View Full Version : Few questions..

07-09-2005, 10:32 AM
Ok guys.. my first question is what kind of paint would you use to put a decal on the seat? I'm considering putting a gold flame decal on both sides of the seat to match my gold rims when I paint them. I just don't know what kind of paint would stick. It is not the stock seat.. I redid my seat with the same material that they used on 84 Big Red seats. (well.. atleast it feels and looks the same as my dads seat.. lol)

And my second question is would it pay off to rejet my SX? What would it do for it?

AND.. my SX used to start up fine.. but a few days ago I started having problems starting it.. it still starts fine.. but I have to choke it to start it.. it used to just start when I pushed the start button without any problems, but now it needs choked. What is the problem?