View Full Version : wheelies on a 2-stroke

06-01-2005, 10:44 PM
i cant seem to ride a wheelie on my tri-moto 125. my brother said even though its a pretty small 3 wheeler that it would be very difficult to ride a wheelie because its a 2-stroke and they are to "kicky". is this true?

06-02-2005, 06:48 AM
I can do wheelies on two strokes no problem but a four stroke is much easier to shift thru the gears with the front end up. I had a 84 200x that I could wheelie into 4th gear. The best was my rocket had the front end in the air in 4th when the wheel hit the ground the speedo was at 135.

06-02-2005, 08:22 AM
Wheelies on a tri-moto are wicked easy. I can't shift on the fly though. Once I pop it up, I hafta do it with just balance, not acceleration.

06-02-2005, 09:01 AM
my first trike was a 125 and it use to scare me when id did wheelies

06-02-2005, 09:05 AM
i just don't have the guts to do good one's.... Can't get myself to risk flipping it over and needlesly breaking stuff.

I'm getting a bit more daring on the SX tho.. i like pulling the front wheel up a foot or so on takeoff.... but that's about it.

06-02-2005, 09:15 AM
Tri-Motos wheelie like crazy! I had a 175 for about three years and the front tire was still brand new when I sold it. :D

06-02-2005, 09:51 AM
I put wheelie bars on my homebuilt, and I think I am going to make an un-boltable one for the tri-moto. One that I can take off without cutting. Wheelie bars are so nice. Try to think of them as a safety feature. They make it so you can practice without being scared. I was very scared of the wheelies. Then I made the too-high wheelie bar for the homemade. I made it so it touched the ground just after the balance point. I was hitting the bar all the time, then as I got better, I was on the bar less and less. Now I am used to the feeling of the "balance point", and I'm not scared of it. I could probably take the wheelie bars off my homemade and be able to ride a wheelie without them. But I sure needed them for the "learning curve". :) Do I look scared in this pic? :w00t:

06-02-2005, 09:56 AM
I can wheelie all day and go forever on my 250ex, but when I get on the "R" its a little different. I can pop it up but not shift or ride it as long as I'd like, a little more practice and I'll be fine, I havent had it that long.

Blown 331
06-02-2005, 11:58 AM
For me wheelies on a 4 stroke are way easier. On my 250R I can pull the front end up in any gear but I haven't been able to shift through the gears with the front end up. If I pull it up in 6th at pretty good speed I can ride a longer wheelie like that than any other way. I'd say I've went about 150 feet.
Now on my 450R I can pull the front end up in any gear at any speed and I start in first and shift all the way into 5th with the front end up the whole time or just pull it up in 5th and I can go for miles. My buddy did a 5.3 mile long wheelie at 70 mph + on a stock 400EX. We even go around curves in the road. Just turn the bars and the front tires cut the wind. You can also lean and hang one leg way out for more wind resistance.
I've only ridden a 350X one time but if I had one to practice on I garantee I could go for miles in 6th gear riding a wheelie.

06-02-2005, 12:19 PM
I havnt tried shifiting with the Tri-Z or Tecate but in third gear (I love it for wheelies) I can ride one out for 100ft depending on how well I balance it. Now on the 250SX I can go forever so to speak, the SX is easy to shift through and it has a nice baalance point.

06-02-2005, 12:23 PM
I love this subject. I could just play around for hours practicing this! :Bounce

06-02-2005, 01:08 PM
On the tri-moto, the trick is getting the front end in the air. When I had mine back in the early 80's, I could not get it to pop up on its own. I would have to put my knee up on the seat or a foot on the grab bar. Once up, I could have rode all day. I never understood the rasoning behind shifting through all the gears. I play in 1 or 2 and ride them for great distance. I guess after loosing the machine a few times, x # of cuts, bruises, and stiches, it makes you not care for speed wheelies.

06-02-2005, 01:40 PM
I play in 1 or 2 and ride them for great distance. I guess after loosing the machine a few times, x # of cuts, bruises, and stiches, it makes you not care for speed wheelies.
I agree. 2nd and 3rd for me. I tried fourth once, and long story short, I was left running after the trike while it bounced and rolled like a football down a hill. I wasn't laughing, but the people watching me sure were!

