View Full Version : HOOSIER Racing Slick Fun!!!!

TRI Z Racer
06-07-2005, 08:05 PM
Me and donny (hrc85250r) were in my garage when i started to wheel out my hoosier 18" slicks to pack for TF and we decided they couldnt wait, a quick turn of a wrench and voila, instant fun! These things are the most fun on grass i think ive ever had. they just spin and slide like a dream. they are controlable enough as well. The best part is they dont tear up the grass at all. just leave it matted down, this is good so the landlord doesnt complain. take a look at theses, i think they look awesome. We were going to do some bleach burnouts but my street is kinda heavily travelled and the cops would be on me in minutes if i was on the street. Oh well, they will be on for the start of trikefest too. they are just to much fun!!

TRI Z Racer
06-07-2005, 08:07 PM
sorry bout the last pic, none of them came out good, that was the best one

06-08-2005, 12:01 AM
HAHAHAHA, YES!!!!! and he forgot to add that he rolled it over doing powerslides...lol...

06-08-2005, 01:20 AM
Yea Cops Dont like it to much when you ride on the streets I Was trying to find out how Fast i go in each gear on a radar sign at the bottom of my street on my 350x and i got up to 76
and some trike hating ******* followed me back to my house and called the cops it took my like 20 min to drive the cop off be cause he had no proofbe cause i had my trike in my garage and he couldnt feel my pipe with out a search warnt. so yea just hide you trike if you get caught if they acually get a warnt your pipe will be cold :)

06-08-2005, 01:29 AM
Are those completly slick? I have some dirt tack Hoosiers and i can do the same thing on grass. I went for about 10 minutes on video of me spinning around. It was real fun, and those Hoosiers hook up on dirt better than ANY tire ive ever had on my X.

06-08-2005, 09:49 AM
Yea Cops Dont like it to much when you ride on the streets I Was trying to find out how Fast i go in each gear on a radar sign at the bottom of my street on my 350x and i got up to 76

Don't you love how those radar signs make you do illegal stuff? The one in my area has red and blue strobe lights that flash when you are five over. Of course I speed up so I can see them! :Bounce

06-08-2005, 10:16 AM
did you know you have fronts on the rear? and ive done that before its killer, i did a 360 on my blaster :D

TRI Z Racer
06-08-2005, 12:22 PM
yeah i know they are fronts, i figured a 6 inch tire was a lilttle too skiny for a rear. i just put them on for fun, nothing serious. Yes they are completely slick. The price was right on them so i picked them up, they are 4/100 and were free. cant beat that with a stick!

06-08-2005, 01:11 PM
What exactly do you use slicks for on an ATC/V?

06-08-2005, 01:47 PM
What exactly do you use slicks for on an ATC/V?
thats would be cool to see, make you you take a video when you do a javex burnout.

06-08-2005, 05:22 PM
we were going to do a bleach burnout, but there isnt anywhere to really do it legally near his house cause he lives in town...we will find somewhere to put it up against something and slam it through the gears and watch the tires smoke....