View Full Version : Trimoto 225dx

06-28-2005, 12:37 PM
Hi everyone this is my first thread and i have a qustion about a trimoto 225dx. I just got this and it had sat for a while before we got it. the problem is that when i try to push start it the wheels just skid on the blacktop. At first the spot where the pull start was at the thing wouldnt spin but it broke free. i tried taking the stuff apart but i dont have the tools to get the rusty stuff off. Any help would be appritiate it thx.

06-28-2005, 12:42 PM
the tires just skid cuz * aint going fast enough.. if it has a manual clutch put it into second gear and hold the clutch until you are moving good then pop that out and give er gas.

06-28-2005, 01:34 PM
It doesnt have manual clutch but it has a starter. Now the key wont turn so i dont no what wire need to be hooked up for the bike to be on as if the key was actually on. i think the battery is junk but is there a way to jump it. the only way i can think of getting it to start is pushing it and droping it from nuetral to 1st.

06-28-2005, 01:42 PM
You can hook a pair of jumper cable from your truck and put the ground on the footpeg or something and just touch the tip of the starter where the hot wire goes to from the solenoid. It should spin it, but you have to make sure you have the ignition on somehow.
I guess you could pull the plug out and check for spark to see if it on.
If it didnt start it would narrow your problems down to maybe a dirty carb, or something.

06-28-2005, 01:56 PM
put the trike in 4th or 5th (dont know how many gears they have) and then push it should start to turn over in these gears, as your pushing blip the trottle and your away. this is how i have to start the 70 lol its has no pull start :( can be a pain in the arse if it stalls in deep grass

06-28-2005, 05:31 PM
Well can anyone help me with just removing the key and just just have the wires connected so the bike can always be on till its up and running.

06-28-2005, 05:46 PM
Why don't you slow down a bit and fix the recoil 1st?

Can we see a few pictures of it ?

What parts are rusted?

Pull start assembly (click on pic to enlarge) :

06-28-2005, 05:58 PM
My pull start doesnt have all the pieces that that one had, the pull start was off of the bike when i got it. thats why i want to get the ignition fixed so that i can try to push start it. There are like 4 wires there which ones should be connected and what ones not to use. Thx for the help so far. oh and there is just some screws that are rusted a little and they just strip out.

06-28-2005, 08:16 PM
So can anyone tell me what wires make the bike run?

06-29-2005, 01:12 PM
Ok i got the ignition fixed and the starter works if i hook the battery up to some jumper cables, but all that happens is the motor just keeps turinging over. im getting spark so i dont no what to do now

06-29-2005, 01:25 PM
Did you hook the jumper cables up to the battery on the bike or the starter on the bike?
If it was the starter, it will keep spinning no matter what. If it is spinning the motor over with the cables going to the battery, your starter button on the handlebars may be stuck. Lube it up with some WD-40. If that isnt your problem, you have something screwy in the wiring.
If its getting spark, but not starting. It may not be getting gas. Try cleaning the carb out and check the lines and fuel filter (if it has a filter) to make sure they are free-flowing.

Does the cylinder have compression?

06-29-2005, 02:46 PM
Well it was starting with the the button and it would stop when you stoped pushinh the button but now i found out that the carb is dirty cuz the bottom where the floater is is completely dry.

06-29-2005, 05:38 PM
Post some pics of the trike sometime if you can?

06-29-2005, 10:01 PM
Well i tried cleaning carb but it didnt work so i tried to spray starting fluid to see if it would start but it didtnt so i dont no what to do now. The stater doesnt seem like iot does anything but the motor is moving. when i try to push start it i can smell exhust fumes. well im gonna try to clean the carb with some better stuff and see if that works but if im spraying starter fluid ion the carb shouldnt it try to fire up?

06-30-2005, 10:33 AM
Well im still stuck at this point the carb seems clean theres gas at the bottom but when you push the throttle no gas comes up thru the needle hole. the comes thru the over fill line on the bottom.

06-30-2005, 10:38 AM
The carb is still avaliable from Yamaha,$150 for the carb,Bought a new on e for my Tri Moto....runs like a charm know.