06-02-2005, 02:12 PM
I wiped out goin 30 or so, I got some nice scratches and a bruised ego and thats about it, I was shaken pretty bad to, so after about 5 minutes of calming down I just got back on and started ridin them agian.

06-03-2005, 02:38 PM
Its all PRACTICE. I used to be able to wheelie for a sec. But after lots of practice you can wheelie as long as you want. I can wheelie all the way up my street while still in 2nd with the 200s. 2-strokes are much snappier and are harder to shift through but the 3rd day i had my 250R im able to shift thru wheelies but its sorta hard to keep it in one position because of the quick reving. Thats my 2 cents

06-03-2005, 06:05 PM
in second gear on my 200e i can ride forever, i just put my foot on the rack and balance, of course with it being a hard tail it is wicked easy. impossible to shift gears while in a wheelie though, might have something to do with an auto-clutch.

06-03-2005, 07:36 PM
On my ytm200e i put it in second, and punch the gas a little and it pops up like nothing, I can go for a long time and I have shifted from 2nd to 3rd while wheeling, its hard because youve got to lean it so far back so when you let off the gas it dosnt go back down as fast. But when you get in the third gear, it goes too fast and you have to let it down. (I dont put my foot on the grab bar either, thats cheating, haha;)). The YTM's wheelie a lot easier then ATC's because the motor is further back in the frame

250r'en +TCB
06-03-2005, 07:39 PM
In my expierence you can just about pull a wheelie on anything, sometimes it takes arm strength, other times just the balls to jam the throttle and dump the clutch!!!!

06-03-2005, 08:41 PM
I can get threw a few gears sometimes on my blaster and its a 2 stroke ,my atc i can hang the wheel for a while and just creep around at slow speeds.

06-03-2005, 11:14 PM
250R's are the best wheelie machines ever. When I lived in Ohio and had big enough fields to ride in I could start in 1st, go all the way to 6th and then back down to 1st again without ever putting the front tire down. Z's are pretty good for wheelies too.

This is the only example I have. (http://webserver1.dancris.com/~dammit/250r/lowtire.avi) It isn't a very good one (not much room) and no, my hair doesn't look like that anymore. :p

In the process of mastering it though, I did manage to run over my own leg WHILE doing a wheelie. Now THAT took some serious skill. :D

Mike Fort Laud
06-04-2005, 01:54 PM
I think I have to agree that the 250R may be the wheelie master. I can roll along in 1st and hit the throttle to lift the tire then using the power just keep shifting through the gears until I let it back down in 6th. I get on the highway and pass cars with the front tire in the air at 60 mph. On a powerful 2 stroke balance has nothing to do with it. It is all about getting the front tire up and using the power to chase it. To much throttle and you better have your foot on the brake to set it back down. You basically do not use balance to keep the tire up,that is for a slow wheelie. For a fast wheelie you gotta use power. Ever see a street bike do a wheelie. The bike has enough power to keep the weight of the front end up,and also enough power to flip over backwards. It is all about throttle control........

06-06-2005, 12:00 AM
I used to ride wheelies on my tri motor all the time I usually started them in second and I could usually get it into third but no more power after third. I'd get a little crazy sometimes and bend the rear bar but oh well I can do them way better on a bike .

06-07-2005, 04:55 PM
I was pretty comfortable riding wheelies through all of the gears with my 250sx. And one day me and my buddy were riding doubles and for the last wheelie of the day we decide to make it up a hill. So we pull it up in 5th (this was when it was totally stock so a good pull and a yank were necessary) and were riding it just fine and about near the 1/6th mile mark we are near the top of the hill and i overcooked it just a little bit. So the bike goes back and my buddies getting the full force of the ground and my weight against him at about 45 mph. So he finally falls off and I am shocked as hell but just fine. I got up to go talk to him and he was pretty scratched up. I felt horrible so since then I don't do as many wheelies or go as far.

06-07-2005, 05:11 PM
i would have to say that i can ride the best wheeleis on my old 200s and my 200x i have now, the 200x i like to ride them in 2nd gear and my 200s i had 1st gear.

06-07-2005, 09:46 PM