View Full Version : I spy again # 4,5,6,7 and 8 !

05-25-2005, 06:00 PM
I won't make a long story (getting tired of that) so here are the ones I scoped out today and the main reason I always post what I see is I'm hoping one of these days the people get back to me on them and......... .............

I am not interested in having any more (4 is plenty for now) and would only buy them to turn them over quick or one of you might be interested in buying one?

The 3 pics are of a 1985 200S. It's all there and has been setting for years and years and years. I remember seeing it that long ago in same spot. I hope to get it for 50 bucks or so and pass it on to MX 600. Man I hope they call!

Hey MX 600, note how the stock exhuast comes out in the middle like that. I didn't know that (I did at one time since I had one) since tours had the cobra on.

Next is a YTM 200 that has been sitting quite some time also. Pretty much rust on side and bottom but definitly worth saving. 600, you might be interested in that too?

05-25-2005, 06:07 PM
thats really origional(sp?) it would make a really good one to restore why dont i find cool stuff like that

05-25-2005, 06:18 PM
Great finds- A think you need a web cam attached to to a baseball cap so we could see you do this live.

05-25-2005, 06:27 PM
Great finds- A think you need a web cam attached to to a baseball cap so we could see you do this live.

Great idea! :D

What you would see is my truck going forward, stopping suddenly, then backing up to see if it is what I think it is.

Then it show a veiw of me walking up taking pics and one of these days someone coming out with a shot gun after me :rolleyes: :D I always knock 1st and if no one home quick rush over for a few snaps.

Just sit tight yet, as there is a small family of Honda's I have not shown yet!

05-25-2005, 06:30 PM
thats really origional(sp?) it would make a really good one to restore why dont i find cool stuff like that

Just look harder, thats all! Any tire or red or yellow or a familar 3 wheeler color I imeadiatly stop for a scope- spy job.

Most of the times it's a dumb tractor though.

05-25-2005, 06:41 PM
The 200s doesn't look so bad. Stock tires which makes it look like it hasn't seen too many hours.

The Yamaha is chain drive right? Possibly could use it to help fix up my dad's Yamahauler, but the engine won't swap over, unless someone knows how to transfer from chain to shaft. Of course that assumes this 200 even runs....

05-25-2005, 06:55 PM
Here is the trio of Honda's I found all together. They all had flat tires here and there so maybe they don't use them anymore? Wishful thinking I guess :D

2 - 110's and a Big Red.

Went to my next delivery and there sets some nice 20X10X10 wheels.

05-25-2005, 07:02 PM
The 200s doesn't look so bad. Stock tires which makes it look like it hasn't seen too many hours.

The Yamaha is chain drive right? Possibly could use it to help fix up my dad's Yamahauler, but the engine won't swap over, unless someone knows how to transfer from chain to shaft. Of course that assumes this 200 even runs....

Notice the deluxe chrome rack on the 200S too? :naughty:

Speedo on the Big Red :naughty:

05-25-2005, 07:03 PM
im going to be making my parents stop the car at every red,yellow,blue,white and green thing i see now :D and the camera if definitely coming for a ride with me

huffa you have been given a trike spotting gift


05-25-2005, 07:08 PM
im going to be making my parents stop the car at every red,yellow,blue,white and green thing i see now :D and the camera if definitely coming for a ride with me

huffa you have been given a trike spotting gift


I almost missed the "family" of Honda's though. At the very last second I spotted a glimpse of red and backed up, then walked up and thought "HOLY MOLY"... a whole family of Hondas!

Imagine if the guy calls and says 700- 800 takes them all! :Bounce

Anyone want to split in with me?

05-25-2005, 07:12 PM
its a good thing you stopped for the family or red the 110s look in really good condition aswell, hopefully the guy does ring and say he wants that for them so you can rehome the family :D
do you think they may be upset if you break them up from the daddy red?


05-25-2005, 07:12 PM
lol he probably has trike vision... he can see these things from a mile away, even if theyre inside a shed.. under tarps.. under 5 feet of grasss.. lol

05-25-2005, 07:14 PM
or the trikes come alive when he is near and move so he can spot them

05-25-2005, 07:22 PM
You both crack me up :D Very funny.

