View Full Version : Let's hear all those stories of peoples reactions to your trikes!!!

07-07-2005, 10:14 PM
I've got a couple good ones.....

1.) Just the other day on our way back from Canada, we stopped at the American customs and asked what it would take to buy a trike in Canada and bring it back to the states.

The customs officer reacted: "A 3-wheeler? As in an ATV?? UH, I don't think you can drive those in Maine." :rolleyes:

2.) And then off course you get the continous stares from people. The other day I passed a couple people walking on my 350x and they were like :eek: . Most other ATVers I see on the trails can't help but give a second look..... I can't wait to get the fender extensions on!!!! :naughty: Picture how stunning she'll look then! :Bounce

3.) Then it's the people in cars who stop for you at crossings and let you pass. That's a nice reaction! :beer

Anyone else got any stories, I'd love to hear em'!!!

07-07-2005, 10:19 PM
I'm guessing that you got your trike road-legal now?

250r'en +TCB
07-07-2005, 10:30 PM
the other day I was riding the R on my local RR beds, since most people know nothing about ATC's they just asume they are old, outdated, slow and dangerous... But people see how effective and agile they are in the right hands!!!
I rode into a small sandpit where there was roughly 15 people some guys one big utilitys, couple of kids on 250ex's and blasters that were my age and I think 2 guys on 400ex's...anyway I pulled in and I got some stares, and people pointed, so I decided to show off, just a little... :naughty: I got some speed in the tight little area and started throwing the sand every way I could!!! Pulling wheelies, turning on a dime while whiping the tail, you know how it is...... :beer After I stopped got off and took my helmet off it was funny how people reacted to me, this was most likely because I'm just a semi-tall lanky 15 year old........people asked me how I got it and learned to ride it, I told them I restored it myself with the help of a LOT of money...And learned to ride by going slow and cautios and gradually working my way up....
A little while after some kid my age was talking to me, then he asked if he could ride it :rolleyes: , I asked him what was the most powerful machine he'd driven and he told me a bored out blaster.......I told him sorry, but I can't let you kill yourself man, he understood though....

07-07-2005, 10:33 PM
I'm guessing that you got your trike road-legal now?

LOL no, but imagine the kind of looks you'de get then.... especcially from the cops!

07-07-2005, 10:35 PM
This is what I always hear.

1 How can you still ride that thing.
2 I thought those were illegal.
3 Why do you still ride that thing.

07-07-2005, 10:36 PM
"One day your gonna kill yourself on that thing!" I just laugh.

250r'en +TCB
07-07-2005, 10:40 PM
don't we all hear that? I just say, A 3-wheeler never killed somebody (then they look at me like I'm nuts!) But stupidity, inexperience, lack of respect for the machine and it's power and just plain incompetance have killed countless people, and thats not just on 3-wheelers.......They sort of get the message after that little speech

07-07-2005, 10:43 PM
Most of the reactions I get are:
"Thats a nice machine to have"
"Wow.. I like it.."
"That has more power than you're ever going to need"
"You shouldda got an R"

07-07-2005, 10:45 PM
"wow, thats in nice shape"

one guy at the gas station asked if it was brand new

Or the cop that stopped me once, "I think those things are illegal to ride and you can't register them" I then showed him my registration.

07-07-2005, 10:47 PM
o i forgot...

"how much you want for it?"

"if you find another one, let me know"

07-07-2005, 10:51 PM
where I am from 3wheelers are a taboo now a days. I usually get the statement "ya should gotta 4 wheeler dude, they're a lot cooler than your 3wheeler". they all usually say that until they get there a**'s handed to them in the trails.

Billy Golightly
07-07-2005, 10:55 PM
"What year IS that thing?"
"My buddy had one of those and almost got killed on it"
"I had one of those and almost got killed on it"
"Never seen one of those before..."
"Them things's 'illegal ya know?"

07-08-2005, 12:10 AM
last weekend i went with my boss, his dad, and son to a local off-road park riding. they all had artic cat 500 & 400 4x4 and i had my '85 honda 200x and i was makin it through mud pits that they were getting stuck in and i had all kinds of people lookin at me thinkin i was nuts for takin it out there for one and takin it in a lot of the places that i did.

