View Full Version : 200s rear brake help

06-07-2005, 08:29 AM
I am helping a neighbor out by doing some brake work on his 200s. The rear brake has new shoes, but was not working period. I found that the pivot shaft was froze up, so I got it unstuck and proceeded on.
Well this is where it gets a bit more interesting. The brakes cables, pivot assembly, etc work great or appear to work great until I put the drum itself back on. At that point with the machine still in the air, I try and set the cables for the foot and hand brake. What happens is when the pull lever finally gets to the point that the shoes are starting to engage, the lever freezes and will not release.
This means that the levers are limp and the brakes are stuck on. Without the drum I can move the lever to its max position without any binding.

Anyone have any input to help me get this machine out of my garage!!!?????


06-07-2005, 09:46 AM
Aftermarket shoes are usually to big, take a grinder and grind the top parts down a bit.

Did you also replace the springs? Sometimes those can go bad.

Check to see if your drum is "disfigured"

If that doesn't work, I would recommend soaking the whole thing in WD40 overnight.


06-07-2005, 09:56 AM
Is the drum gooved bad ? if it's worn bad ( driven with no shoes left.. and liners rubbing on drum !!! ) . The pads might be getting stuck in the grooves and get caught there.

when you lift the rear end of the trike off the ground and apply the brakes just enough fot them to start to grab.. and keep turning the wheels.. do they / grab / spin free / grab / spin / etc.. if so the drum is out of round.

Trikes with brakes are a rare breed !!!!! give it your best !! LOL...


06-07-2005, 09:57 AM
Aftermarket shoes are usually to big, take a grinder and grind the top parts down a bit.

Did you also replace the springs? Sometimes those can go bad.

Check to see if your drum is "disfigured"

If that doesn't work, I would recommend soaking the whole thing in WD40 overnight.


Thank you for the input.

I am not sure of the make of shoe as I did not get them, they were on it. I did recommend that they get new OEM shoes all around as the ones on the rear have some minor cracking on the end from were it looks the last person forced the drum on.

I mic'd the drun and it seems pretty good all around. The largest difference was around .15mm max.


06-07-2005, 10:01 AM
Is the drum gooved bad ? if it's worn bad ( driven with no shoes left.. and liners rubbing on drum !!! ) . The pads might be getting stuck in the grooves and get caught there.

when you lift the rear end of the trike off the ground and apply the brakes just enough fot them to start to grab.. and keep turning the wheels.. do they / grab / spin free / grab / spin / etc.. if so the drum is out of round.

Trikes with brakes are a rare breed !!!!! give it your best !! LOL...


The drum is not heavily grooved to my surprise. In the air it does not seem to grab, free, grab. Its just once I start to get it to grab a little the mechanism freexes it there.

I guess I can pop the shaft out tonight and verify that is not the issue. I will just need to order some new seals.

06-07-2005, 11:08 AM
rear axle bearings are not shot are they ?

06-07-2005, 12:06 PM
are the cables new?

Just ride it for a while with the brakes on, theyll wear to the drum and you should be all set...