or so. You can make all the logical arguments you want but it won't make a difference. He hates trikes and that's it. You'd have an easier time convincing Niagra Falls not to spill...

Billy Golightly
07-20-2005, 05:50 PM
He'll reply to that, make fun of your spelling and grammar mistakes and further preach to the world how the only people who rides trikes are comparable to brain dead monkies.

07-20-2005, 06:23 PM
Thats what I wrote the PRICK, think he'll have the balls to post and/or answer it?? :naughty: :w00t:

He may excuse a little of it based on your age. Print it out-- put it in a time capsule and open when your my age-- I guarantee you wouldn't write the same words when your 33.

I am glad your passionate about 3 wheelers , I really am--- but we need something a little different to be viewed differently by some of our detractors and support our cause.

But then again why do his words even matter and incite such an emotional response. For every hobby and everything else in life there are people who are negative.

The bottom line is we have our machines-- we enjoy the heck out of them and Ricks typed words (print or a computer monitor) dont mean squat when your riding your 3 wheelers with your buddies do they???

07-20-2005, 07:30 PM
Hello Rick. I am a 15 y/o who happens to own a "Deathtrap trike", as you put it. And I don't just own any trike! I own one of the fastest and "most dangeous" ones ever production made, a 1985 ATC 250R, with some modifications (piston, re-jetting, FMF pipe), anyway the reason I e-mailed you is because I'm rather fed up with your continuos insulting of ATC's. You speak as if right when you hop on one, your as good as dead, and that is just a plain lie. You can control them if you know how. When you get good on one you may actually prefer it over a quad. It has advantages, like being able to do awsome wheelies and turning on a dime. To all you out there who think trikes are death traps just from what you hear from particular individuals......Why don't you stop taking everybody else's word for it and ride one?
As for you Rick..... Why don't you tell us what happend to you that made you so afriad of trikes? Couldn't handle it or something like that? Or did you just try to turn on a hard packed surface and eat ground on one? Heck, have you ever riden one? And if you havn't, STOP insulting them just because you don't have the guts and/or skill to ride one......

Thats what I wrote the PRICK, think he'll have the balls to post and/or answer it?? :naughty: :w00t:

He'll print it and make you look like an idiot. Word of advice, don't antagonize someone that will get the last word no matter what. It's not a battle you can win. Kind of like heckling a comedian. Not a good idea to piss off the guy with the microphone unless you like being made to look like a fool.

This batch of responses from him is actually a huge improvement. I'm not even sure why any of you are upset about them.

250r'en +TCB
07-20-2005, 08:06 PM
Should have ran it through spell check, but was in a hurry :rolleyes: , Hey if he makes fun of my grammer and nothing else I'll ask him to stop wasting my time with frivilous spelling errors and read the damn article!

And if that dosn't work I'll hire a hitman to track and gun his A** down!!! <<< That will make everybody here happy right? :naughty:

Rex Karz
07-20-2005, 08:29 PM
Said a million times before:

"Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if
you win, you're still a retard."

"This thread is like a pair of golf ball sized titties; nobody wants to see that crap"

07-20-2005, 08:37 PM
hes just made because his wife wont let him get a trike....she said he couldnt handle them

07-21-2005, 01:06 AM
The guy is a downright dickhead. Nothing will ever change that nor change his mind as he is too stubborn and to arrogant to realise that other peoples opinions count too. There is no point in even bothering with a man like that. He talks himself up and thinks his view is always right. Stop with the letters to him, that just gives him more satisfaction by knocking trikes.