07-08-2005, 12:17 AM
-Girls+Piston with wheeling stories= Girls say "thats hot".
-Kids say hey my uncle had one of those for a while
-Buddy who moved here said hey my buddy has one o them its a 350 somethin honda
-Other buddy moved here said "There were lots of trikes back in manitoba"
-Aint that tippy/dangerous/outlawed/illegal/a child molester?

They call me tripod folks!!!! I don't think its because I have 2 trikes either! :D

07-08-2005, 12:30 AM
i don't get looks, I get stares....
I get smiles from the old duners and
"Thats thing is absolutely sic." from the young kids :w00t:

07-08-2005, 12:42 AM
" Wow those illegal."
" Your gonna hurt yourself or someone else on that stupid thing"
" Balls to the wall dude!" ---someone at the bar
" Wow i thought you coulnt ride those anywhere"
" Is that 3 wheel drive???"

The best one I've heard yet was -"Is that a kickstarter??!!, why don't you just push the start button!" I guess all I can say is,.... Here's your sign..

07-08-2005, 12:48 AM
when i bought my Z from the junkyard
"my buddy had one of thes it freakin kicked my banshee into the ground"
"thems illigal?"
"thems things freakin move"
"why do you waste your money on that old trike?"
is among the top ones haha

07-08-2005, 06:30 AM
Yep, seems to be the same everywhere. Ther are 3 types of "onlookers"

1) The people who were around back in the day and have a clue as to how bad arse they are and appriciate seeing them and want to talk to you about it and what you've done.

2) They people who have never even seen one....( younger kids mostly)

3) The people who have never riden one, who are secretly jealous as hell and just talk smack about them being bad, dangerous, killing machines because they either dont have one, have a slow 4 wheeler, or their mamma made them sell their 3 wheeler back in the day because it was "so dangerous" and now you have it and are riding it with style!!! LOL :w00t: :TrikesOwn

250r'en +TCB
07-08-2005, 09:28 AM
First kid at school I told "Trikes are gay, put the engine in a quad" Then I asked him if he'd EVER ridden a trike "no" Then I told him to shove it!!!
On the trails people always say "is that thing legal" or "those things are death traps" And when you ask them if they've EVER riden one , "no"............idiots!!!

07-08-2005, 10:21 AM
"WHAT'S A TRI-Z" ???
"Ain't them Thing's Out Lawed" ?
"My dad had one when i was Born"
"Don't them Thing's Tip Over" ?
"I Ain't Seen one of those Thing's in a LONG Time" !
"How Fast is it" ?
"THAT'S NICE ! ... What is it "?
"You should Convert it to a 4 Wheeler" !
"You Want to Sell it"?
"is it a 4-Stroke or a 2-Stroke"?
"Where can you Ride That Thing"?
"Why don't you get away from that 20 yr. old THING"!
"Is it as fast as the New ATVS"?

07-08-2005, 10:33 AM
"WHAT'S A TRI-Z" ???
"Ain't them Thing's Out Lawed" ?
"My dad had one when i was Born"
"Don't them Thing's Tip Over" ?
"I Ain't Seen one of those Thing's in a LONG Time" !
"How Fast is it" ?
"THAT'S NICE ! ... What is it "?
"You should Convert it to a 4 Wheeler" !
"You Want to Sell it"?
"is it a 4-Stroke or a 2-Stroke"?
"Where can you Ride That Thing"?
"Why don't you get away from that 20 yr. old THING"!
"Is it as fast as the New ATVS"?
anymore picture of this monster[NICE]

07-08-2005, 11:04 AM
" How'd you get a reverse gear on that thing ? " SX.. not many around here.

" You know you can put a quad front end on that eh ! ".. idiots.

Talking to his quad buddies after a hauling ass strip of dirt road " Holy crap.. i was sure we'd have to wait up for the trike at every corner.. but everytime i turned around.. he was on my ass.. what the hell "

( And nothing compares to the questions i get about my battery mountain bike tho !! that thing gets comments !! )

07-08-2005, 11:21 AM
The most common things I hear:

Aint them things outlawed??
I remember when they outlawed those.
thought you couldnt ride those because there outlawed
Is that a BigRed (every trike down here is a Bigred, I dont care if its a bright green tecate, its still a bigred lol)
How fast is it?
I'll give you a couple hundred bucks for it
Why do you have all these?
And the #1 thing I have been told was that I needed to haul all of my trikes accross the scales immidiatly as the cops around here are tired of them and "cracking down" on these outlawed machines. I almost fell out off the trike on that one.....

