View Full Version : 250SX Stuff

07-05-2005, 03:20 PM
I'm kind of new to 3 wheeling and I don't know too much about upgrading them. Can anyone give me a list of things I can get (and where I can get them) that would boost horsepower and speed? Thanks

07-05-2005, 03:52 PM
If you want a cray fast 3 wheeler get a 250r or Tri Z. Your somewhat limited to speed due to the shaft drive. Denniskirk has lots of good stuff.

http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/common/Frontpage.jsp;jsessionid=YEY45OI3VH135LA0WTKSM4VMD K0NKIV0

07-05-2005, 04:16 PM
I wanted a 250R, but I couldn't find one in my area.. so I had to settle for the SX.

07-05-2005, 04:33 PM
Keep looking, youll find one. It was the complete opposite with me, there are lots of 250r's by me but very few SX's and NO Tri Z's I think i have the only Tri Z in Washingnton State. The SX is still fast but it dosent compare to the 250 2 strokes.

07-05-2005, 05:33 PM
I have never seen a Tri-Z around my area. Ever. The first time I heard of one was when I got on this sight. So how fast does the Tri-Z go compared to the 250SX and the R?

07-05-2005, 08:35 PM
NO COMPARISSON!!!!! The 2 strokes absolutely will tear your arms out of your sockets and scare the hell out of you. The SX is great fun but no racing machine, all depends in waht you want.....

07-05-2005, 09:17 PM
You have to mix the oil and gas on 2-strokes, right? I don't like that.. lol.
I just want to have a little fun on my SX.. I don't need no like.. 350X.. I'm just wondering what I could do/buy to get a little more power and speed on my SX.

Rex Karz
07-05-2005, 09:26 PM
The 250SX is the Cadillac of trikes, rights tight and smooth. There isn't much You can do to one to make it faster, You'd have to be totally committed to the fifty bucks !(FZ Reference)! It's just the nature of that trike. They are unique. Enjoy the heck out of it, get an air-cooled R or a 350X for performance. But keep the SX for those "cush" Rides !

07-05-2005, 09:35 PM
you can boost the power with a pipe and uni/kn filter.. port polish.. high compression piston, hot cam.. etc....... but that won't do much for more top speed other than get you there quicker wich is fun in itself !

I love my SX to death. woul'nt have any other trike even if i had the choice. i don't race much, and like to just " Hit the button " and ride off. make that electric start work if it's not !

07-05-2005, 09:46 PM
I'm getting a Cobra Megaphone soon, so there is the pipe. I need a new airfilter, so I'm definately gonna get one of those soon too. How much does a Uni Filter cost?

07-05-2005, 09:53 PM
Can you guys give me some sights other than Dennis Kurk that has stuff for my 250SX?? Dennis Kurk doesn't even have much for SX's..

07-05-2005, 09:58 PM
look up SX restorations or custom SX's on here and on 3wheeler.org and check out what parts other guys put on theirs. then simply look up those parts by brand and model vs trying to find SX specific stuff...

You can get suppertrapps for the SX, same as a certain XR model and year that bolts on . ( sorry don't remember the year and exact model.. xr 250 r tho )

Maier makes aftermarket plastics

85 250sx
07-05-2005, 10:02 PM
haha i just bought a uni air filter for my sx the other day but i cant remember how much it cost? i think it was around like $25 and the k&n filter was like twice as much. and since the sx isnt realy a speed deman i just bought the uni. There is no comparison in speeds with a 250r and a 250sx i own both and first gear on the r is like 3rd on the sx. It takes some effort to rip the tires loose on the sx and absilutly no effort on the r. I used to think my sx was pretty fast untill i bought the r. The r felt SCARY fast at first but now ive gotten used to it and now when i ride the sx it feels like a realy slow and sluggish.
What part of PA are you from?

07-05-2005, 10:07 PM
I know that Maier makes plastic for them.. I've been looking into getting some.
And also.. I want an R.. and I hope I can get one sometime.. but right now I don't have the funds. I'd like to atleast try an R, or a 350X.. I think they'd be cool to ride around a little.
And I'm from Western (although I think its more central.. lol) PA.. you?