View Full Version : A few pics..

07-04-2005, 06:00 PM
I just figured I would post pictures of me and my dads trikes..
http://www.supload.com/thumbs/default/Tw.jpg (http://www.supload.com/free/pictures/Tw.jpg/)
http://www.supload.com/thumbs/default/Thre.jpg (http://www.supload.com/free/pictures/Thre.jpg/)
In the first pictures you can see the '83 185S, then next is the '83 200E (I believe its only an E?) Big Red, the next trike is our '84 200SE Big Red (Mint condition.. there isnt even a scratch on the plastic on this bike), and the next one is my '85 250SX that I am in the process of restoring.

http://www.supload.com/thumbs/default/On.jpg (http://www.supload.com/free/pictures/On.jpg/)
Here is the SX when I first got it.
http://www.supload.com/thumbs/default/Si.jpg (http://www.supload.com/free/pictures/Si.jpg/)
Here is the SX right now.. after I fixed it up a little..

Its a great bike, and it runs very good, but the plastic was all beat up when i got it and it needed a little work. So I'm fixing it up to look new. I've got quite a bit done so far. I've restored all the painted parts, fixed some things, and put a new seat on it (redid it myself, I might add :) haha). Now I need to get rear plastic, a new muffler (I'm thinking that I'm going to get the Cobra Megaphone system.. any other suggestions?), new grips, and that chrome bar on the rear is pretty beat up, so I'm going to try and find one of those. I bought it for $550, and I've put about $100 and alot of time into it so far, so I'm going to put about another $350 into it, and it should be very nice.
http://www.supload.com/thumbs/default/Fou.jpg (http://www.supload.com/free/pictures/Fou.jpg/)
And here is an up-close view of the '84 200SE Big Red that we have that is in mint condition. You can see a little something on the rear fender in this picture, but its only dust that I was too lazy to wipe off. Since this picture was taken, my dad has also gotten rid of the oil that you can see on the engine. (A bolt was loose and leaking oil, I guess.. but its all gone now)
http://www.supload.com/thumbs/default/Fiv.jpg (http://www.supload.com/free/pictures/Fiv.jpg/)
This is our '83 185S that has also since been fixed up since the picture was taken. The plastic is in great condition, and all we really needed to do was pain the rims, which we did.. and it came out very nice actually.

Well.. there.. enjoy.. hope you didn't fall asleep by the end of this post.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that on the SX, the tank is dented a little and the paint has rubbed off the side.. anyone know who could fix that for me, or how I could do it myself?

07-04-2005, 06:25 PM
your SX looks like my old one with the wolley boggers on it. except you have a front fender :D nice looking trikes

07-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Nice collection you have.

07-04-2005, 06:47 PM
your SX looks like my old one with the wolley boggers on it. except you have a front fender :D nice looking trikes

Yeah.. I love those rear tires.. they provide quite a bit of traction in mud and snow.. a heck of alot better than the knobbies on my dads 200SE. And the front tire I have on mine provides alot of traction for turning/steering. I'm very satisfied with my 250SX, I just wish I knew how to tear them down and tinker with it so I could make it go faster.

250r'en +TCB
07-04-2005, 08:35 PM
nice collection! I've only got my R and my 300ex, but someday down the road I'll get a 350x and/or and a 450r.....

07-04-2005, 09:01 PM
Nice family man!!! Very nice!

07-04-2005, 11:47 PM
Yeah.. the only thing I think that I am missing is a 250R. I was looking for one, but noone in this area had any for sale, so I had to settle for a 250SX. Still has good power and speed, but I would rather have an R. Oh well!