06-30-2005, 10:48 AM
Well im still stuck at this point the carb seems clean theres gas at the bottom but when you push the throttle no gas comes up thru the needle hole. the comes thru the over fill line on the bottom.
#1 Buy a manual.
#2 Do a compression test
#3 The gas won't "come up through the needle hole" on it's own, it is drawn through there by the vacuum created by the engines "intake stroke". If gas is coming out of the overflow, either:
#1 Your float is still set too high.
#2 The float needle & seat aren't seating together correctly.
#3 Your float has a hole in it & is not floating in the gas. (As the fuel level rises inside your carb, the float rises as well & pushes the needle against the seat. thereby shutting off your fuel flow to the carb.)
#4 Once again, go buy a manual. Either get a Yamaha, Clymer or Haynes one.

06-30-2005, 11:47 AM
If it's been sitting for a long time... first and foremost.

Empty the gas tank completely.. put fresh gas in it.. swish it around, empty it.. refill with fresh gas again..drain carb and let the fresh gas flow thru.

Then remove the plug.. put a few drops of gas in the plug hole.. not alot .. just a few drops should do.

Crank it over again.

Careful with the car battery... that sucker puts out alot of amps.. much more than your usual battery... let it crank for no more than a few seconds at a time and let things cool down.

06-30-2005, 12:21 PM
ok thx for the info im gonna try to do that, but will the motor start if i have the carb off and spray starter fluid in it? and how do you do a compression test?

06-30-2005, 12:28 PM
no.. you need the carb on it.

and a compression test.. is done with a " Compression Tester " ..

A gauge with a needle and a hose that screws into your spark plug hole.

How did you " Clean " the carb ? was it taken completely apart and soaked in a dip can overnight ? or just cleaned with a tooth brush ?

06-30-2005, 02:01 PM
Ok i cleaned the carb dipped in gasoline for about 6 hours then i put it back on and it was still cloged so i took it off again and i seen that the little air hole that goes upnext to where the throttle needle was cloged and i cant get the litle brass piece uncloged. i dont no what i have to take off the carb to get it cleaned th best. do i have to take every little thing off of it? and for the compression test i dont have the tool to do that. Thx for the help so far.

06-30-2005, 02:24 PM
Ok i just got the motor to run but its not getting enough gas to make it go faster than like 3 mph and i think the clutch or something is messed up cuz when i was shifting it went out of gear. so maybe the carb needs more cleaning.

06-30-2005, 03:07 PM
Check the clutch adjustment on the side of the motor.If it is out of adjustment that can cause the clutch to pop out.

06-30-2005, 03:11 PM
Get some CARB CLEANER. take the carb completely apart, clean all openings with compressed air and carb cleaner.

I'm sure tripping on acid doesnt make it any easier to work on, sober up for a bit untill you get it running. :)

06-30-2005, 03:19 PM
That's just not cool....LOL

06-30-2005, 03:27 PM
what's up with yamaha owners.. first E dog and now ACID trip... sheesh. LOL...

ok.. change the oil if it's old. wich it probably is.. that might help some with the clutch too.

It you were able to get it firing.. you're close, but yes.. get the real stuff. a gas dip won't do it.

06-30-2005, 04:15 PM
Ya the clutch is messed up for sure i think because when we push start it pops in and out and when i start with the starter it runs but when shifting up it is hard to shift or it shifts but it is in like nuetal. and for the carb i had to take the little air brash piece out that is next to the throttle needle hole. All i can say is when i had it accually moving it had some power and now i really want to get this fixed thanks for all the help. Oh and for the iol it didnt have any in it when i first got it i filled it up first thing.

06-30-2005, 04:34 PM
did'nt have any in ????????

holey crap man... no wonder the clutch is messed up..... imagine the tranny !

was it outside in the rain all this time ? or indoors ?

06-30-2005, 05:33 PM
Looks like you got your hands full.

06-30-2005, 06:09 PM
As far as i knew it sat outside for 6 years and the person said there was something wrong and it might be the clutch so im gonna try to find a cheap one. and for the little brass piece i took out how do i get that to clean if nothing breaks the stuff up thats in side it. the hole is smaller than a needle. I need to get the carb working so it will stay running. i had to keep the gas altheway on to keep it runnnig.

