View Full Version : Watery Fun !!! today's run !

05-28-2005, 02:22 PM
Here is the SX.. Rob0781's Moto4 and the neighbor's brand new suzuki !

05-28-2005, 02:24 PM
You'll notice the tools on my seat..... Foster had a pull start problem and needed a C clip to put things together.. the Honda dealership is 2 minutes away from my place.. but they did not have any spares... so unfortunately he was out to today.

The red kawi is a 2004 700.. nice bike !!!! huge.

05-28-2005, 02:28 PM
Now up here in the maritimes.. New Brunswick Canada.. it's been raining.. RAINING and more F!#@$%%^@% rain .. for the last month.. we had 50mm 's of the wet stuff 24 hrs before... and our trails go thru .. what else but a swamp !

Here you see me going into a stream.....

Comming out the other side.... holy crap that thing was deep.. the SX did awsome.. the front tire floats like a clowd and the rear sinks like a rock.. made for a few hairy moments.. had it up vertical at one point... but hey i got thru.

And on the way back.. you can see water up to the rear rack.. my rack is a few inches taller than usual... long story !!!

And this is after that suzuki and kawy went thru and ditched it up good !

05-28-2005, 02:31 PM
This rob going in !!

and this i how far rob got ! !!! :p

Sucker just stalled.. quit.. puked... and refused to start for a few minutes..

Now if this is not bad enough.. once you cross here.. you have to go thru one about 10 x as long and i'm sure it's a royal mess at this time of year.... so we simply turned around ! found another trail :D

05-28-2005, 02:34 PM
Now it's only fair that i admit getting myself hung up.

On the way back. i started up from the current in case it pushed me along.. and after crossing the deep part.. the front tire caught a branch and i managed to hang the front up on dry land.

I could have backed up... into the current... but figured i'd take my punches and let the suzuki pull me over that tree you see my front tire on ! :rolleyes:

05-28-2005, 02:43 PM
Here is a picture of one of the open roads.. those are fun and relaxing.

Suzuki clocked me going 85 km/h.. full out. my SX needs a 6th gear damit.

And a vid of the kawi crossing the water.. I made it thru that !!!! :TrikesOwn

85 250sx
05-28-2005, 02:59 PM
wow that looks like fun! Those rear tires look pretty sweet what kind are they? I might have to get me a pair

05-28-2005, 03:14 PM
Looks like a whole lot of fun!

I forget if your the one that mentioned how you like the Kenda pro max up front.

How is the tread holding up for you? Have alot of miles on it?

Where did you get it and how much with shipping?

I think I'vee seen it (22X11X8) as low as 46.00 + shipping. Sound good?

05-28-2005, 03:19 PM
Kenda Front-Max.. 22 11 8

Yep.. love it so far. lots of clearance for the SX forks, the thread is holding up pretty good so far.. i have a couple hundred Km's on them so far, holding up good.

cost me 57, canadian. localy.

05-28-2005, 03:54 PM
The rear are Bear Claws. 22 12 8.. should be 11 because the right side rubs the exhause when the suspension does deep.

I was really amazed at how the SX preformed.. got stuck once in the deep mud.. fills the tires and it's like riding slicks.... the front tire buldozed a mud mound and that was it... but that was it..the rest of the way i trucked on thru !

05-30-2005, 09:16 AM
Yep, my starter wet the bed. Funny how the dealer who brags about being the biggest and best couldn't manage to rustle me up a C clip. :(
Man, it was killing me to see these guys ready to roll and me having to go home for repairs -- all over a clip that cost me 49 cents at the local hardware store.
Glad you guys had fun, anyway.
It was great to meet Rob and Bigredhead, who incidentally is not very big and doesn't have a very big nor red head!
You guys seem like my kind of folks!
Next time,
P.S. I got rolling again by 3 p.m. and went out behind Caledonia just to blow of some steam. I was pretty angry. :)

05-30-2005, 09:27 AM
We'll be back out.... no worries !

Yeah.. i'm not surprised that toys could'nt even find a simple C clip.. that's nuts.. they would have had to order it in.. wait until friday's deliveries and charge you 3.95 for it. doh.

We got back around 2:30 or so.. i was BEAT...... dead tired.. Rob was working until 4am and had been up since.. LOL.... We only managed about 40 km's.. but it was a rough 40 k.

Probably wait a few weeks for things to dry up some.. it's a soggy mess out there right now !!!

05-31-2005, 01:47 AM
yeah it wasn't a bad trip out...it definatly won't be our last,i'm sure next time your trike will be ready.....it was still kinda wet in some places kinda sucks bein with the big 4x4's makes me feel like were holding them back....gastons sx amazed me on saterday i couldn't believe the water hole he went throught.....lol

05-31-2005, 08:42 AM
Looks like you guys had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pics! :cool:

05-31-2005, 09:11 AM
looks like fun man,