View Full Version : Funny Stories...

02-04-2003, 12:01 AM
Hey guys,
It would be cool to post some funny riding stories about you or a friend. It could be about something funny,STUPID :rolleyes: , cool, etc. you did sometime in the garage or while riding, basicaly any great ole' storrys about you and your trike. Lets hear it... :Beerchug

02-04-2003, 12:21 AM
Back about 6 years ago when I had a 1985 200X and lived at home w/ mom and dad, I was doing some tuning while it was sitting there running. Dad had a large amount of expensive wood working machines which sat in various positions in the garage. He got the bright idea to sneak up on me while I am working to scare me. You should know that somtimes I am super jumpy, especially when I am alone and am totally fixed on whatever I am doing. I didn't hear him enter the garage because of the engine running, and he grabbed my shoulders and yelled REALLY loud. :shock: I was squat down beside the trike, and in my flail from being scared, my hand hit the shifter into first gear and the trike lunged forward into his nice drill press, sending the entire unit on it's side on the garage floor and breaking several of the drive pullies. My trike wasn't hurt, because it only hit with the tire. Dad was SO pissed, but I couldn't stop laughing, because he deserved it. :D

Also, I was riding at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes in MI last summer where we found a really cool dune top that allowed us to jump while maxed out in fourth or fifth gear and land really softly. I did it twice and got comfortable, then did a nice long jump that I stepped off at 18 paces. (roughly 18 yards, or around 54 feet) It wasn't so much funny, but it was really cool to be able to experience that kind of freefall for 50 or so feet and land it perfectly! 8)

02-04-2003, 12:46 AM
well last saturday me and and old buddy of mine decided to pull out are very least ridden machines. i had a 81 200e and he had a dr80 (he looked pretty silly , a grown man on a 10 year olds bike)well we got to this old road that used to run to a factory but closed down now. we opened them up. i had that 200 e maxxed out (i think that is about 40mph)and i hit a steel plate in the road (kinda like them flat ones they put over big holes in the road) when i hit it my front end went straight in the air and if it wasnt for my back rack i would of flipped it right over i held that wheelie right into a drainage ditch. now the trike will not start and that little dr80 got to tow me all the way home :oops: :oops:

02-04-2003, 02:00 AM
I was going down a trail one day and it's right beside a road, and I saw a couple of babes(lol) walking, so I had to show off. I went full speed (bout 50) over a bump that threw my back wheels up into the air, and I was like 15 ft away from crashing into them, and it's like the carb lost fuel supply or something because the engine shut off, it took me like 5 minutes of continuous pulling to get it started again. Needless to say instead of showing off and looking good, I looked like a jack@$$.
The End.

ATC crazy
02-04-2003, 09:23 PM
I posted this in the Opem Forum but since this topic is about my story, here it is. Its not about me, but my friend did something VERY STUPID!!!

Ok...my 2 friends came over today to ride and to play paintball. As we were riding, Chris (on the polaris) stops because we rode down a dead end (big tree w/ bank on either side) and we were all turning around. Josh (on my old 250sx) is already turned around and facing Chris. I turn around and I am 90 degrees to the trail. Chris throws in into reverse and nails the gas. He takes off past me and down the trail doing about 15mph (seriously) backwards, turned off the trail and nailed a tree. :o He was fine, but I cant say the same for the Polaris. The impact snapped the rear rack in half and off the bolts, bent the steel support bar into a pretzel, tore off his mud flap, cracked the rear fender, and bent the rack's mounting bracket. I just sat there for a minute and tried to think straight. Josh's eyes were wide open and his jaw dropped. We rode over to him and all he said was "There was something in my eye." Yeah right. We took everything off and continued to ride the rest of the day but Chris was going much slower then usual ( :D ). At least its still under the 6 month warranty.

P.S. This is the same Chris that rear-ended Josh about a month ago and caused some damage to Josh's machine. Chris is a maniac on that thing. Im scared to ride w/ him anymore.

02-04-2003, 09:47 PM
WELL i got a couple

one day one of my friends come over with a couple of old 3 wheelers one a 1979 atc 90 and a 200 kawasaki well after gettin both of them runnin he decided he'd take the old 90 for a ride behind my house well after trying to ride a wheelie for a while he started to get good at it and cracked her wide open in low low gear and flipped flipped flipped and ended up upside down all bent to hell and the fender torn off and such so now he was hurtin and decided to sit and watch me ride wheelies on that kawy 200 wellit has a manuual clutch and you know iff you fall off well ill just start here i come flyin down my yard at about 60 turned around and got back on her again (i live in a small town by the way on the out side) so i got her goin 50 or so and hit a big bump flew off and the jolt stuck the carb wide open because the throttle cable is junk so off i go and watch it run in to the neghbors house bigggggggg dent in the sidding and one fu*kd up 3 wheeler he wishes to this day he would have never brought them old things up that day

