View Full Version : GRRRR Front Brake Master cylinder

02-02-2003, 04:00 PM
Finally warm enough to work on my 350. Got the screws out of the master cylinder in the front, cleaned everything, put it back togther, filled with fluid........And the sight glass leaks!!! Has a big crack in the center now. Is there any way to replace this, or am I hosed?

02-02-2003, 04:11 PM
I need one too, beaterbiker. I was polishing the housing and the plastic viewing window melted real quick. Would be greatly appreciated if someone could help.

I already checked it out and there is not a part number to order it from a dealer. It looks like we'll have to find someone with a broken housing and a good window, or an aftermarket replacement.

ATC crazy
02-02-2003, 07:28 PM
Check around your city and try to find a ATV junkyard. You can probably find one there. There is one around here but I have never been. You just might find one there pretty cheap. You could also probably use any master cylinder from a Honda. :?

02-02-2003, 07:44 PM
Yepp you cant just get a new master glass.. i use only new/used 400ex masters on all of my bikes.. like the 350'x, and 250r's.. why not? new masters with plenty of stopping ability and you can usually get them for less then $40.. why rebuild?

02-03-2003, 10:44 PM
Try www.bikebandit.com they got that kind of stuff

02-04-2003, 12:14 AM
Good answers guys. Thanks for not telling me to give up! I will check into some newer stuff, and see what I come up with. Good luck to everyone putting a cheesy one back in the dirt like me!! And to you guys with the cherry rides, KEEP EM THAT WAY!!! If you get tired of it, sell it before it turns into a rusty pile of cheese. A bike is a terrible thing to waste!!!

02-04-2003, 01:21 AM
Actually almost any make/model master cylinder will work as long as you get the perch and lever to go with it. I dont know of any that use a differnet type brake line hookup, and the only other factor is that is has to push enough volume of fluid. Ive got one from a 230 quadsport Id part with for $20 + shipping, or you can bid on it tomorrow night on Ebay when I list it.