View Full Version : atc200e update...IT RUNS!!!!!!

06-14-2005, 11:08 PM
well all thank you for all the help. I completly rewired the trike and added a new coil and CDI unit I got from ebay. built my own plug wire, added new gas and 3 pulls later BLAM we have ignition. :D Now all I think I need to do is find out how to adjust the carb and brakes....I figured out the brakes, but the carb is another story. I think I need to overhaul it as I can turn the screw and nothing happens, when I first hooked it up and started it someone had put the plunger in the wrong way and we have a very high idle for a few seconds till I shut her down. I put a few miles on her to make sure I had no leaks, and that all was ok and it is minus the carb. may overhaul tommorrow. but thanks to all of you that helped me get her running. :beer