View Full Version : this 200x is really p.o. me

07-05-2005, 10:42 PM
ok heres what i did today..took the top end apart..put in the stock piston, and cylinder, put it back together and rebuilt the carb..for some reason the main jet in my carb wasnt even screwed in...so i guess thats what made my float stay open and leak gas..anyway..its still doin the same thing..it runs, but well this piston sucks and it smokes like a freight train...but it runs..still revs high...i cant figure that out..im starting to think that its my throttle cable on this twist throttle..but i dunno...and it gets really hot i guess and shuts off..im thinkin thats from all the oil...so..what im doin now..im takin the top end back off..im puttin the wiseco 12:1 back in because it doesnt smoke and i dont want to use my oil up...and im going to mess with the valves and clearances..and see what happens..then if that dont work i guess im going to try and put the 185 carb and throttle cable on...it worked fine with the 12:1 so maybe it still will...and ill see what happens..any suggestions on this thing? its not missing so i dont think its out of time and i dont think it being out of time would cause it to rev that high anyway...btw the 185 headlight will work on the 200x for anybody that is wondering..mine is on it right now till i get a 200x light...it hasnt blew yet..anyway..some suggestions would be great guys!

07-05-2005, 11:24 PM
i'd bet anything it's your throttle. mine did that and it was. take that stupid twist off and put a regular thumb throttle on there with a new cable and try it.

07-06-2005, 12:42 AM
thats what im thinkin...ill prolly put the 185 carb on and the throttle for it untill i get the other throttle for the 200x...they are a different size lid thingy..unless i can change that out ...can i do that? anyway...i just put the 12:1 back in and put it back together so in the morning im gonna see what happens after i put it on the frame..im also gonna try the carb on there before i try and start it again

07-06-2005, 09:06 AM
Yes the carb cap comes off. You take the slide, spring needle and cap with rubber boot, and can swap over. .

07-06-2005, 09:37 AM
twist or thumb.. it's nothing more than a means of pulling a cable.. as long as it's set to permit full movement and not partial throttle opening.. either should be fine.

Gaskets.. are you re-using old gaskets with all those heads and cylinders .. trial and error .. ... .. .. . high rev is usually an air leak. consider that posibility.

Specially if using a 12 : 1 high compression.. new gaskets would be very important. How about valves ??? using new valves ? have they been cut / resurfaced at any time ?

07-07-2005, 02:17 AM
no new gaskets...its the throttle..i figured it out..but it still wont stay running for more than about 3 minutes..i guess that 12:1 is suckin all the gas out of the carb...so i put a bigger fuel line on there and hose clamped it to the carb and petcock..to aloow more gas..well it helped alittle but not enough to keep running...and..on top of that..i still have to prime it to get it to start in the frist place..like take out the plug and dump some gas in and then put the plug back in..i still cant kick start it either..never has worked on my 200x..i dunno why..so im going to get a new cable for the twister since thats what it is..im kinda startin to like it for some reason...prolly because i used to ride my dads 78 kawasaki kz 400 motorcycle around all the time..i dunno..but when it actually revs down i turn the choke off and the throttle works fine..i adjusted the needle to the 2nd from bottom and put my air boot back onto the carb and air box..it runs pretty good now..the plug is the right color...so im guessing i need a bigger float bowl or somethin..but i dont think it will matter to much..should i replace the piston to the stock one for now or leave it in since i got it runnin somewhat good? im thinkin im just gonna leave it in...btw if anybody wnats to trade me a running and driving 350x for all 3 of my wheelers and all the parts..ill defintly trade..im tired of these 185-200's...its only them that cause me problems...so i would like something bigger...that has power to stay with my bro and my friends...the 185 could keep up till they hit 5th...the 200x keeps up..but only when it works...and it doesnt have brakes...so slowing down to turn is a problem...a big one..anywya..yea im willin to trade the trikes and a little money to whoever wants to trade..i dont care really what the 350x looks like..as long as it is mechanically safe...cosmetics is no biggy...or maybe something like a 250 air cooled or water cooled ...r,tri-z,tecate ....even if it needs some fixing..im really tired of these 185-200's....they aint ofr me anymore..too many problems...not enough money to fix..im thinkin maybe a pipe and that throttle cable is it for this 200x and im done with all of them..if i dont sell them or trade them first...

07-07-2005, 07:34 PM
it runs! it runs great!..it just leaks oil now..my problem with it idling up was the twist throotle..its got some little piece that holds the cap in place...along with the screw...so i grinded off that little tab and put it back on...worked! and it not running was because my petcock was clogged! with rust! alot of it..so i clkeaned it out and the tank as much as i could and put it on...good flowage now! and it stays running...now the only problem is an oil leak and the timing chain needs tightened..the oil is leaking right at the cdi...im not sure why..the seal is good and its not pinched in or anything..the gasket is good but i think im gonna change it to a really thick one i found..o yea..lolany suggestions on how to fix the leaks?

07-07-2005, 07:57 PM
Your most likely leakng oil out of the side cover because the little "o" ring that you put in all the way on the back around the cam shaft is leaking. Most likely anyways. Is the little spring inside of the "o" ring?

07-07-2005, 08:24 PM
put a clear fuel line on, you'll thank me later. and you'll stay on top of the rust issue because you'll be able to see the CRAP going through the lines. an inline filter is $2 and is a cheap investment.

07-08-2005, 01:33 AM
yes i got a clear line on it..i knew it had rust in there just not that much..its weird..it built up fast...and yea the spring is in that seal and the seal is good..not pinched either

07-08-2005, 08:36 AM
quick note on the timing chain .

when you remove the rubber boot.. don't bother with the 10mm bolt on top.. leave it be. but the lower nut ( 13 mm ? ) will tighten the chain if you UNSCREW IT .. and it will give more slack if you tighten the bolt.

i had that all wrong for the longest time.

07-08-2005, 10:36 PM
quick note on the timing chain .

when you remove the rubber boot.. don't bother with the 10mm bolt on top.. leave it be. but the lower nut ( 13 mm ? ) will tighten the chain if you UNSCREW IT .. and it will give more slack if you tighten the bolt.

i had that all wrong for the longest time.

maybe i have that wrong too and thats why my motor ticks. my manual says to loosen it while it's idling, leave it for a few seconds, and then tighten it back down. So your saying your supposed to LEAVE it unscrewed? :wondering

07-08-2005, 11:14 PM
leave the bolt alone and tighten the lock nut, you may have to hold the bolt so it doesn't move when you tighten the lock nut

07-08-2005, 11:47 PM
the small nut on top is the lock nut?

07-09-2005, 12:59 AM
ok its acutally a 14mm or 9/16 in standard... ive delt with that..turns out..i probly blew my head gasket because for some reason1 of the 4 head bolts that hold the whole top end down came unscrewed and is completely gone..luckily i have more engines with more bolts...but im takin it off to fix the 185 anyway so i can have a automatic shift to pull stuff like my paretns want to do...its kinda hard with a clutch that you have to push start...anyway...thats gone and yes i do believe its that bolt..its all the way tightened down and it just clanks up a storm when i hit the gas hard..i thought that meant too low of octan but evidentally thats the wrong click...lol