84honda 200X
07-08-2005, 02:07 PM
I usually hear
Man that thing is nice
My brother had one that was all hopped up but sold it because he couldnt get it to run right
I could kick the crap out of that thing in a race.( 95% of the time i win)
God that pipe is loud! Where did you get it?
How much money do you have into this thing now.
This is just a story but ive got this one friend he love my 200X everytime we go for a ride he makes me take his 4wheeler and he take my 200X he has a blast on it.

07-08-2005, 06:28 PM
I was at sand lake here in oregon and it was my Rs first time out on the sand since my port and topend job..I also just got a new pair of riding boots...Anyway i drove my truck into the 2nd parking lot where everybody parks and people were staring at my trike left and right...So the first thing i wanted to do was pull my bike off the truck and roost a few 5th gear wheeiles down the flats...And i did! But while i was in mid 5th gear wheeile, i forgot i had these new freaking boots on and i couldn't tap the back break fast enough to pull the front end down..Well, I bailed off the back,the bike did 2 cartwheels and landed upside down..I felt like such a idiot!! I know everybody was LMFAO at me.....So i just rode away and didnt return for about an hour..when i decided to come back i got pulled over by a state cop cause i didn't have a flag..I forgot to notice my flag was broken off and i received a $125 ticket..Anyway!!!! Some dudes riding banshees found my flag and were nice enough to bring it back to me, so i rode with them for the rest of the day LOL...OH the ticket got droped cause the stupid cop never showed up...So i guess something good came out of all of this.... :rolleyes: Anyway, what im trying to say is im sure all those people watching me were like "Man 3 wheelers are dangerous" lol....Owell, sometimes they can be i guess :)

07-09-2005, 02:28 PM
A friend and I were riding on a motocross track, he on a TRX250R and me on my R. Another friend was standing on the side watching us clear a tabletop and overheard this from a middle-aged man standing next to him:

as my friend on the TRX cleared it: That's wild!

as I cleared it right behind him: That's just nuts!!

250r'en +TCB
07-09-2005, 07:14 PM
People who see you after you drag raced say "that thing must be fast" I always say, "If by fast you meen just plain SCARY, then yeah it is."
Older guys always see me, a "youngster" on a machine older than me and they say "way to keep your heritage alive kid!" I always give a nice roost and/or wheelie after that!!! :w00t:

07-09-2005, 08:53 PM
lol the only thing ive heard that someone hasnt said.

"hey so what do you do when you ride that thing, you just watch out for all the cops?"

im like omg...there not illegal people!

07-09-2005, 09:56 PM
I do mx on my atc250r and at the tracks I get strange looks, even stranger when I pass them(its getting rarer with more poeple having 450's and such). I got every line mentioned plus more and as well as some guys who were threathened by me trike and try to push me off the track, and the angry fathers when I fly past them and thier kids. One guy said he was gonna call the cops on me for riding a "illegal bike".

07-09-2005, 10:07 PM
the only thing i ever hear is, "thats a 350?, i never knew they made them that big" or
"dam that things loud" in reference to my cobra on my 110.

07-09-2005, 10:32 PM
Lol today my friends mom (the wife and mother of twosport quad riders and a drag racer mom) said to me "they dont make those any more do they?":rolleyes: Today at the drags lots of people stared at the trikes (all 5 or so trikes). Best reaction I have ever gotten was a a group of people called me over so they could take pic of my one SX. that made me feel good :D

07-09-2005, 11:00 PM
I was just told I was an idiot for buying two stock and SANO 1986 R's. when I could have got a used quad.

07-09-2005, 11:30 PM
how about the older guy that come up and say WOW i had one once and i should have never sold it!!!
wow it nice to see someone that still ride thouse old trikes are they still faster than all the new 4 wheelers becouse there were when i had one

07-10-2005, 12:09 AM
my friend asked me how fast it goes (yt125). i said "mid to high 40's" and he says "thats pretty good FOR A 3 WHEELER" :rolleyes: i was going to explain to him that 3 wheelers can smoke 4 wheelers but he would be lost if i started talking about tecates, tri-z, and things like that.