I always veiw as the old TV series "The 6 Million dollar man" where it shows him looking far away and they make a "beep,beep,beeep,beep sound as his eyes are zeroing in on something a 1/2 mile away.

if they made a 3 wheeler radar I'd buy it for sure! It could have settings for different makes. :D

05-25-2005, 07:24 PM
you need to put a patent on the new trikedar system someone else might steal your gift:)

05-25-2005, 07:25 PM
you need to put a patent on the new trikedar system someone else might steal your ide

Hey, I just updated my last post and talked about that very thing! :beer

05-25-2005, 07:31 PM
doh :rolleyes: anyway you dont need to buy the trikedar system like us, you heve it built in, maybe on the list of optional extras before you were born you chose to be kitted out with it . i probably chose somthing like being able to make stupid noises :cry:

05-25-2005, 07:33 PM
I wish the darn phone would ring :mad:

05-25-2005, 07:37 PM
did you get to speak to the person who owned them or did you leave a note?

05-25-2005, 07:45 PM
did you get to speak to the person who owned them or did you leave a note?

Left a note at everyone. Soon I'm going to make copies though so I don't have to write so many notes. Just leave the model part of the note have a line ---------- and fill it in when I see one. Be a whole lot easier and look more professional then my 4th grade writing. :D

05-25-2005, 07:47 PM
that could be a big project how are you gonna carry enough of these notes around to leave one with all the trikes your finding :)

EDIT: on the downside they might think your some kind of dealer if you have a prdfessional loooking note and not want to sell

05-25-2005, 07:48 PM
lol thats gonna be great, soon you will have stacks of business cards "Huffas Trike Salvage"

05-25-2005, 07:51 PM
doh :rolleyes: anyway you dont need to buy the trikedar system like us, you heve it built in, maybe on the list of optional extras before you were born you chose to be kitted out with it . i probably chose somthing like being able to make stupid noises :cry:

Well I do know this - my 1st word I learned was "GO" and my Mom says I loved to tool around in my basement when I was 3 on a simple 3 wheel trike that had no pedals. The kind you just used your own feet to make them motivate.

I don't remember it though. :confused:

Hey, that means in 1958 I was 3 wheeling! So I have 46 years experiance trikin!

05-25-2005, 07:53 PM
that could be a big project how are you gonna carry enough of these notes around to leave one with all the trikes your finding :)

EDIT: on the downside they might think your some kind of dealer if you have a prdfessional loooking note and not want to sell

Yes, you have a point there.

05-25-2005, 08:00 PM
lol thats gonna be great, soon you will have stacks of business cards "Huffas Trike Salvage"

Hey, I thought of that, seriously. Just cruise the country side and start handing out cards or (probably illegal) find out where they drop off the stacks of newspapers in the morning and slip a card in eveyone!

You can tell which homes are three wheeler canidates - usually older houses with junk scattered all over.

I thought something simple like along the lines of "The 3 wheeler guy" - buy, sell restore & repair, with a 3 wheeler logo up in the corner.

Any other ideas for a buissness card?

05-25-2005, 08:00 PM
i cant wait to find out if the person rings you are you gonna try and sell the family to people on here? and if you find some more trikes tomorrow aswell your gonna make me depressed!! (now i have said this your going to find the motherload stashed away )

05-25-2005, 08:06 PM
i cant wait to find out if the person rings you are you gonna try and sell the family to people on here? and if you find some more trikes tomorrow aswell your gonna make me depressed!! (now i have said this your going to find the motherload stashed away )

I won't mention about 3WW what so ever if that's what you mean.

I'll relay what ever they tell me to you guys.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a 250SX up in NY (from a member) and a 225 frame even farther up in NY so I'll have my eyes peeled even more so.

I better start printing my notes. :D

05-25-2005, 08:07 PM
you should take a trip to maine to look for some trikes for me, i think i have spotted two within a 50 mile radius

05-25-2005, 08:10 PM
you should take a trip to maine to look for some trikes for me, i think i have spotted two within a 50 mile radius

I looked Spruce head island up - doesn't come up on map quest?

Did you just make that up? :D

Oh man your a paint ball guy. That's a weird "sport".

Maybe we should combine the two together? "Trike Ball"

05-25-2005, 08:16 PM
what combine the two at the same time? so your trying to shoot the other person and pull of a sweet jump on a 250r :D

05-25-2005, 08:16 PM
lol ive thought about jumping on the trike and chasing they guys around.. im sellin my apintball gun right now, but look up just Spruce Head, or South Thomaston and thats where i am

05-25-2005, 08:23 PM
Your "only" 500 miles - 8 hours away from me. Can i come up sometime?


What the heck is there to do up there? Whats the riding situation?

Please tell me you have sand dunes and I'm a coming!

Never, ever did that and once in my life would love to try it.

I need a 250R though :cry:

05-25-2005, 08:32 PM
Haha nice finds Huffa... Im also sending you that part tommorrow ;)... ill cover shipping

05-25-2005, 08:35 PM
Thanks buddy! I'll have to search the garage to see if I can find anything for you now.