Well i call this one ouch i was goin down the road after a quick tire swap and doin about 40-45 i noiced a little wable in the back so let off the gas and there went the wheel right past me and me spining out on the hub on a tar road ending up in the ditch upside down it wrecked the hub and had to get a new axle turns out i forgot to tighten the LUG NUTS on that side thats a $150 wooooops

THem are just a few of my stupid storys

02-04-2003, 10:30 PM
Haha These are so funny. Well, today after I got back from school and had picked up my new battery from the cycle shop I decided to go out and ride my Big Red....Well after flying around for a while my little brother (11) came down to me and wanted to ride...Well we were flying around and decided to go inbetween these two ponds (one of them is about 20 ft deep and the other is about 1-3 ft.). Anyways, I decided to trun down the bank and go through the smaller pond wich was about 2ft deep...Well when I was turning to go down I went at an angle and its a steep bank. It started to tip to the left and I tried to bail...Well it rolled on me and my bro and we were stuck under it in about 1-2 ft of water!!! I squirmed out from under it and my little brother was still stuck. He yelled "GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!!!" I rolled it back on its wheels and got him out...Well in a flash he was GONE and had shot up to the house cause he was FREEZING...The water was about 40 Degrees or so, GOD IT WAS COLD! Well I started freezing and shaking and tried starting it back up...Well when I pushed the START buttom nothing happend...I was like CRAP! And pulled off the seat to see if the battery was still connected...Then I realized it was still in gear, so I pulled it into Neutral and it started right up...PHEW! I flew up to the house...Put it in the shed and ran for the house cause my whole boddy was soaked. Well that just about ties it up. It was so funny though, my little brother was FREAKED OUT :D !

Oh yeah,
The other day me and a friend were riding around her house and went acrosse this bridge over a small Stream/River. Well I was following her and she turned and went towards the creek, I was about 10 feet behind her and noticed it wasn't that deep, so I gunned it and FLEW arosse, well about 3 ft from the bank on the other side it drops off to about 2 ft! LOL, Well she hit that deep spot and stalled, when I hit it I flew right up on the bank THEN STALLED...CRAP! I started it back up and reved it REALLY high in Neutral to burn off all the water, well when revving it up I accidentaly hit it into 1st...MAN, it jumped foward and wheelied and almost flipped over...It was SO funny. My friend was laughing so hard afterwards saying I looked SKREWED when it wheelied...LMAO. Well, I know there are going to be many more stories to come...I just hope I live to tell them :D .

See ya guys


02-04-2003, 11:27 PM
:shock: :shock: i remember on summer say there were three of us in my dads garage,we had our three wheelers in there working ,adjusting things.
well someone came up with this bright idea that if we added more air to out balloon tires they would help us float in the rain swollen drainage ditches.
well to make a long story short,we hooked up the air compressor to my buddies big red front tire and proceeded to inflate. well you can guess what happened next,the tire grew in size and with the garage door down the shop was pretty air tight,the tire blew and the resulting force blew out the glass window,and we all couldn't here for about an hour,boy we never did that again.

02-05-2003, 05:26 PM
I had quite a funny one the other day where I was riding my 110 on our local moors and there is a really steep slope with loads of rocks all broken into steps and wierd shapes and it is very rough! I'd just gone down it in 1st low when about 5 bikers on 450 and 600 trailbikes went past me and proceeded to go up this hill 4 made it, one fell off so me and my little 110 chugged back up the hill and clambered over all the rocks and past all these lads watching the fallen biker, We popped a wheelie up the last step then stopped, snicked back into high range and roared off! these guys looked so pissed! Later they went past me while I was going through water and I was soaked, the bastards!
Shame I forgot the camera and the spare Petrol!


ATC crazy
02-05-2003, 08:22 PM
:-P I just remembered this one. Last spring, my friend Josh came over to ride on his '85 atc125m (this was before he bought my sx). I had my new Foreman 450s out, and we were riding on my neighbors driveway because it's very long and has a great up hill straightaway to the road. Well, I was turned around at the bottom and was facing up the driveway while Josh was coming down. He gets up to top speed and is coming around the turn sideways at about 40mph. For some reason he wasnt slowing down and he was heading straight for me. Since I didnt have enough time to move, I just grabbed all the brakes and held on for my life. About 25' from me he locks up all the brakes and runs straight into me at about 20mph (yes; really). He flies off the ATC, hits me head-on and knocks me off the Foreman. We are laying on the ground dazed, trying to figure out what had just happened. The Foreman and both of us were alright but it turns out that he had pushed the Foreman back about 2-3' ( :shock: ), shattered his headlight, and just slightly bent his forks. That was a pretty scary moment.