View Full Version : Pics from Cinders (Arizona)

07-03-2005, 01:28 AM
Didn't take as many as I intended but here you go.

It was nice to get out of this heat and meet the other members there. Too bad about the ridiculous amounts of dust. Can't wait for the sand dunes to cool down. :beer

07-03-2005, 02:44 AM
You guys have it great out there. Did you climb $100 hill or whatever it's called

Rex Karz
07-03-2005, 03:15 AM
At what exactly is that arrow pointing ?

07-03-2005, 11:21 AM
You guys have it great out there. Did you climb $100 hill or whatever it's called

I made one run at it. Wasn't able to hit it as fast as I wanted to and ended up having to downshift too early. When I got to 2nd gear I decided to turn around. I think I could have chugged up the rest of the way but the amount of wear it would put on the bike just isn't worth it so I could say I climbed some hill. That place is really hard on your bike in general and I bet that hill in particular is responsible for a lot of seized engines. If it were at sea level instead of 7000 feet it would be a LOT easier.

At what exactly is that arrow pointing ?

A quad. Just pointing it out so you can get an idea how big that hill is. Nothing compares to the view when you're actually trying to climb it though. It's a loooong way up and it's steep.

07-03-2005, 12:59 PM
That would be soo awsome. Theclosest thing I have come to is a 20 foot sand pile. lol. That would be fun. I hate living in flat country

07-03-2005, 01:13 PM
That would be soo awsome. Theclosest thing I have come to is a 20 foot sand pile. lol. That would be fun. I hate living in flat country
what you in saskatchawan... :D cool pics...the looks like some fun riding, and by seizing motors......your chugin that SLOW all the way up? hit er in 5 n move haha

07-03-2005, 01:57 PM
holy jesus dammit, that is a huge hill. At first I just looked and figured it wasnt too big, then I saw that quad. Man that must be fun.

07-03-2005, 02:02 PM
No kidding lots of nothing seems like tons of fun!, dont you have to wear dust masks there?

I would like to try it, but wear on a machine like you said, I dont know.

Sweet pics!

07-03-2005, 02:26 PM
:beer ummmm wow :w00t:

07-03-2005, 03:54 PM
your chugin that SLOW all the way up? hit er in 5 n move haha

Easier said than done. There's whoops at the bottom and those cinders are so freakin deep it robs a tremendous amount of your power. You get way better traction in sand than in this stuff. Not even the high dollar modern quads were getting up it in anything higher than 2nd gear. The elevation plays hell on your engine performance. Especially 2-strokes.

07-03-2005, 04:20 PM
but kaseys 500 went up it in 3rd gear.

07-03-2005, 05:45 PM
Easier said than done. There's whoops at the bottom and those cinders are so freakin deep it robs a tremendous amount of your power. You get way better traction in sand than in this stuff. Not even the high dollar modern quads were getting up it in anything higher than 2nd gear. The elevation plays hell on your engine performance. Especially 2-strokes.
D-A-J on the go...hahah :beer

07-04-2005, 06:42 AM
When you see the size of that quad you can appreciate how big that hill is ...
Cool pics...

07-04-2005, 11:05 AM
nice pics dammit!

that is a seriuos hill climb there

07-04-2005, 04:46 PM
I just washed the R and noticed all four bolts on the front wheel were loose and I lost a fork cap out there. :Bounce

Anybody got an extra one of those black plastic caps?

250r'en +TCB
07-04-2005, 04:53 PM
^^^ to bad man.... just have to tape the top for now to amke sure nothing get in.
Those pics are amazing!!! Wish i had some awsome hills like that to ride, hell I wish I had some dunes!!!

07-04-2005, 05:04 PM
As cool as that place looks, I don't know if I'll go back. It's a rough ride. Beats the hell out of you and your bike and getting a 2-stroke jetted right is kind of a PITA at 7000 feet above sea level. There's supposedly some trails a little closer to home that are similar but dirt instead of lava ash, less dusty and doesn't beat you up as bad. Gonna check that out next.

07-06-2005, 03:05 PM
So I take it the bike was runing way lean then? :mad:
So you did go on a loop type ride around the whole area, about a 6 mile or so run? You guys must of been camped next to the small hill, called "jeep" or "toy" hill. Did ya make it up that one @ least?

