View Full Version : 200 auto x wont fire? HELP PLEASE

06-25-2005, 10:06 PM
Ok I have been getting very frustrated with this thing so far so I decided to ask for help. I have an 83 200x with an 85 200s motor on it, I just got the motor and coil from DADS which is on .org and I believe to be a very reputable seller and he says it ran when he pulled it. So I installed the motor and hooked everything up and have pulled my arse off and had no results. I have checked for spark and one minute it seems like I am getting spark and the next I am not. I then decided to check all wires with an ohms meter and wiring diagram, everything checked out fine. Can someone tell me what the ohms reading should be for the coil? Also is there a way to check the cdi box? My other question is while checking out the kill switch I noticed that when checking ohms between the green and the black wire if I put it on kill on the left side I get infinite, if I put it on the run position I get infinite, if I put it on the right side kill I get zero resistance which definetly does not sound right to me, Now I am assuming that if I just wire the green and black together that would be like the run position but I am not positive, any input? Also all the lights have been removed from this, but I do not think that that should have any effect on things, right?

Hopefully someone get help me figure this out I really would like to hear this run and am definetly getting frustrated at it right now.

06-25-2005, 10:20 PM
Does it have a pretty blue spark or does it have an orange spark and dies out after a couple pulls?

06-25-2005, 10:25 PM
try shootin some gas through the carb see if it at least go's BANG....if dad's sold it to you and he said it was running when pulled then it was running when pulled, he is a VERY nice guy and i have never ever ever seen a problem with his stuff, did you use the wiring harness that was on your X alredy or did you put the one on if it came with the motor?

06-25-2005, 10:52 PM
When there actually is spark, my friend said that it is more on the orange side, I am using the harness that came with the bike but I am pretty sure that it is a 200s harness.

Yes I know I have never heard anything about bad about DADS which is why I decided to buy from him, I also bought the coil from him. So I trust that the motor and everything on it are fine and I figure it has to be something else, maybe CDI box? Anybody have one? I did try starting fliud and still got absoultly nothing different out of it. I can normally figure this stuff out as I have been around all sorts of toys for a long time, but this one is just frustrating me. Also does anybody have a good 200s/x harness?

06-26-2005, 12:01 AM
yea most of the time the problem is the stator coil...talk to howdy about one..hell set * up....its most likely the stator coil...make sure you either get a 185s or a 200s harness...and get all the electrical parts with it...so you know what you have and what you need...the 200x light may go out tho with the 200s wiring because the lighting coil doesnt put enough out to power the bigger light...i burned out quite a few halogen bulbs on my 185 becuase the light took too much power

06-26-2005, 07:10 AM
Is there an easy way to test the stator? I have a multimeter and testlight and everything. If it is the stator, where is a good place to pick one up?

06-28-2005, 12:38 AM

Rex Karz
06-28-2005, 02:50 AM
Did You ground the Green wire coming out of the stator coil? The kill switch works by shorting one of the cdi pins to ground.

06-28-2005, 08:20 AM
I have the green wire ground at the coil, and in one other spot. After doing more testing, my stator appears to be good, my cdi on the motor appears to be good, but When I hook a test light up to the wire that plugs into the ignition coil, I dont get anything so I really think that it is the cdi box that is bad, I am wondering if there is a way to test it, But I am looking for one with the two square plugs or a complete harness for a 200s with the cdi box.