05-25-2005, 08:38 PM
remember the camera if your going to be using the trikedar we need pics

05-25-2005, 08:41 PM
come up any time lol,Trails are very harsh, no dunes... nothing much to ride really, if i tried i could go the 40-50 miles to augusta's frye mountain, other than that its pretty small. we have snowmobile trails that if i knew most of them or had a gps i could make it. i like going up north on the logging roads ( see Maine_trikers post about his ride today) its all dirt roads..

05-25-2005, 09:02 PM
I almost missed the "family" of Honda's though. At the very last second I spotted a glimpse of red and backed up, then walked up and thought "HOLY MOLY"... a whole family of Hondas!

Imagine if the guy calls and says 700- 800 takes them all! :Bounce

Anyone want to split in with me?
Sure! I just sold that POS Polaris 500

05-25-2005, 09:04 PM
Your "only" 500 miles - 8 hours away from me. Can i come up sometime?


What the heck is there to do up there? Whats the riding situation?

Please tell me you have sand dunes and I'm a coming!

Never, ever did that and once in my life would love to try it.

I need a 250R though :cry:
Yeah... im only a small 600miles away

05-26-2005, 09:37 AM
Get them all.

05-26-2005, 09:54 AM
lol he probably has trike vision... he can see these things from a mile away, even if theyre inside a shed.. under tarps.. under 5 feet of grasss.. lol
i have the same thing but i am uselly looking around in my buddys junk yard they dont care if i look around on there property i found many old hondas that had seen there days parts and pieces frames and tires motors etc. i should go get um all id be packed with so many things thow i goty no room left for it all lol the R, 200x, trailfire 440, and 2 trucks take up all my room lol

05-26-2005, 10:47 AM
You can tell which homes are three wheeler canidates - usually older houses with junk scattered all over.

you know, i find itd the same way down here, my bro-in -law and i go cruising almost every saturday, just to spot 3-4 wheelers that are laid up/ junked. If we turn into a high-end neighborhood, we usually ride a little faster than if we were in an older one. I took the wife an kids out the other day for a ride, i found 6 or 8 laid up in a 10 mile stretch...most dont look as nice as those though. :D I also do the same thing, stop, knock on the door, and if no-one is home, leave a note . I love it when someone is there....most people will JUMP when you say "I'll give ya 50 bucks for it" and pull out a couple 20s an a 10. :D :D

05-26-2005, 07:21 PM
you know, i find itd the same way down here, my bro-in -law and i go cruising almost every saturday, just to spot 3-4 wheelers that are laid up/ junked. If we turn into a high-end neighborhood, we usually ride a little faster than if we were in an older one. I took the wife an kids out the other day for a ride, i found 6 or 8 laid up in a 10 mile stretch...most dont look as nice as those though. :D I also do the same thing, stop, knock on the door, and if no-one is home, leave a note . I love it when someone is there....most people will JUMP when you say "I'll give ya 50 bucks for it" and pull out a couple 20s an a 10. :D :D

We would make a great tri team then! Cover a 40 mile radious or so. :beer

05-26-2005, 07:33 PM
Im to the point that I carry an open notebook and a pen to quickly write down an address as soon as I see something, most of the time I cant stop right then to check on it.

05-26-2005, 07:39 PM
Well so far all the ones I have ever left notes at, I only got one reply and that was the most butchered up 200S or ES or whatever I ever saw. :cry:

Instead of unbolting the motor they just cut the frame to remove it. :rolleyes:

Not much at all left but even a few free parts makes me happy.

The guy just days ago said I can have it. Hope he sticks to his word although if not, certainly no great loss or big deal on my part.

Weird though, they sit and sit and sit for years, you leave a note and they don't call me back :wondering

I just know they are the type that think someday they will fix it. :rolleyes:

05-26-2005, 07:46 PM
or maybe there hoping that if they leave it long enough it will fix itself

have you ever gone back to the places you have seen the trike to see if they have moved after you haved left the note . maybe in leaving the note you jogged them into thinking ahh yes i think i will do that resto on the 110 i have been putting off for 12 years:P

05-26-2005, 08:37 PM
Well the one place (I never talked about) is 2 minutes up the street from me. Spotted a rare blue YTM 200 in there back yard with front wheel off among other things in the begging of last winter. Went all winter uncovered out in the weather.

Talked to them (not very freindly) and said their grandson is fixing it up and just needs a tire.

Passed there again and talked to them just weeks ago. Same deal. :rolleyes:

:Bounce update :Bounce

9:00 the guy with the YTM 200 just called me! Yahoooo! For once someone calls with a decent trike I saw. I'll get back to him tomorrow. :beer