07-01-2005, 12:37 AM
Well i got some carb cleaner and used that but that little brass jet thing still seems to be clogged, but the now it has more power and it sounds better. The clutch is really messed up in 1st and 2nd gear then the rest are good other than sometimes its hard to shift up, and i was wondering where a good place would be to get a new clutch or something to fix this. Well thats all now. Thx

07-01-2005, 10:18 AM

07-01-2005, 04:11 PM
Hey i found that site last night but thx anyways, but do you know where i can get a carb rebuild kit cuz that little brass piece is cloged and it wont clean out. and also to fix the clutch do i just need the little disks from that site?

07-01-2005, 09:01 PM
Hey so can anyone tell me what i need to fix a clutch and where i can find a carb kit? When i try to start it it stalls when either the gas os full and when its not pushed enought to keep the motor running. and when rying to start it goes out of gear when you try to shift into first from N and in other gears also.

One more thing i cant hook up the air box to the carb becasue it never starts and im wondering why this is doing that. and thx for the help

07-01-2005, 09:52 PM
dude, if you KNOW things are clogged, why are you even trying to run it? it obviously is not going to run right. this "brass piece" you are talking about, do you mean the main jet? Just go to a yamaha shop and they should have the jet size in stock. only cost like 2 bucks. If not, they can order it for you and have it in a couple days. The yamaha shop will also be the place to go for your clutch.

07-01-2005, 11:54 PM
If you plan to work any amount on this thing.. i highly recommend investing in a clymer or haynes manual.... it will help greatly !

the shifting thing could be a return spring problem... clutch.. shift forks etc.......

if the tranny was empty.. flush it out once or twice before you go too far with it.

07-02-2005, 03:29 PM
Ok i cant get the motor to start now cuz i put the little brass piece back in. i wanted to know if that piece is supposed to be a hole or not.

07-03-2005, 03:17 PM
Well i was told that the pilot jet isnt supposed to have a hole thru it. so i just adjusted the piece. so all i need to do is the clutch and buy a battery. Im gonna try to get a camera so i can post some pics of it so everyone can see. And one more question is there a way to make the plastic look better because there are faded spots. if not im just gonna paint it with some of that fusion paint.

07-03-2005, 03:45 PM
Well i was told that the pilot jet isnt supposed to have a hole thru it. so i just adjusted the piece. so all i need to do is the clutch and buy a battery. Im gonna try to get a camera so i can post some pics of it so everyone can see. And one more question is there a way to make the plastic look better because there are faded spots. if not im just gonna paint it with some of that fusion paint.
There are several threads on here about restoring your plastic. I have done a couple Yamahas now & they look great. If your's is yellow, that is the easiest to restore. Don't waste your money on fusion paint, it'll just scratch off. Use that money to buy a manual instead. (Like I suggested about 25 posts ago) You won't regret it. Unless you have a lot of experience with your particular model, a trike w/o a manual is kinda like an 18 wheeler w/o brakes, a disaster waiting to happen.

07-03-2005, 04:49 PM
this little brass piece is inside the carb I take it? If it is spray into the hole and spray into the exit of the piece (if you can). This will help dislodge anything that is in it. Also once you get a rebuild make sure the A/f screw and idle screw are ajusted properly, and If it wont run with the air box on either your filter is EXTREMELY dirty or the A/F screw is adjust so richly that any restricions causes the cyclinder to not get enough air to stay running at idle. Good Luck. You may need it :)

07-03-2005, 05:05 PM
Sand and Polish your fenders, NO PAINT!

Do a search, you'll find lots of pages about restoring plastic

Take your time. The rear fenders alone took 10 hours.

(thia is about the 20th time I've posted this animation)


07-03-2005, 05:16 PM
Hey thanks for all the info and i hope people are not getting mad cuz i keep asking questions that may sound stupid but i really want to fix this and i doont want to mess anything up in the process. and for the brass piece it is the pilot jet sorta like the big one where the throttle needle goes into. i didnt no if the jet pilot was cloged or just didnt have a hole that went all the way thru.