I love it up there, even if my trike runs crappy... but I do wanna go a round about way to the top of $100 hill for pics some day.

07-06-2005, 03:24 PM
wow, i thought kill hill was big... kill hill is a speedbump compared to that, i think its only 100-150 feet tall but its very steep, i cant imagine rolling down that hill, what is the approximate climb angle?? have to lean way forward to go up it or what??? must build some speed coming down it?!?!?!!!

07-06-2005, 03:41 PM
yes Adam, Kasey made it up in 3rd apparently....but what dammit is saying is the majority of the people don't get much higher than 2nd or so. and really, the pictures don't do it much justice.

and I'm with Dammit on this one, that not ever going back there would make me a happy person. wolf creek is so much better, so we'll have to set that one up. I'll keep everyone posted.

07-06-2005, 11:22 PM
So I take it the bike was runing way lean then? :mad:
So you did go on a loop type ride around the whole area, about a 6 mile or so run? You guys must of been camped next to the small hill, called "jeep" or "toy" hill. Did ya make it up that one @ least?

I love it up there, even if my trike runs crappy... but I do wanna go a round about way to the top of $100 hill for pics some day.

No, they run rich up there, not lean. Lots of sputter. I did get it dialed in pretty decent by the time I went on my last run. I really would have needed to change the pilot to get it perfect though. There was this sputter right as you get on the throttle that I couldn't tune out with the air screw alone. I raised my needle clip one space and dropped from a 175 to a 165 main. If I would have thrown a 46 or so pilot in there I think it would have ran about as good as it's capable of running at that altitude.

I did go on a loop ride of sorts. Ended up on top of hundred dollar hill but went up the back way. Much easier. As for the other hills, I think I went up just about all of them except that one. If I could hit them hard enough I could usually hold 3rd gear all the way up. The problem was being pinned in 3rd when I hit it. A lot of times I didn't realize I was about to go up a good sized hill until I was on it. Had to turn around and get a running start a few times.

I got about half way up hundred dollar hill before I turned around. If I could have hit it really hard I would have went all the way up even if I was in first by the time I got there. Kinda nerve wracking without an extended swinger though. Front end gets real floaty so downshifting feels a bit unsettling. Damn near crashed on the way down too. It's so steep you really can't slow down and good luck turning on a trike. Almost took a header into some shrubs. That would have been embarassing in front of all those quads. lol :D

The last ride I went on was the most fun. I was alone so there was no dust getting kicked up. If I had another R setup for that kind of riding and dialed it in perfect I'd have a lot more fun up there. That low end bog was bugging the crap out of me. Buzzing through there in the dark was a blast though. Even with the dust. I had no freakin' idea where I was going. Just following John on his 350x, almost blind from the dust about half the time.

I'm not ruling out going up there again. Just not sure I want to take my R up there again. I want to build a desert R (or maybe even a 350x). Something powervalved would probably work better on the hills and in the deep ash. If I ever get around to doing that it would probably be a lot better suited for that place than the one I have now. This thing is going to end up just being a dune queen. That's the only place I really enjoy riding it out here.

I was thinking a 1981-1982 R would be a lot of fun just in the trail sections. The wide floatation front tire would probably float over the ash instead of digging into it. Suspension would suck in the whoops though.

Powder coat is no match for that stuff by the way. Only took a few hours of riding to take it completely off the bottom of the pegs.

06-12-2006, 03:48 PM
Bumped so some of the people I was talking to at TrikeFest can see what I was talking about. :D

06-12-2006, 05:37 PM
Holy Ballz.

Not a chance I'd attempt that. HUGE!!!

06-12-2006, 06:50 PM
Holy Ballz.

Not a chance I'd attempt that. HUGE!!!

Told you. :lol:

After looking at the size of the quad and the trees, I estimate that hill to be at least 450 feet tall from the very bottom (the bottom isn't even visible in the pic). I've never seen anything else like it.

Edit : I found a state run site that says that hill is over 950 feet.

nate b
06-12-2006, 07:59 PM
I can picture my R rolling end over end from the top of the hill after I snub the motor or something. I would have to shoot myself