07-10-2005, 02:43 AM
when I had my SX i would ride it through this place called the bowl (it is like a bowl) and theres this mudpit, and i would go through it like nothing, and the raptors would be stuck, ands i pulled my friends 230 out a few times too lol..

07-24-2005, 12:06 AM
It was a beautiful day the humidity broke -- I decided to load up the 85 Z and headed out to a landfill that adjoins with a sand and gravel pit out here in NY --solo. The first group of riders I encountered didnt respond to my courtesy head nod but that all changed fast

I met up with some other guys that were crazy over the 3 wheeler. They tracked me down and wanted to BS. They couldnt believe how nice it was and said it was ""like brand new"" (this isn't even one of my restores) Once I went my own way they must have met up with some other guys and told them about my Z -- Then they all tracked me down to look and admire- I gave them a little education on three wheelers (we take it for granted our knowledge of the history) They thought it was illegal to have them :lol: .

Well i loaded it back up and went to the local deli to get a roast beef sandwich. As I was waiting I saw people who were planning on heading into the deli congregating around my truck and trailer. As I headed out I had another 15 minute conversation about 3 wheelers.

While driving doen the road I couldnt count the number of people whos head was turning like the exorcist to check my ride out.

In my town many people who hadnt seen one of these in a long time had a treat :D

07-24-2005, 08:10 AM
"One day your gonna kill yourself on that thing!" I just laugh.
At least i'll die happy.LOL

07-24-2005, 03:18 PM
LOL no, but imagine the kind of looks you'de get then.... especcially from the cops!

i got a bad look from a cop last week

i got pulled over crossing a bridge to get to a trail on the other side. i got me 110$ to pay to the great state of Wisconsin. that cop asked me if it was legal to register it, i looked at him funney and said well yea

07-24-2005, 10:05 PM
Well, we went on a sweet 90 mile ride today on some railroad beds. Met lots of people out there. I was on my X of course...

There was a group of about 6 quads that had stopped to take a break... as I slowly passed them everyone was just starring and smiling like heck :D ... I knodded back as my hands were busy.

Met a couple guys at a gas station who had just gassed up their quads. They said, "Hey, those are old ones aren't they?" :lol:

As an older guy and I passed each other he gave me a thumbs up and knodded... :)

I passed a quad with a kid (about 11 years old) sitting on the back... I think he just starred until I was out of sight... lol

07-24-2005, 10:49 PM
I love stares. There was a little girl riding around near the road in a field on a small 250 utility quad of some sort and I was on the road and I road right past her and she stopped and starred until I had to turn off to the other road, lol.
Whenever I hear the "ain't em things illegal?" line, I always tell them "yup". And drive away, lol. I don't ever feel like explaining things.

07-25-2005, 10:44 AM
WooHoo, It happend again! We had just got the 250R put back together and I had It setting out in front of the shop, a guy drives up and is looking at it, tells me how nice it looks and proceeds to ask me, "Thats one of them old Honda BigReds aint it?". I just looked at him wanting to throw a smartass remark out in the air but I couldnt keep myself from laughing..

07-25-2005, 11:22 AM
"What the hell is that supposed to be" is my typical reaction when I'm on the trails.

07-25-2005, 11:38 AM
Most common is "what year is it?" .. 85.. "doesnt look that old"

other common reactions are;

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"reckless driving"

"its a shame you beat it like that"


A few I heard at trikefest;

"I'm surprised you still have a rod in that" (after revving the piss out of it clearing the strip)

"whats under all that mud?"

07-25-2005, 03:17 PM
Camping and riding with new 400ex, 300ex, Banshee, and Warrior. There was a guy with a friend of mine who had just moved here from France. When asked after a few days of watching us ride which "Quad" he liked the best (they had theirs all lined up real special like, mine off over to the side under a tree like it wasn't even part of the question)... he pointed over to my TRIKE and stated "that must be the newest one with the far superior aerodynamic design for cutting throught the atmosphere, plus it seems quicker and more nimble"!!! Way ta go Frenchie! My friends were all FLORED with this comment and could only turn their heads and walk away... I got him a BEER! :beer :lol:

07-25-2005, 05:47 PM
all mine gets is laughter, and my dad says he doesnt really want me to get it running because he hurt himself on one as a kid(accidently jumped the family 90 over a dune and ran his own leg over)