View Full Version : seat recover

05-30-2005, 10:33 PM
my 200s seat was ripped to **** so i pulled of the cover put another thin layver of foam over the stock foam and bought some white marine vinyl. just wondering how you guys did yours? because the staples in it are stumping me on how to redo them......... hand staple gun is not enough power for the plasic , and the air stapler does take short enough staples . how can i do this? i was think itty bitty screws with washers.? also is it possible to stretch the vinyl enough so i dont have to have a fold or wrinkles on the rear corners?

05-30-2005, 10:37 PM
I want to find someone to recover my tri Z seat with as close to OEM red and material as possible. I did recover my own banshee seat a while back and had the same problems you are having.

Anyone have any suggestions for a professional recover close to OEM - not those seamed seat covers. The look and feel of OEM.

05-30-2005, 11:04 PM
first, chuck the marien vinaly out, as soon as it gets cold like in the winter and you sit on it it WILL crack, get ski-doo vinal where ever you got the marien stuff should have ski-doo vinal too, its got a -40 crack proof and is water proof too, to keep the wrinkels out you have to throw the material into the dryer for a min befor you put it on, then stretch and staple,

05-30-2005, 11:08 PM
what kinda staples do you use though?........ the dryer will allow it to stretch more and do the whole seat with no wrinkles or folds?

05-31-2005, 01:34 AM
When I replaced the cover on my sx, I used a hand staple gun with 1/4" staples.

I did have to go back with a punch, and push most of the staples in all the way by hand.

05-31-2005, 08:36 AM
I use vinyl from my local fabric store (ie Joann Fabrics). I buy the good stuff because I am worth it and it last better. I use a sweing machine and cut panels for the seats so that way the fit is right. Stretching the vinyl always seemed to leave creases for me. I have an electric staple gun that works at putting the seat back on a plastic pan. As long as I hold the stapler right against the plastic so there isn't any kick-back, it works great. I have done this method for many seats now.

05-31-2005, 11:23 AM
If all you have is a hand stapler, use the short staples and tap in with a hammer afterwards. Alternatively, have an upholstery shop put it together.

05-31-2005, 12:27 PM
a heat gun works good too. . the problem with the dryer thing is that unless you are some quick.. it cools off too quickly and gets stiff again... so a heat gun or even a hair blower if it's all you have.. on the hottest setting will make things softer to work with. Heat.. Strech.. staple..

Powershot stapler works good... but like TOF said.. a sewing machine with proper seams is the best option in my opinion !~

I think azhondagrl does good work !!!.. maybe PM her.

05-31-2005, 01:04 PM
i use an electric stapler with 3/8 inch staples. just make sure its on a sturdy surface when you do it so you can push on it. and put the seat cover out in the sun in a nice hot day and let it get nice and hot so its easier to strech.

05-31-2005, 03:04 PM
you are gonna have fun using a hand stapler, something with a little air behind it will work wonders. Also, if you have an iron with a steam setting, use that, the steam will absorb into the vinyl and give you a little more time than something like a blow dryer, and a lot quicker than the sun(well, at least for you, might be faster in AZ). Don't actually iron the vinyl, but hold it close to the vinyl and steam it, unless you have an actual steamer like you'd use for clothes or somethin. That's my .02 to you, or, you can usually throw 15 bucks at an upholstery shop and they'll install it real quick and correctly.

05-31-2005, 03:39 PM
throw 15 bucks at an upholstery shop and they'll install it real quick and correctly.

That's the best suggestion so far i think ! !!1 :D .. well spent 15 $