View Full Version : figures..im too late

06-20-2005, 03:38 PM
in the paper sunday in the classifieds was an 86 br 250 and an 85 350x...200 for the br and 900 for the x...i call about the br and he says its gone...but he still has the x...im too late for the br man..those are rare as hell around here in indiana and i get f'ed!!! i asked if i could make payments on the the x and he says no cause he needs the money for his house...so i kinda got screwed there too..he said he wouldnt mind holdin it for me till i get the money but he needs it fast so yea...i hate kfc! i never get enough hours..lol...so who is the lucky mofo on here that got the br? it was in terre haute indiana...dam i hate that..i coulda had a br 250! he said it needed work tho but i wasnt worried bout that

06-20-2005, 03:42 PM
Keep looking.. they show up.

It's even harder around here.. Atlantic Coast canada.. they are all rusted POS most of the time..

06-20-2005, 03:50 PM
yea but thats the only 86-87 model br ive ever seen in any paper around here...and it was 200 bucks! thats what im pissed about

06-20-2005, 03:52 PM
if it sold for 200 $.. it had to be in BAAAAAAD shape...

06-20-2005, 03:54 PM
What is a br 250??

06-20-2005, 03:56 PM
Big Red 250

06-20-2005, 03:57 PM
duh,my bad

06-20-2005, 05:09 PM
yea lol big red 250...86 model...he siad there was somethin wrong to where it wouldnt run but other than that there wasnt much...what normally goes wrong on them tanks? i didnt think really anything electrical would be too bad on it..since they are the improved models...o well..one of these days

06-20-2005, 05:28 PM
entire rear end bearings. including swing arm would have run you 200 + $ alone.